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I tried anal and I got an unwelcome surprise...sad_smile
tangolover39 4 Reviews 5391 reads

I tried anal with a provider and it was not as hot as I thought it would be. First of all, I couldn't get much momentum going because it was too painful for her. Next, I discovered some substances on me (and on the sheets) that required an immediate and thorough cleansing.

That was my first experience with anal and my last. It was not hot.

Congratulations on your intro to Anal.  I don't find it all that exciting myself - once you get past the sphincters, which loosen up really quickly, it's not all that different from vaginal sex.  The difference is the taboo factor of it, I believe.

I've never experienced the substance problem you mentioned though.  The times I've done anal was at the ladies request, and they had prepped before hand.

I love pussy to much.. I wonder about guys that ask for greek first instead of pussy. Not calling them gay but why pass up a perfectly good pussy for anal sex..Yuck, to each his

AQuestionAboutGreek3238 reads

Did someone have a mess on you, lol ? I know the feeling. You got to stop and clean up and then you end going back to the pussy away, lol.

InLA4897 reads

"santorum: That frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex."

ItsAlimentary3118 reads

Anal sex usually requires a modicum of pre-session preparation on the part of the participant being invaded.

 Porn stars often fast for up to 24 hours before doing an "anal" scene and that is in addition to a good enema just before the shoot.

 Aside from the birth control aspect the real allure of anal sex is the inherent taboo of it, and the possibility of getting some "mud on your helmet" is just an occupational hazard.

InLA3749 reads

high volume providers taking your advice is that they would eventually starve to death.

corporatecatbert4727 reads

Fecal matter coming out of an anus.  Whoever would have thought such a thing could happen?

Prepping (not eating or enemas) works most of the time but not all of the time and that's natural.  After all we're talking about an orifice that is designed to push things OUT not take them IN.  If you're too squeamish for it then don't do it.

I've given a provider anal sex several times but mostly their request. And yes there was some residue with a few of them, so what.  Some girls really get off on it, I personally get turned on by seeing/feeling there pleasure from it.  I've even had providers tell me that's the only why they can cum.  It's just personal preference. Like corporatecatbert said, if you're squeamish, don't do it.

OMG! Eeeewwww I I am so sorry you had a bad experience! THIS is why I do not do anal unless I know ahead of time. I MAKE SURE I am CLEAN inside and out just as I do with vaginal.... Anal is not my favorite, yet i don't totally hate it either. There is an added donation for it, and thus far I have not done it with clients, but with past lovers I have. I have got to be prepared for it and there is no exception here. It is a common courtesy to both to prepare ahead of time!

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