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Depends on how good an actor the provider can be...
ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 1573 reads

Without question, if the provider can make you believe she is really getting into the session, the session will become first rate. I absolutely love it when a provider talks dirty or calls out my name (I usually call out there name when I cum.) If the provider is not really into your session (answering calls, no real eye contact, rushing you along, etc.)then her moaning and yelling becomes more of a nuisance and hinderance...from my vantage point, there is nothing worse than a provider who fake moans. But when the session is moving along to your liking, I find it incredible when the provider moans, screams, thrashes about, talks dirty and cums (even if its fake)

OK, so here's another puzzle that I pose to hobbyists and providers alike.

Some years ago I had an affair with a very young woman (22 years old), who was extremely sexual (and on top of everything else, a lesbian -- honest; long story).  She was NOT a provider, just some young girl who for some bizarre reason threw herself at me.  The affair lasted a couple months, but it was intense. She was into all sorts of kinky behavior, and it was an eye opening experience for me.  At any rate, during sex she was completely wild, thrashing about, yelling and screaming and moaning, calling out my name, etc.  

Now we all know women can and sometimes do fake orgasms.  Any guy who thinks he cannot be fooled by a fake orgasm is an idiot.  However, in this case, apart from having no incentive to fake, when this woman climaxed she gushed an incredible geyser -- and that I don't think you could fake!

I do not want to suggest that we should be anticipating many providers to squirt -- that's a tall order, I realize.  However, it was the case that all of her vocalization and carrying on was a real turn on for me.  Hearing some woman scream and moan and call out your name and talk dirty is something most guys are going to like, I think.

Now with providers, I think a lot of guys are going to suspect that any expression of sexual desire is acting, and there is certainly going to be a question in any guy's mind about whether a provider who appears to be having an orgasm is faking it or not.  I suppose it is possible that some providers really do get off on the sessions (it's work, but you can enjoy your work).  It is easy to imagine that male escorts really do climax, but then men are a different species altogether.  With women, providers or otherwise, there will always be a question mark.

So, I guess I am curious whether providers make an effort to show they are into it, or whether they are sometimes just genuinely into it, but either way do they show it.  And I am curious whether hobbyists like the sound effects, or feel that since it may be the product of acting, they'd rather not be subject to a deliberate attempt at manipulation.

My personal view -- going back to that 22 year old lesbian -- is that I like the idea of a provider who really shows she is into it, even if it is all an act (as long as it is a good act -- no one likes watching a play with bad acting!).  I am not so naive as to believe that a provider is doing something other than work, but I feel some fine acting is part of the overall service -- no different than candles or a sexy bra or wearing makeup.  Of course, if she is really, truly into it, so much the better, but since I will almost never know for sure, I would rather not get hung up on such abstractions.  I would rather have a fine actress who grunts and groans and thrashes and moans, than a person who honestly is not into it and doesn't hesitate to let you know.

There are a variety of reasons a lady becomes and stays a provider.  For me, I have a large sexual appetite and I love what I do.  I haven't had to fake, and I think I would quit the business if it came to that. This only works for me if I am able to please my gentleman and to have a good time doing that.

Without question, if the provider can make you believe she is really getting into the session, the session will become first rate. I absolutely love it when a provider talks dirty or calls out my name (I usually call out there name when I cum.) If the provider is not really into your session (answering calls, no real eye contact, rushing you along, etc.)then her moaning and yelling becomes more of a nuisance and hinderance...from my vantage point, there is nothing worse than a provider who fake moans. But when the session is moving along to your liking, I find it incredible when the provider moans, screams, thrashes about, talks dirty and cums (even if its fake)

I honestly can't imagine enjoying this occupation if I were not enjoying myself just as much as the gentlemen that I entertain. It is simply too personal and intimate to be in it just for the money. Although, without question, there certainly are tons of ladies who are into it for exactly that. The tremendous number of poor reviews gives testimony to just how many women there are who view this hobby purely from a dollar standpoint.

But for my part at least, I feel that faking it is a disservice both to myself and the man I'm with, and to be blunt, there is simply no need for me to fake it. LOL I know how to make sure I have a good time. I never have to worry that he isn't convinced I had an O because as the subject line says - the body never lies. A woman can give an Academy Award winning performance, but the body never lies. Mine certainly doesn't anyways :o)

I can't decide if I should rename myself "Honey" or "Sweetie"

You mean your name isn't God??

Side note: I recently learned to my dismay that I am slightly slydexic. For years I kept screaming "Oh DOG!! Oh DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

followme1768 reads

Have we met ?

Thank you

Actually, I have been called a dog before.  Maybe she was just a dyslexic religious zealot.  At least I can dream that's what it was.

to really know beyond any doubt whether another is really enjoying or faking is most likely an impossibility, furthermore, unimportant.  (Just for the record, I've faked; I was tired but too embarrassed to admit I couldn't get off.)

Like the great Scotish skeptic, David Hume, who sought to "prove" that you could not prove anything 100% true (thus giving birth to the most fundamental of ironies), we will never know for sure.

As a philosophy major, I think that the best dictum yet is one borrowed from another great philosopher, Rene Descartes (Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore, I am.):

Copulo ergo sum. I have sex, therefore, I am.

Says it all for me.

Alexis651549 reads

Id just like to say If im hollering and moaning Im enjoying myself. I love my work and try never to fake an orgasm if it happens Ill let you know. If it doesnt believe me Im still enjoying myself.I love everything about my work and just the touching alone turns me on.Having an orgasm all the time would be great but even when I dont I enjoy he fact that Im making the client feel good.  

-- Modified on 1/17/2007 9:04:21 AM

Although new to TER, I've been a provider for many years. You mentioned that you had an affair with a lady who was able "to squirt". I assume you're referring to female ejaculation. This is my trademark move. So, I would say your former lover was truly having a great time and not faking. I can only ejaculate when I'm truly having a great time with someone extremely skilled. I can't fake that and I doubt anyone could.

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