Newbie - FAQ

How does this work where do i advertise
Venessa2009 See my TER Reviews 1214 reads

Hello guys i am new to the hobby and trying to find my way around this site . I am based in dallas and i have my own website so where do i advertise which forum please help with details..

Thank you

Venessa Wilson

Try your local board. Look over to the left under "Regional Board." Look for "Dallas." And, post there. I think you can post an ad once a week, if I remember correctly. Good luck!:)

read several pages of threads here on the newbie board and you will be better informed as to how this game is played.

And that is a TER logo which must be affixed to the first or second page of your site in order for you to link to it on the TER Boards.

Read up about how to get a TER logo in the Newbie Manual above and then join in on the discussion boards.

You'll be up to your eyebrows in hobbyists before you know it.

Type in Dallas Escorts

thats where you advertise -

Ive still yet to contact someone, first time jitters i guess, and deciding who i feel comfortable with from the pics..

But i normally look at City Vibe and Eros... When i hire someone for my first time, it will be from there.

be sure to check here first to see if she has any good reviews. You don't want your first experience to be a disaster. If you don't have VIP membership, get it. It's well worth the $20 a month.

Good luck

chica3d1364 reads

Pref 411 , eros, hey your photos are beautiful, very classy. whos your photographer? besos

His name is chuck send me an email and will email u his contact

Im in Dallas as well. The advice you got here is all A to the Goood.... Read, study, and you'll soon find it easy to navigate your way through it all. You can advertise once every seven days on the Dallas Board or anywhere you plan on traveling.

Ashley Stone

P.S... Nice site by the way!!!

TheApe4091 reads

You are off to a great start.  Your site is incredible!   I for one am quite impressed.  If you ever come to the North East announce yourself on one of the local boards.

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