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I didn't know that either! But I knew the hobbyists could see whenever I viewed their profile ...red_smile
Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 416 reads

Because a warning always pops up telling me that the hobbyist will be able to see that I looked at his profile.

I've been on P411 pretty much daily for years and I haven't noticed that I have access to that info.  It must be available on a drop down menu.

I visited a new provider recently who recently joined P411 and was still learning about the site.  She showed me her Statistics page and asked me to clarify it.  I was completely unaware that providers apparently receive information about  the number of "hits" to their profile, by whom (including the number times a particular member or nonmember views their profile and the date), which state they are from, etc. Though not completely surprised I found it to be an interesting fact I wasn't aware of...

-- Modified on 11/5/2016 9:48:17 AM

Posted By: ontheprowl14
Though not completely surprised I found it to be an interesting fact I wasn't aware of.
That makes two of us.

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: ontheprowl14
Though not completely surprised I found it to be an interesting fact I wasn't aware of.
 That makes two of us.
Have  you contact P411 and wrote review wasn't aware.

Posted By: ontheprowl14
... Though not completely surprised I found it to be an interesting fact I wasn't aware of...-- Modified on 11/5/2016 9:48:17 AM
I'm not sure I understand the strategy behind providing this data. How many providers actually analyze this data to see the number of hits they got, the number of actual meetings from that count, etc. etc.? Does P411 provide tools to analyze this data to make it easier for providers to use? Do providers find these statistics useful at all by perhaps modifying location, rates, services?

I could understand if providers get a feedback stating out of 100 people who looked at the profile only 10 sent appt request, following are the reasons why the rest 90 did not. When I visit a website, I get ads based on my browsing history, perhaps get a special offer ad as well. Are providers doing any such thing?

Seems more and more like piling users with raw data and maybe charging for it without it being of much use to anyone. But would love to be proven wrong here :-)

My thought was that if a provider wasn't receiving what she perceives as an acceptable number of hits, she might want to make some modification to her promotion efforts, possibly by changing her profile pic or by doing more/different advertising.  If she tours, I suppose the information about the states where the hits came from might potentially be useful.  It would be interesting to hear some provider's perspectives on this...maybe in reality it's not all that valuable (as you say).

Y'all may laugh but I am truly geeking out over this.  

*adjusts librarian high bun and slides tortoise shell glasses up the bridge of my nose*

P411 isn't the only one to provide stats; Eros and Slixa also provide stats. Eros specifically just lets a provider know how many hits an ad receives. Slixa is a bit more in-depth, showing a provider how many people requested specific information and viewed their ad. Neither tells us who these people are. In regards to some Canadian forums I am a part of, they will show us how many "reads" an ad has received just like TER.  

I find this information helps immensely, especially when tailoring to a niche market as I am exotic & full-figured. It's great to try and appeal to everyone but it's also great to hone in on those that can appreciate a provider for where they are in their business/journey at that current time.

While I agree that for some it may be date overload, it really is rather powerful if a provider harnesses it correctly and ACTUALLY utilizes it. It's like I tell myself, "You cannot do better, if you do not know." I believe that us as providers should feel free to run our businesses as we see fit, but it also does help to ask questions from time to time and to utilize our analytics.

Posted By: LondonJames
Y'all may laugh but I am truly geeking out over this.  
Nice to get a provider's feedback on this. I was just curious if P411 just gave client data (list of those who peeked at your profile) or did they actually provide some analytical tools that allowed providers to tailor their profiles. I still don't see too much of a benefit other than the fact that if profile does not get enough hits OR if the meeting/hit ratio is too low then an update is required.

As far as other states - Since I'm in Virginia, I most of the time look at profiles in VA and have no need to look for another state unless I know I'm travelling there. Do hobbyist regularly look at out-of-state provider profiles?

Do providers also get information when Hobbyists add them to their favorites list? That information might be better as it provides feedback that there is a level of interest.

