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Just to clarify....
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 128 reads

Posted By: AlluraKnight
 I place an ad almost a week prior to arrival in a city (this way they can plan, I can prebook, and TER provides for a post a week).  I also place another when I arrive to maximize exposure.
TER allows one ad per week, per Ad Board.  So if you're going to different cities, you can have ad posts on multiple boards at the same time.  Example: just this past Sunday I placed my ad posts on FIVE different boards.  And there have been times when I've done more!  
This is completely allowed in the advertising rules here!!

Also, since the ad posts here are free and have no limit, advertising farther in advance (if that works for you, that is) might be a good idea.   I typically begin advertising my visits about a month prior to my visit, though sometimes as far in advance as 6 or 8 weeks.    

For deciding on areas and hotels: please give SafeOffice a try!  Other providers actually post reviews on hotels there, specifically on how "provider-friendly" they are or are not.  :-)

As to what level/class of hotel, from speaking with client-friends, it seems most expect that if a lady is at (or over) $300/hr then it should at least be a 3-star hotel.   If the hotel costs in a particular area are so high that this just wouldn't make good money-sense, then I'll raise my rate for that city.   Or, I can advise people not to expect "upscale" accomodations lol.  

A lot of this comes down to personal preference and what works for each provider.  Most of my great repeat clients schedule weeks in advance, and they prefer to book a few weeks out, but again..... it varies for everyone.  
Being willing to try different approaches, timelines, ideas is key to making this work!  ;-)

Good luck touring!!!  :-)

I'd like to tour to other cities, however I don't know where to start. How long to stay or where to stay vs other areas. I'd really love to hear from providers and gentleman on your thoughts and ideas you might have for me!

Posted By: Ashleymoss
I'd like to tour to other cities, however I don't know where to start. How long to stay or where to stay vs other areas. I'd really love to hear from providers and gentleman on your thoughts and ideas you might have for me!
Are you an experienced traveler? Is your goal to make a big profit, a profit, break even, or subsidize your tourist trip?
You have many positive reviews, so that should help you to make appointments when venturing into new territory.  
One suggestion to new travelers is to stay close to your home base (Phoenix, in your case). I'm not from out there, so what are the next nearest big TER cities? Are LA, LV, SD, etc. all drivable? If you're not happy after a day or two, just put the car in reverse and head home. Also, the idea is that if anything happens (lose your wallet; car breaks down; etc.), your friends, family and support team can come and help fairly easily.  
If you're an experienced traveler (for non-TER reasons), you will surely be more comfortable traveling farther distances on your own.  
At this point, I suggest doing homework on the local boards -- while trying to avoid making it sound like a threAD.  Before planning a trip to a city you don't know, try to find out about other things going on that could cut into business. (Hurricane season on the Gulf and Atlantic states; major sporting events (playoffs - Baseball playoffs / World Series coming up) that can suck the attention of otherwise bored hobbyists. Visiting Presidents, Popes or other VIPs can freeze traffic and business in major cities.  
Prebook? Some do, some don't. Some Providers have their own assessments of certain cities. "I get x% cancellations when I prebook City-x. I only get y% cancellations from the guys in City-y. I only pack up and go to X when I have 10 appts, otherwise I cancel my trip. But I'll go to Y when I only have 3." and stuff like that.  
As you can see, I don't have answers, only some points to ponder.

Omg your filled with points to ponder!!! Thank youuu for all your input, it's much appreciated!!! I might just have to keep you around now 😉

That is to say, there are no cities that are great for everyone who tries them, nor is there any one way to do this.  The key is to really do your homework, reach out to other ladies, and be flexible!  


For a first foray, pick a destination that doesn't require a huge investment for your travel or advertising expenses.  Example: many ladies visit Chicago, and while certain popular areas have affordable hotel options, advertising costs are higher than many other cities.    
So research ALL costs, including parking and local restaurants as those can really add up.
My Chicago rates are higher because it costs ME more to work there.  

I mainly visit smaller cities, which I find to be an excellent ROI, but they're usually only good for shorter visits.  Sioux City, IA will fill my schedule for a day or two, but is not worth staying a whole week.... unless you only want 1 or 2 clients per day, of course.  

