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Escort Cafe?
RachaelLee See my TER Reviews 3830 reads

Can anyone tell me more about EscortCafe? My personal website (recently deleted) was automatically replaced with a link to an EscortCafe page(?)

triage500 reads

your explanation is a little confusing but to me it doesn't sound like cause for concern

These sites scrape info from legit escort mall ads in order to try and make $ or sell info. The OP should contact the scraper site and tell them to remove the ad. However, it's not easy and they will ignore requests to remove.

Posted By: triage
your explanation is a little confusing but to me it doesn't sound like cause for concern

triage371 reads

I think we might be splitting hairs because even if they are scraping the ads, the ads can still be useful

Useful for the hobbyists, perhaps; until they're not. Escortcafe and several others copy ads and put them on their own page and then never modify or deactivate it. I could show you 'cafe ads for women I've met that show ages and pictures they haven't used in their own actual ads for YEARS. With significant differences. Old, incorrect contact and location info, etc. I've seen reviews pop up for women I've met that say "she's older/heavier than her pics. Her pics are old." When I met her I thought the pics could've been taken last week. I figure the guy was looking at one of these scrapers. So, he had a disappointing date because he didn't get what he was expecting based on the pics he saw, and she gets a review claiming she's a B&S. Useful? Sure, it could've been avoided if he'd done more homework, but we all know a lot of guys don't.  

Also important is the provider's POV. She never asked to have her images and info displayed there, never gave permission to them to make money off of her, and if she doesn't want to be there, then she shouldn't be.

triage396 reads

it can be useful for all parties involved

Your staggering argument has convinced me. Incorrect information is the best thing since sliced bread.

triage380 reads

sarcasm is cute but it won't change anything

-- Modified on 1/28/2017 10:52:45 AM

Whoever it is that keeps trying to tell the newbies here that despite the well articulated problems these sites create (especially for newbies as they don't know better) should be consider welcome and valued aspects of this industry. That's BS and on this board we should not be trying to tell the new kids the situation is fine when in fact it is not. There is nothing consensual about the situation and in general they create much more bad information than good information.

If one wants to discuss the fine nuances I would say the General Forum would be much more appropriate and better serve the interests of the newbies who are hoping to avoid making major mistakes by getting advice here.

Thank you!

Posted By: Fearghas
Useful for the hobbyists, perhaps; until they're not. Escortcafe and several others copy ads and put them on their own page and then never modify or deactivate it. I could show you 'cafe ads for women I've met that show ages and pictures they haven't used in their own actual ads for YEARS. With significant differences. Old, incorrect contact and location info, etc. I've seen reviews pop up for women I've met that say "she's older/heavier than her pics. Her pics are old." When I met her I thought the pics could've been taken last week. I figure the guy was looking at one of these scrapers. So, he had a disappointing date because he didn't get what he was expecting based on the pics he saw, and she gets a review claiming she's a B&S. Useful? Sure, it could've been avoided if he'd done more homework, but we all know a lot of guys don't.  
 Also important is the provider's POV. She never asked to have her images and info displayed there, never gave permission to them to make money off of her, and if she doesn't want to be there, then she shouldn't be.

Posted By: RachaelLee
Can anyone tell me more about EscortCafe? My personal website (recently deleted) was automatically replaced with a link to an EscortCafe page(?)
Are you still active? I assume so, based on your P411 (last login date) and recent (Dec 2016) review.  

Did YOU take down your personal website from the web?
Do you mean that your personal website link was removed from your TER Profile?  
Please explain.

Part 1: TER Profile links. You can ask TER ("Contact Us" or "Report a Problem" button) to remove the escortcafe link and put your personal website link back. (That's two separate requests: remove A; add B.)

It is possible that someone (hobbyist) found your escortcafe ad and used the "Report a Problem" button to get TER to add it to your Profile. And, that can still happen again. So, you might have to repeat the "please remove escortcafe from my Profile" every now and then.

Part 2: You can go to the source, escortcafe. If you REALLY, REALLY don't want your ad there, you can try their top right menu drop down "Need Help?" button or very bottom "Support" button that both get you their on-line form. Ask them to remove the ad.  And wait and see.

Part 3: At this time, I don't think the escortcafe ad is hurting you (up to date? accurate pics?), so don't sweat it too much. However ... go back to your personal website and ads and think about watermarking your pics so others can't steal them or use them without making an effort to remove the watermark. You don't need a watermark to prove ownership or claim a copyright, but it helps a tiny bit. If you need to get tough with a site like escortcafe, you threaten them with copyright infringement and unauthorized use. The  Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) covers this sort of stuff on the web.

Advice on DMCA Takedown Notices:

"Note: although the DMCA is part of US Copyright law, a DMCA Takedown does not require the content to be copyrighted in order to process the takedown OR for the request to have the content taken down acted upon by the website owner or ISP.

In other words,the fact the content is yours, or in the case of a photo or video the subject is you, can be sufficient enough to request a takedown."

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