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mrfisher 108 Reviews 509 reads

you will find hours of reading on this topic.  

The general consensus is that tipping is unneccessary but welcomed, and a return engagement is the best tip.  

Some prefer to bring a gift, and many gals have gift suggestions on their sites.

vm1351365 reads

is a tip expected in general?  

i still remember the confusion and frustration when first coming here many years ago, when i had no idea when a tip is expected. ex. in a country outside of US, a tip of 15-20% at a restaurant is ridiculous. and even in the US, you don't tip a contractor.... i've no problem with it if everybody is expected to do the same, but wanted to be sure.

you will find hours of reading on this topic.  

The general consensus is that tipping is unneccessary but welcomed, and a return engagement is the best tip.  

Some prefer to bring a gift, and many gals have gift suggestions on their sites.

I agree with the previous comments and the general consensus if you search this topic.

I can hardly afford the donation, I say thank you. And generally follow up with a text or email for another thanks

... although at a an agency I once worked for, most of the ladies DID expect it.  But that was a long time ago, and does not seem to be the norm anymore.

I very much appreciate when someone tips, although to be honest, a gift is much more memorable.  Even if it's just a $5 Starbucks gift card, I just love that and will definitely remember.  ;-)


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