One thing I find works well is to offer a discount for advance bookings and/or for those who will give you a deposit.   Also, having a very strict cancellation policy has worked wonders for reducing the number of cancellations I received after my point of no return lol.  
Too many people were scheduling in advance to take advantage of my discount, even though they were only 50/50 at best.... now that I have this policy, I get much fewer short notice cancellers.  At first, it felt as though I wasn't getting as many prebooked dates, but I quickly realized that my percentage of follow-throughs was much higher AND I've been booking more short-notice dates.  :-)

So.... consider which areas you can tour with a low out-of-pocket expense, and start by advertising just a one or two day visit.   If those days book up, you can extend your dates!  

Oh! And don't forget to look at typical going rates for each area, as stepping in as an unknown with a donation 3x or more than their average providers' can be challenging. ;-)

I'm touring almost full-time these days, not new to it, and I'm still always learning!  
Please feel free to reach out to me anytime.  (BTW, I'll be in YOUR area soon lol!)

-- Modified on 9/28/2017 9:49:21 AM

I wrote, "Baseball playoffs / World Series coming up) that can suck the attention of otherwise bored hobbyists." but now I'm wondering. Both the Red Sox (Boston) and Yankees (New York) will in the playoffs starting on Oct. 3. (Check here for other teams and cities: )
My first guess is that playoffs would tie up hotel rooms with visiting fans and league VIPs. I also guessed that it would distract guys with "entertainment funds" to spend it on tickets or going to big screen sports bars with their pals and maybe gambling it away thus cutting into TER business.  But is that what you (Providers in general) actually see? I mean, it could be an opportunity to play hookey and make appointments.  "I'll be spending 4 hours with my pals to watch the game. Don't wait up for me!" and if they miss key plays, "I was in the bathroom when that happened, but I saw the replays." Gambling WINNERS might be inclined to celebrate with their ATFs.  
Maybe different cities are different. NYC has lots of crazy fans but there are 10 million people in the area many of whom don't care about sports. Boston has lots of fanatical fans but only around 1 million people and anyone who doesn't declare their love for the Sox, Pats or Bruins runs the risk of being beaten senseless and left to rot in the street. (Those numbers are TOTAL people: divide by 2 for M only; divide by 4 for age appropriate; etc..)
Well, just another reason to check with the locals and experienced touring Providers for their opinions about different destinations.

i think more that rock stars and celebrities "tour" and do shows!  Curious where and why did the use of the term "touring" come from?

And, if you think about it, it's very similar.   Music and comedy acts go on tour.... they have limited engagements where they entertain their audience on specific dates.

That's exactly what I do!  Just this week, I've been in 4 different cities with my dates advertised well in advance.  Those who wish to see me can plan ahead, or wait until the date draws near and hope they can still get in.  LOL.   Very much the same.

It's a lot more efficient to say "Upcoming Winter Tour Dates" than "Days I'll be travelling to random cities offering my incall escort services".  :-)

I have no idea who coined the term, when, where or how it came to be but I do know I was advertising my "tours" back in the early days of internet escorting.  ;-)

please create a username, stay 10 days at any hotel, and then get a free night. i highly recommend it

I rather have memberships in different chains than this site only use a percentage used for the next "free room" but its a pain for check in and difficult of late check out..... regardless, I get better treatment being platinum member in different chains, (priority check in, EARLY check in for early dates, late check out, many of these places I check in at 10 am and check out at 4pm).  
Plus single lady checking in with priceline and ..... no thanks!  

i get spoiled, upgrades, free nights & points as a valued member.

GaGambler121 reads

Not to mention dealing with customer service like you said in cases of any changes, refunds, early/late check out are a lot easier dealing direct with hotel or their parent chain's 800 line. Not to mention the free upgrades and other bennies that come with Platinum/Diamond status

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
... upgrades, free nights & points as a valued member.
I think that plan could work for services other than hotels, don't you think?  
(The closest I can think of is the Frequent Flyer Cards given out by the pld (and defunct) Corporate Treasures in NYC and several AMPs in NYC. Get your ticket punched at each visit. Ten visits and the 11th is free!)

I live in Phoenix and frequently tour DC and just started in Atlanta.  There is no "correct" way to tour but certainly means of securing safer/better locations than others.  As someone stated in a previous post, there is never a guarantee that an area will be lucrative or rewarding for anyone and can result in a loss.

