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Providers - Exchanging emails...
brownjack 6772 reads

I'm relatively new to the hobby.  As such, I'm still working through some of the glaring differences between communicating with companions and dating.

For example:  I like to think of myself as a sincere and friendly guy.  But, have tried to assure companions that I'm not looking to develop a personal relationship.  As such, after meeting with different companions, I would send an email expressing my appreciation, along with some generic conversation (e.g.  "The weather was crazy, right?").  Except for one lady, I have never received any kind of recognition that the message was received.  Radio silence, unless I contacted them to reschedule.

I get that you wouldn't want to encourage a client into thinking that the relationships is more than professional.  Or, you just don't care to spend the time exchanging innocuous emails with every Harry Dick Tom.

But, is there no value in maintaining even a minimal communication stream with potential clients (if you made it clear that the relationship is purely professional)?  Or, does "customer loyalty" not exist in this business (what with "boys, being boys")?


Hence, I have asked TER to move your post to newbie board..

The cons of sending emails like that outweigh pros. Occasionally, I will send text or email saying I had a great time and I will see you again next time around.  I don't really initiate socializing  w/providers that I see BCD.  If the provider initiates that's all good. I will respond and be friendly in a measured way.    Worst thing you want to get accused of in this hobby is being unsafe. The 2nd worst thing is being clingy.  You might not be trying to be clingy, but that's how it could be perceived as by the provider.  

Back in the day, there were lot of good, quality intelligent women on GD board that I was friendly with, and we used to exchange PMs and texts.  But that friendship was developed out of time spent on boards posting, and was never a transactional relationship to begin with.  

Hope that makes sense.

CuriousGeorge1152210 reads

Spot on.  One suggestion...send the thank you via text shortly after your meetup. Provider emails are full of crap but a brief text usually gets a short response like "yeah, had a great time too".

Yes, I do send a thank you note.. Especially if I intend to see her again.

Providers have a word for guys who want to chit-chat by email or text . . . . .  "time-wasters."   While it's easy to think of idle chat being included in the service, it's not, unless it's during the block of time that you booked.  We look at providers as selling us sexual services, but they look at it as selling us time in the specific amount that we requested.  Trying to get extra time OTC (off the clock) for conversation is the same as staying overtime at your appointment without paying for the additional time.   While you have tried to assure them you are NOT looking for some kind of personal relationship, your actions speak otherwise in the context of professional services from a sex worker.  

The only appropriate communication with a provider OTC is the back and forth it takes to book an appointment.  Some ladies may appreciate a thank-you text AFTER a session, but don't expect a response.  If there is one, it will be short and usually that they are looking forward to the next meeting.  This is not an invitation for further conversation.  

With that said, providers are usually pretty savvy businesswomen, and they understand that maintaining a business requires some "marketing" effort, so when they have regulars who see them for multiple hours or more than one session a week, they will sometimes encourage some OTC communication in order to keep the BUSINESS relationship going.  If you are a regular and you miss a week or two, you are likely to get a message from the provider something like, "Where have you been", I miss seeing you."  Obviously, this being initiated by the provider invites an exchange by text or email, but you should not construe anything from it other than she is looking out for her business interests, and making sure she has not lost your business to a competitor.  I hope this gives you some insight into why you get ghosted by providers when contacting them outside the context of an appointment request.  

Meaningless emails without a token of appreciation for ones time is unacceptable. Can you imagine shooting the shit with every Joe Blow who contacts you? Wasted time. Now, if you send me a $15-$20 gift for my time, let's talk about the weather. If an intro. email does not contain the details I require to take a potential new friend  seriously many providers will disregard you.

But I'd still prefer Jane Blow me.

brownjack216 reads

Thanks Queen,

Great idea.  I was hoping to get the perspective of a provider.  And you did not disappoint.

I understand the professional aspect of the relationship.  And I'll take your advice going forward.

However, in my mind, it is a little sad, that after sharing a personal experience, it's inappropriate to treat that person as I would a friend.  But, I get it.  It would be awkward for me, if the shoe was on the other foot, and suddenly a provider starting flooding my inbox with emails.

after a haircut?  That was a personal experience, too.  You are still talking as though you don't understand this is a SERVICE.  Granted, it's a PERSONAL service, but so are a shoe-shine, a massage, and a manicure.  Do you email them, too?  
It's like taking your car to the car wash.  When it comes out the other end, they have done what they promised and have no further obligation to you, unless you are looking for a friendship with the guy who hands you the keys, but wouldn't that be kind of weird?

There are erotic chat services online where you can video chat with a naked woman.  If you really want a pretend relationship, why not try one of those?

I am sure he writes handwritten notes in cursive to  all the aforementioned service providers..

By the way, you left out cleaning ladies.. LOL

-- Modified on 3/8/2022 11:41:54 AM

I stand corrected.  Thank you.  

brownjack219 reads


Who is your barber?  Because the haircuts that you are getting sound very different from the haircuts that I'm getting.

...aren't simply the nekkid kind.

As pointed out above, a savvy business person knows the value of targeted customer interaction. Knowing when to communicate, and when NOT to, is vital to growing a continuing business relationship.

Yes, there are dangers inherent in this approach, for both clients and providers. Too much talking, not enough booking; "catching feelings," which can lead to the end of the relationship; and many other issues.

