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I did not intend to colour you as a liar
Yankee-doodler 1777 reads

It is this entire nannyized website that is RUBBISH. I couldn't even see my post after I clicked send because the "nannies" first wish to pour through it too make sure I didn't violate some rule buried in the catacombs of their cyber space doctrine.

I had the same problem as JD1543. I had queried this board for suggestions and I was told to access "Review Questions". All that happened there is I was told that it would require up to 72 hours for the review to be considered.
I HAD ALREADY WAITED OVER 96 HOURS from its original submittal, and the review had been rejected with NO reason as to why, or how to edit it for approval.
I was looking for help from this board, and then from the site’s administration, and all I got was bloody bureaucratic doctrine.

 If I had known that submitting an approvable review required hundreds of hours of research into the subtle mechanics of a bloody promotional venue for prozies and their obsessed mongers I would never had volunteered the time I already have.

JD15433271 reads

Hi, I’m a recent registrant to this site and I recently had an enjoyable session with a provider that I subsequently submitted a review on. After a week of waiting for it to be posted I was told to check the MY REVIEWS section for an answer.
I got the “answer”, It was UNAPPROVED; but NO reason was given for its status as I had been told there would be.

 Am I expected to just blindly keep submitting rewrites with no clue whatsoever as to what is needed or not needed? The provider has several pages of reviews so it is NOT a case of new reviewer- new provider scenario that I have read is no longer allowed.

  Please inform.

Because a new policy demands that a new provider get two reviews (I believe from veteren reviewers.) before any of the reviews are published.

If this is not the case, then feel free to write to the administration and request that they give an explanation.  I've always found that they get back to me with (often helpful) answers.

Click on "contact us" at the top of the board.

Sorta confusing on here sometimes with advice given but all mean well. The fact is, if there is some sort of minor or repairable problem they will normally give a reason why review is not up and the edit button to the left of the review is there. Click on the edit button, correct the one mistake they point out, then resubmit. But if it just says 'Unapproved' and the blue box to the left says View instead of Edit, then they probably have no intentions of allowing it. Rewriting it would be a waste of your time.

Simply look to the far left of the review and click on Review Questions, that will get your question to the proper review person. Could be for one of several reasons, as MrFisher pointed out since you have no review history your first few will need to be on ladies who already have a profile page and reviews. The lady could also be delisted or banned, etc. etc. At least you can find out what the reason is..

Also, not to be a smartass but if you have not already you should take the time to read the opening rules,etc. that you had to agree to before submitting, and maybe pick out a couple of good reviewers and read a few of theirs. Several Newbies I have talked to lately had their reviews unapproved because it was totally riddled with problems, TER is not going to give private lessons on how to write the review.  Hope this helps!

Mrfisher; I quote:  “The provider has several pages of reviews so it is NOT a case of new reviewer-new provider scenario that I have read is no longer allowed.” (JD1543)

It would seem that ‘JD1543’ is well aware of TER’s new practice of NOT approving reviews of NEW PROVIDERS by NEW REVIEWERS.

WildTurkey-101; I quote: “I was told to check the MY REVIEWS section for an answer.
I got the “answer”, It was UNAPPROVED; but NO reason was given for its status as I had been told there would be.“ (JD1543)

JD1543 apparently has been given NO REASON  for his reviews denial.
The “opening rules” and review submittal rules are simply ABSTRUSE and obfuscatory if TER doesn’t help the reviewer what among them he possibly overlooked.
Again I quote: “Am I expected to just blindly keep submitting rewrites with no clue whatsoever as to what is needed or not needed?” (JD1543)

Is TER TRYING to confound, consternate, and alienate every new person who seeks to join and contribute?

And I tried to give a good explanation of how the system works and how to solve his problem. We can all sit around and complain how we don't like the process and how we think TER should be doing their job, but that does absolutely nothing to help this guy with a very simple problem. Again, if no expanation is given, just much simpler can it be.

I notice in your post and the link you provided that you like to complain because TER does not meet up to your approval. But in both instances you offer no help whatsoever to the Newbie to resolve his problem. I would be the last person here to say TER is perfect, but at least if you have a problem it can be resolved. I thought the purpose here on this board was to help people to do just that. Maybe you should make your complaints on the General Discussion Board, you can certainly find others to join your cause, whatever that might be.

I would rather have to work with the site to get a review submitted past a screening process than have to wonder if every review I read during research was just rubber stamped to make it easier.  The fact that it can be hard to post a review is one of the things that I like about this site and one of the reasons it has credibility with me.

Even with the screening process, we all know that fake and fraudulent reviews still get posted.  Can you even imagine how many would be posted if there wasn't a screening process?

