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Abbreviations: rai1 rai2 TOP
impposter 49 Reviews 2263 reads

These are new ones on me. Different reviewers; reviews for two different Providers.  
One writes: "When we got to RAI1, ... " I think that's R-A-upper case eye, not R-A-lower case el but I'm not sure.
The other writes: "rai2 in next time, ass - TOP" at the end of the review. I'd try google translate but I don't know which language to choose.  
Any ideas? Some newspeak among the younger comrades? Something from tiktok or other SM thing that I would never see on my own?

but RA has been used to mean the provider -- Relaxation Assistant. I can only recall guys from the BA using the term.

Honestly it would make more sense to me if it was an L (el). As in L1 finish, L2 finish. RA could mean “rub and”? Or relaxation assistant as Jensen said. That’s all hard to say without the context of the rest of the review.  

I’m confused about the “in next time” but again context might help. Like if the rest of the review was sort of broken English, I’d just ignore the “in”.  

“ass - TOP”? Was he just saying she has a nice booty or did it seem like that was connected to the RAI bit? According to a quick internet search, some people are using “top” to mean oral sex. Because your head is on the top of your body. 🙄 stupid but whatever. And apparently in some circles “TOP” means tongue on penis.  

Now I’m curious. If you figure it out lettuce know 🥬

"TOP" could refer to the TS term, as in top and bottom.  The second reviewer probably wrote what he was going to try next time.

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