I recently re-entered the business after a year out and certainly do not have the expertise of some of the forum's stars.   Anyway, I tour the city I grew up in and surrounding areas because I am comfortable there (Washington, D.C./NOVA).  I recently started touring other cities due to the number of requests by people in those cities.  I place an ad almost a week prior to arrival in a city (this way they can plan, I can prebook, and TER provides for a post a week).  I also place another when I arrive to maximize exposure.

When I respond to appointment requests, I ask the potentials if they have any suggestions on areas (you can also reach out to providers in that area).  If I hear the same info among prospective, there is probably something to it.  Also google that city.  It usually reveals the legal activity going on there.  I personally use a discount travel website and when just starting with little money, named my own price and stayed 2-1/2 star hotels as opposed to 3 or 4 star.  With the new location score on TER, this can be somewhat hurtful though if you care.  Unlike most providers, I travel completely across the United States, so I spend a great deal more than many and it generally takes days to recoup expenditures since my rates are fairly low.  Also, I never book too far "out" from the discount sites because it is nonrefundable.  I am more of a "gypsy" traveler and would not recommend your research and plan accordingly.  

All of the advice from others previously posted is excellent and I have also learned more!  Thanks, ladies!

Posted By: AlluraKnight
 I place an ad almost a week prior to arrival in a city (this way they can plan, I can prebook, and TER provides for a post a week).  I also place another when I arrive to maximize exposure.
TER allows one ad per week, per Ad Board.  So if you're going to different cities, you can have ad posts on multiple boards at the same time.  Example: just this past Sunday I placed my ad posts on FIVE different boards.  And there have been times when I've done more!  
This is completely allowed in the advertising rules here!!

Also, since the ad posts here are free and have no limit, advertising farther in advance (if that works for you, that is) might be a good idea.   I typically begin advertising my visits about a month prior to my visit, though sometimes as far in advance as 6 or 8 weeks.    

For deciding on areas and hotels: please give SafeOffice a try!  Other providers actually post reviews on hotels there, specifically on how "provider-friendly" they are or are not.  :-)

As to what level/class of hotel, from speaking with client-friends, it seems most expect that if a lady is at (or over) $300/hr then it should at least be a 3-star hotel.   If the hotel costs in a particular area are so high that this just wouldn't make good money-sense, then I'll raise my rate for that city.   Or, I can advise people not to expect "upscale" accomodations lol.  

A lot of this comes down to personal preference and what works for each provider.  Most of my great repeat clients schedule weeks in advance, and they prefer to book a few weeks out, but again..... it varies for everyone.  
Being willing to try different approaches, timelines, ideas is key to making this work!  ;-)

Good luck touring!!!  :-)

Debra...WOW...thank you ever so much for the fantastic information!!  You sound like an extremely organized person.  I am losing my memory I swear (menopause and sticking to it) and that is impressive that you can keep track of so much!  Wondering if you plan your tours a month to two ahead and try new cities frequently?  

Should I take my questions private?


You can PM or email me if you like, totally up to you.  :-)

My touring is a little bit different from most ladies, as that is what I do primarily nowadays, but I'm still home every weekend.  I typically tour 3 weeks per month, Tuesday through Saturday.  
As of right now, I have both firm and tentative destinations planned as far out as February 2018 so yes..... I'm a PLANNER.   I have several cities on regular rotations, but still try new cities from time to time.  Just last week I had a 1st-ever stop and it turned out  well.  
I only did one day there, as I often do with new locations, which makes sense for me as most of my tours are road-trips.  For road travel, I stay within a 500-mile radius of home but being based out of the Chicago area, this still gives me plenty of options. ;-)

That's just what works for me though, as I've noticed many ladies who are more of the fly-by-the-seat-of-their-panties touring provider lol.   They make it work for them, but this would have my anxiety levels going through the roof!!  

I plan out my tours and post ads not only on this site but other review/message-board sites too (as well as paid ads).  That's on top of all the regular day-to-day part of doing business and it is a LOT to keep track of so I have an assistant.  
She's been with me about a year now, and has really helped; she answers emails, does my screening and gets them scheduled.   I still do all my advertising myself and answer PMs here, on P411, and elsewhere but some touring ladies have assistants who handle EVERYTHING so all they have to do is show up and see the clients.   And, of course, many who are able to do it all.    

Again, there's no right or wrong, just what works for each individual.  :-)

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