Now, they minimize the impact by being willing to work with you through several different features.  What more can you ask?

The OP immediately went to a judgmental posture rather than simply asking admin.  I left him alone about that because he's a newbie and we're supposed to be nice.  You on the other hand have been around long enough to know that your post offered nothing, accomplished nothing, and amounted to nothing but a subjective gripe about how "hard" it is for you to post a review.  Tough shit.  Take it to the regional boards.

a standard type of problem with the review you submitted.  As WildTurkey-101 suggested, use the "Review Questions" link out of the "Account Manager" menu to contact them and ask why it was not approved (I suggest you include a link to it in the message to save them time and ensure that the right one is looked at).   You can then expect a reply in the "Feedback" section of the same menu.  Unless you have set the preferences to notify you by email when you get a "feedback" message, you will have to just continuously check it after the first day or so to see if they have replied.  Once you get the "feedback" message reply, you can then reply to that and initiate a (albeit slow) conversation regarding the review.

If the review can be corrected after you've "discussed it", they will either correct if for you, or change the status so that an edit button appears next to it so that you can correct it and resubmit.

My personal experience is that they are fantastic to work with, and that, usually, there is a way to fix it.  In fact, I have been greatly impressed with their customer service since finding the site.

Good luck

-- Modified on 8/1/2008 8:00:18 AM

I've had reviews unapproved a couple of times, and contacted the suppot people. They have gotten me through the problems with very little effort. Both times it was just a minor problem that I needed to edit, and shortly after, the review was approved. And yes, as DC said, they are very easy to work with.

As advised by this Newbie forum I sought help in the "Review Questions" link with a similar problem as JD1543.
I received absolutely no satisfaction for my effort.

You’d think by the complexity of getting a bloody review posted one was seeking a position with the Queen Mum’s guard.

You might want to clarify what part of DC's message is rubbish. If it is his whole message or particularly the part regarding his experience in correcting rejected reviews, your comment makes it sound like you are calling him a liar. If that's the case, a southern gentleman has no recourse but to call you out to a duel.

However, if you are trying to merely say that his experience has not been your experience, you might want to make that more clear.

Now that I'm thinking about it, it seems like I remember DC being from someplace north of the Mason-dixon line, so perhaps you have nothing to fear about any duel. However, no one likes to be called a liar. And, when I read your post, that is the impression I got.

-- Modified on 8/1/2008 3:51:18 PM

I'll give the benefit of the doubt and keep the dueling pistols shelved. LOL

I am a transplanted Southern boy, though.

that the cause of the trouble you're having between you and TER probably does not rest with TER, but with you. Particularly if you wrote your review question like your post.

My post was not rubbish, your response was.

-- Modified on 8/2/2008 3:40:47 AM

"rubbish" is a pretty cool word :)
so much more aristocratic than he if he just yelled "BULLSHIT!!!"

It is this entire nannyized website that is RUBBISH. I couldn't even see my post after I clicked send because the "nannies" first wish to pour through it too make sure I didn't violate some rule buried in the catacombs of their cyber space doctrine.

I had the same problem as JD1543. I had queried this board for suggestions and I was told to access "Review Questions". All that happened there is I was told that it would require up to 72 hours for the review to be considered.
I HAD ALREADY WAITED OVER 96 HOURS from its original submittal, and the review had been rejected with NO reason as to why, or how to edit it for approval.
I was looking for help from this board, and then from the site’s administration, and all I got was bloody bureaucratic doctrine.

 If I had known that submitting an approvable review required hundreds of hours of research into the subtle mechanics of a bloody promotional venue for prozies and their obsessed mongers I would never had volunteered the time I already have.

Well lets see now, this is your third post ever, your second one ever was May 15 when you started a thread with the same Rubbish attitude talking about the same problem, echoed by the same whining from RRO2610. In fact I think the title was 'Is this any way to run an airline'. It is impossible to properly respond without actually seeing the review, but it is clear from your Rubbish attitude what probably transpired.

With the scores of reviews approved daily, it is clear that you and RRO2610 have no intention of trying to undersand and appreciate the system for what it is. I can only assume when you say 'I recieved no satisfaction' and the obvious fact that you have no approved reviews, that TER would not approve the review for one of a number of reasons, yet you feel they should, just to give you some satisfaction? Damm dude, your are lost.. Your last remark about the complexity of getting a bloody review posted actually makes me happy! It keeps people like you from posting Rubbish reviews. No, I am not being nice anymore, you have made it clear along with your sidekick that you have no desire to do anything but spew your Rubbish to whoever will listen.

