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I don't think she reads her pm's. eom
siobhan06 See my TER Reviews 3992 reads
1 / 10

I will be going to chicago during this month to see a few friends and get a visa, and I was interested in doing one or two outcalls while I'm there. How is the "hobby" scene in Chicago? Should I revamp my site a little for a better chance? also, I was thinking about having professional photos done, is this a good idea? or does what I already have suffice? Thanks guys...

WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 3259 reads
2 / 10

Your best bet is to go to the ladies board or Regional Board in Chicago and ask for some friendly help, ladies everywhere are usually helpful when it comes to your safety, etc. I would not advise just going to any city with no knowledge of LE, places to avoid, etc.

Lots of competition in Chicago, but they like visiting ladies just like us DC guys do. My 2 cents, please don't take personal, but I would never consider paying $$$ for an incall for someone who did not have professional pictures, again - just my 2 cents.

morrisboy 1730 reads
3 / 10

Majority of local providers and many touring girls hook up with Roomservice2000 for screening purposes and advertising.

erik_reilly 24 Reviews 4058 reads
4 / 10

i used to live in chicago, but that was before i started seeing escorts. if i was still there i would want to see you for sure!

Captain Midnight 35 Reviews 3704 reads
5 / 10

While I count myself among the many who have been very impressed with your writings here, people who haven't been fortunate enough to encounter them might need some further evidence, and good pictures are a valuable tool for that.  They're not cheap, by any means, and getting them taken may prove to be a chore.  However, if you decide to continue in the hobby beyond the next month or so, I think you'll need them.  The photos you currently have are certainly fetching, but they look like they were taken during an afternoon romp.  Accurate, attractive, recent pictures are a prime marketing device in this hobby, and I think you might be impressed by the results a professional photographer can give you.

As to visiting Chicago... I think you'd do well to post to the Chicago message board and get their advice.  They can probably give you advice about what to do and where to advertise (if posting there isn't enough of an ad), and give you practical tips for once you're in the greater Chicagoland area.

Now, if you decide to come visit Baltimore/DC, then *I'd* be happy to provide advice...  :)

briguy11 1 Reviews 2195 reads
6 / 10

Chicago is a short trip for me, please let me know the dates. I would love to meet you.

TallTraveler 8 Reviews 2354 reads
7 / 10

PMed you on TER and on your site... no responce yet.  Are you planning a Chicago trip in August?  Some free friendly advice - it is helpful to reply in a timely basis to scheduling request email or clients move on.

briguy11 1 Reviews 3264 reads
8 / 10
Captain Midnight 35 Reviews 2342 reads
9 / 10

Many ladies go ahead and pay for the membership, but not all of them.  If a lady hasn't responded to a PM, you might try emailing her directly, just in case she's not a VIP member.  Unless she's set up her preferences to notify her by email when she gets a PM, she might not even know that she's gotten one, and if she can't read them, the point is pretty moot anyway.

Not Really My Name 2051 reads
10 / 10

We exchanged several e-mails and a few phone calls before meeting. I can tell you she is very good at responding to her mail BUT she also doesn't answer the ones that don't impress her (I think that's true of most providers).

Not just for this gal but any provider, you need to make a good first impression. Don't ask questions her website already answers - especially rates. Don't be overly critical. You're trying to ask for a date and she doesn't know you from Adam so be polite, friendly and positive. Give her something to look forward to about you besides money.

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