Newbie - FAQ

rivphil 1 Reviews 9149 reads


Thinking of getting into the hobby and had a silly but practical questions.  I am married and I wanted to get some ideas on how people "divert" funds to invest in their hobby without spousal inquisition.

ironman408580 reads

I keep some money out of every check to set aside and keep it on me so I can use it as needed.Only use cash,no paper trail of any kind.(including cash card or machine)

Does your spouse keep track of the cash that you spend?   I take  cash out of the joint account regularly, as does she, and neither of us asks the other what is done with the money

LVP7816 reads

There are a few things to consider before you start. You may have thought of these already
1 You're beaking the law
2 Can you afford the donations without impacting your family
3 Are you prepared to have your wife divorce you
4 Are you prepared to catch an STD and give it to your wife
Cum on in the water is fine but we all pay a price for the life we choose.  my cynical.02

I'm self employed. i take out equity draws, wife does not knoe about it. Above post is right on! If you want to play be prepared to pay.

skisandboots6328 reads

If you're still here after LVP's "sermon" and plan on continuing, just squirel away some cash that you know is "unaccounted for".  I.E. don't spend cash on other things (especially other forms of entertainment).  My wife controls our money yet it was easy to squirel away a bit at a time without skipping any lunches, etc.  It doesn't take that long for you to accumulate the necessary funds.  If your stash of cash is ever found by your wife, be prepared to tell her what it's for (i.e. a special "surprise gift" for her that you were planning to buy & you didn't want to charge it).

LVP7579 reads

Not a sermon just reality We try and sugar coat this by calling it a hobby when it's really prostitution. I just think newbies should be aware of the risk. There should be a risk and reward book that all should read before they start. I love being addicted to this hobby my.02

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