When done properly, it can result in continuing business with the kind of client most providers want to see. Low-risk, enthusiastic and paying regularly.

cut both ways.  I knew an agency booker that warned his girls that if they get into a relationship with a customer, they may think they have gained a boyfriend, but they will lose a customer, and ultimately, most likely both.  

TheVoiceOfReason227 reads

Every situation is different.  Brevity and sincerity are generally appreciated.

Ten months tops, the OP will be posting “So I’ve Fallen In Love With My Provider And Our Connection Is Real” thread.

Providers, though they don't like to admit it, catch feelings too.  Most don't respond back because it's easier for them to remain business like.  Some will, but you shouldn't as a client overstep your boundaries.  IMO leaving open ended questions that require a response like "The weather was crazy, right?" is a bit much for a first email or text of gratitude for the service.  

To answer your question: "But, is there no value in maintaining even a minimal communication stream with potential clients (if you made it clear that the relationship is purely professional)?  Or, does "customer loyalty" not exist in this business (what with "boys, being boys")?"  

No, there is no value in it for her because for the most-part you are a walking dollar sign.  Depending on her schedule you can be replaced should you become too mushy, make her uncomfortable, or try and take things further than she wants them to go.  It's simply a numbers game, and time is money, she is trying to maximize her efficiency while making as much money as possible, she's not making money by responding to old customers that are states away when she can be responding to customers wherever she is located either home base or touring, add to that she may have real world duties and a RL SO, kids, family issues, etc.  Customer loyalty used to be huge, especially on this board, I have read plenty of horror stories of providers threatening one another and being territorial over clients.  But that was then, and not so much now.  I think the current era of providers are only interested in the profit side of things and not building, fostering relationships for continued service.  

Are there some relationships that blossom from this hobby, yes, I have had a few of them lasting years.  But the percentages are very low.  Best you can do is be yourself, if sending out a customary "thank you for a good time" email floats your boat, then do it.  But don't be bummed if you don't receive one back in return.  

brownjack214 reads

Thanks DaVinci.

I appreciate your perspective.  And, you managed to add value to the conversation, without being condescending or demeaning.  Good for you.

Focused_practice253 reads

Yup, I feel you, Brownjack; there are a lot of immature jackasses on TER with their replies 😆 but I think they mean well?

Posted By: brownjack
Re: Protecting themselves
Thanks, DaVinci.  
 I appreciate your perspective.  And, you managed to add value to the conversation, without being condescending or demeaning.  Good for you.

If you had a good time and want to see her again, send her a gift.  Doesn't have to be crazy expensive. I usually send a small Amazon gift card when I book the appt to make sure things go smoothly.  If I want to stay in touch / see her again I will send another gift card after the date.

Some folks may say this is silly and a waste of $$.  But, I think it depends on what you you are looking to get out of your relationship.  Ladies seem to really appreciate it when you treat them w/ respect and compensate them.  (Go Figure :) )  

I know a few lades that have "retired" but still reach out when are in town b/c they know I treat them well and respect them.

My $0.02

brownjack217 reads

Really helpful input.  Thank you.

...after a particularly pleasant interlude isn't a bad idea, per se.  I'm not talking about badgering or getting attached.  I understand everybody in this game is looking for something, but none of us are walking money ledgers, nor are we insensate animals (only) trying to feed an appetite.  There is something like a human connection, which without getting all Pretty Woman, is a real phenomenon, if you're attuned to that sort of thing.  Anyway, maybe it's just me, but unless there's an amazing upside that I have to have again, I steer clear of soulless businesswomen who, for some reason, just don't excite that vital part of me.  Sure, that other vital part can still get aroused, but it's so much better when you genuinely like someone.  And a quick text or email says that; it's always nice (and how much work, really?) to receive a reply, however brief or superficial.  It's either a token of sincerity, civility, or just smart business.  

OK, now you old lions and smart guys can pounce.

I'll always send a thank you text/email after a session.  That's it.  If they reply, I don't reply to the reply, unless it is beyond "you're welcome" etc.
As to questions like do I send my barber a thank you email ... well I'm bald, so I don't have a barber, however in general I used whatever medium the arrangements were initially made to send thanks.  For service people it is usually in person.  However if I have conducted biz via email or text, then after the completion of the service whether it iwas in person or not,  I will indeed use those means to say a final thanks.

worried220 reads

It's a financial transaction, plain and simple.  Unless they're willing to split half their income with me, it's a transaction.  I wouldn't want any of my customers bothering me.  Don't be delusional.  

I always appreciate hearing from a client after our time together. i often send emails thanking them for stopping bye. If an provider can not acknowledge and email from you; you might be visiting the wrong provider. i am a strong believer in good manners.

brownjack235 reads

I took QueenBia's (and others') advice, and sent an email, with a gift.

I received a lovely reply.

I am still a little disappointed.  But, I now understand that providers have no mechanism, besides gifts, to be able to discern sincere customers from time wasters.  C'est la vie.

and look forward to meeting someone with a lot of excitement beforehand, it's never required. It very much appreciated.  We do pay attention to the extras like a gift card  

Not sending one doesn't mean a potential new friend isn't serious to me. Sending me the info I need per my website without a lot of back and forth shows me you are on the right track. ;-) Never be disappointed you went the extra mile though.  

Steph XO

Everyone is free to choose, but loyalty is a very strong word & I do not expect it from new, or old friends in this hobby life. I have 1 loyal person I have met in this adult community, but this is a BDSM lifestyle relationship that can not be compared. No.

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