Newbie - FAQ

Being a noob is driving me cuckoo!!red_smile
Blissful_Belle See my TER Reviews 2839 reads

I have two questions for all. First what do you think about emails sent from a business, such as a bank or hospital etc... dont they sweep those on occasion? Also, i just posted an add on my regional board and read that i can post a link to it from here? How do i do that? Yikes, i just thought of another question, how do i post a pic... i see the box for it but other than that im clueless. I know alot of you are rolling your eyes, but please remember that you were once new too!!; )Kisses, Belle.

I don't think it is a big problem for you if someone goes and sends email from their business.  Many businesses are fine about people sending personal email as long as it doesn't get too out of hand.  Of course, it would behoove him not to get graphic, but that's his funeral, not yours.  Let's put it this way:  It's usually better if his boss finds out then his wife.

I'm not real sure about posting links, though you can always cut and paste the url from the site you want to link in the boxes below whenever you post.  As for photos, you can not link to a photo unless that photo is on the internet, so you need to upload the photo from you computer onto a site like (Darn, the name escapes me now, but someone will know.) so that the photo has a url.  Then cut and paste that url into the link box below.  You can't just do it from your computer.

Best of luck.


I just remembered the name of it now.  It's called photobucket.

-- Modified on 3/9/2009 5:44:47 PM

I love you man!! I really do, thanks for taking the time to respond and of course the info is priceless. I think i have a crush on you!! LOL : ) Thanks again darlin, Belle.

email going in and out of a corporate server is subject to long term archive and other scrutiny...

With all that has gone on over the past few years, large companies are very serious about employee use of email, and I know of at least one which has software in place which scans every single email, and in some cases flags an internal department.

I say stick with email servers which have no "hard trace" back to you.

Long time ago, I got an email from a gal using her work email, which was a law firm.  I took a pass on that.  If she wasn't smart enough to use a free email service... well I just didn't want to go there.

Be safe... and happy!

At one point, it was easy for me, because I owned the business.  I managed the network, and had no issues with the places that I chose to visit while at work :)  At a different company, the network was so crudely assembled that people could log on from the parking lot.

The real question is, how does the person RECEIVING the email know the difference?  It does matter, because one guy understands the risk and is comfortable with it because he can mitigate it.  The other guy doesn't realize his behavior is risky, and may be a problem to her because of his ignorance.

shudaknownbetter798 reads

There is no need to be shy, this is the Newbie board!

I'd not recommend using a company account...  too much risk.  At the bare minimum use a free e-mail account.  Some use a personal laptop with company wireless but even that can have risks.  It depends on the company security.  It would be smarter to use a 3G conection & a private laptop.

Keep your sanity sweetbella, remember at one point we were all new!



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