Nice discussion!! Learning new thing every day here.

...or can be used to keep an eye on a would-be stalker. That happens. And now would-be stalkers are aware. Will figure out how to get around that and invent another way to stalk.

Or she can be completely unaware of how to use any of it and ask for analyses from a client and let him declare to the world all the info she has access to. Some girls just have no clue about how far reaching the practice of discretion should go, and how to keep info to themselves for the safety of all the girls. But then this is business that anybody can do, without any formal education (and it was meant to be that way, except there is more access and more 'watchers' than ever before, i'm sure)

I am not as up on the tech as I used to be, but I believe that it is now possible to track numerous aspects of the page-specific surfing experience. I think they can track scrolling ("Are they reading around [up/down L/R] the page or just staring [or not staring] at the header?"), time spent on the page (not just the hit, but hit+duration), and so on.  

It would not surprise me if programmers figured out how to turn on the local camera to watch person reading the page and then use more software to track their eye movements to figure out which page content kept their attention, down to the millimeter.  

Maybe websites will soon add key logging, too, as a backup to filling out forms or search boxes.  


Posted By: impposter
I am not as up on the tech as I used to be, but I believe that it is now possible to track numerous aspects of the page-specific surfing experience. I think they can track scrolling ("Are they reading around [up/down L/R] the page or just staring [or not staring] at the header?"), time spent on the page (not just the hit, but hit+duration), and so on.  
 It would not surprise me if programmers figured out how to turn on the local camera to watch person reading the page and then use more software to track their eye movements to figure out which page content kept their attention, down to the millimeter.  
 Maybe websites will soon add key logging, too, as a backup to filling out forms or search boxes.  

Well, it's not entirely what you think it is. :) I haven't seen any analytics that tracks scrolling (not that that may not exist) BUT yes, even good 'ol google analytics tracks time spent on each page. And that has been that case for probably a decade and is completely normal in this day and age.  

It's helpful for marketing (ROI), determining which page and content may need improvement, if there is a bug on the site. Like just a few days ago, I noticed my bounce rate (so not going past the home page) was high for both sites. Turns out some code was slowing down the loading of them. Removed the code, added a new widget and it was fixed. I've also had to block a few visitors who based on the longevity of their visits, I am talking years or far, far more than my "norm", it was apparent they were stuck in fantasy mode, which makes me very uncomfortable.  

There are certain details that aren't available by law but if the idea of any of that freaks you out, you shouldn't be online because it's everywhere nowadays.  

Like London, I NERD OUT over analytics and know my business and clients who convert to an appointment patterns like the back of my hand.  

P411 analytics are very basic: date, state, number of visits from that state that day and member/non-member. All I know is that I haven't booked one appointment off of P411 this year so that's the only analytic that matters to me. :)

Because a warning always pops up telling me that the hobbyist will be able to see that I looked at his profile.

I've been on P411 pretty much daily for years and I haven't noticed that I have access to that info.  It must be available on a drop down menu.

All I'm able to view is how many hits I got, from which states, and the membership level of each visitor.

I thought it showed handles of profile viewers if they were members, but maybe it was just whether they were a member or nonmember, their state, and the number of times that person accessed the page, and the date.


Posted By: Tobi Telford
All I'm able to view is how many hits I got, from which states, and the membership level of each visitor.
-- Modified on 11/6/2016 12:42:13 PM

-- Modified on 11/6/2016 12:49:29 PM

Posted By: ontheprowl14
I visited a new provider recently who recently joined P411 and was still learning about the site.  She showed me her Statistics page and asked me to clarify it.  I was completely unaware that providers apparently receive information about  the number of "hits" to their profile, by whom (including the number times a particular member or nonmember views their profile and the date), which state they are from, etc. Though not completely surprised I found it to be an interesting fact I wasn't aware of...
I didn't realize that amenity was on my P411 profile.

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