Why insult Dixie Chicken and hungry1951? They have done absolutely nothing but try to help. Obviously it is TER staff that you are unhappy with, why don't you write them your Rubbish remarks and tell them what you really think? You could team up with RRO2610, between your Rubbish and him telling them how to do their job that could get real interesting.  Come'on, be a real man, sit down and write them a letter and tell'um what you really think. Just please post it here so the rest of us can read, I'll buy the popcorn...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Hungry, Chicken and Turkey will keep writing reviews and trying to help others get theirs approved as well. Take care and Lots of Luck, especially with the attitude.

-- Modified on 8/1/2008 7:02:33 PM

And I fail to see why my pointing out of probable reading comprehension errors along with a personal opinion should earn such belligerence and debasement from you.

What is the reason for this vitriol you are spewing? How and why did this 'Yankee-doodler' get so deep under your skin?
Is it his last paragraph’s observation and declaration that has you defensive of your proud 112 review record?

More like a leader post to get others to click on and read more of his negative attitude. In the first sentence he calls the entire TER website 'Rubbish'. The very next sentence he calls the Mod. here a 'nannie' as I assume from what he said he is now moderated. He also ends by calling the entire membership here 'prozies and their obsessed mongers'. Then he complains of the 'hundreds of hours of research', I mean WTF! My hat goes off to Jazz, don't know if I would have allowed that to go thru, LOL.

In all walks of life, if you hate your job, you hate your church, hate where you live, or hate the board you are a member of... Go find another job, why go to work every day and blast your employer to other employees who want to work, don't like the church, find one more suitable to your beliefs, don't openly flame others for choosing to worship there, don't like your neighborhood - move!  don't like how this board operates, fine - go find one suitable to your liking. I came her from another board where you can write a review, hit submit and it instantly goes up, no matter what it says. You can go on the discussion board and blast away, sometimes I think they even promote that sort of behavior. My point is, if you are that unhappy with anything in your life, you can do one of two things, either work at the problem and make things better or move on, why stay somewhere that you hate and make everyone around you miserable?

What gets 'under my skin' is when people make it clear, currently and in the past, that their only intent on here is to whine, bitch and complain, they have no intentions or desire to make things better for themselves or others. I find it sad that anyone chooses to live that way, but it is not fair to subject others to that.  

Now if you do not understand this post, then I guess I have a poor way of expressing myself. Post underneath me and blast away, I am done. I am going to see a new provider this evening and write a review tonight, that is what I call fun and that is why I am a member here. Bye!

I submitted my first review four weeks ago.  It was rejected first for technical/editorial reasons which I corrected as described in WildTurkey's post.

It was rejected again and I forgot the exact text of the reason but it was essentially that I was too new to the board.  I mentioned this to the provider who is a long-time member and very well reviewed and she contacted TER to vouch for my trustworthiness/veracity and my reviews have been published ever since.  

It might help, as others have suggested, that your first reviews be with well established providers with lots of reviews.  

I was also submitting reviews to another board where they were always accepted until a provider disagreed with something I said and the review was immediately yanked/disapproved.  I've grown to respect the scrutiny that TER applies to their reviews as it makes me alot more comfortable about the content of what I am reading.  Contrast this with the other board where only provider approved reviews are posted.

I hope this is helpful.  If you would like specifics please PM me and I'll try to help.

UncleJazz1459 reads

Its been awhile since I've posted a review (mods aren't allowed to review as it may be a conflict of interest), but when I did, I had my share of unapproved reviews.  By opening the reviews in "My Reviews" in "Account Manager", I can see the reason for the rejection  And yes, I too have had success asking TER for an explanation.

Bad Website Address is one reason I've seen.  This can mean:

1) Either the URL I entered was no longer active, or I mistyped it in the first place.  Either way, the link didn't work when the approver tried it.

2) The link is to a site unacceptable to TER.  TER is a money making business, and isn't in the business of promoting competitive review sites.  Likewise, TER won't link a review to a site that requires a paid membership to view the lady's contact details.  One of my reviews was originally  rejected because the website I linked was call "".  The approver saw the name, and immediately assumed it was a review site.  Once I challenged TER to find ANY reviews on that site, it is mis-named, my review was approved.

The worst reason for disapproval is "Other", as it can mean literally anything and nothing.  Both of the times my reviews were rejected for this "reason", I resubmitted them by simply copying and pasting, making no changes.  In both cases, the 2nd review was approved.  Was is viewed by a different approver?  Was it originally rejected in error?  Did the approver lay off the onions with the chili he/she had for lunch?  Who knows, but persistence can pay off.


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