Newbie - FAQ

clients from TERregular_smile
kaseyk 7543 reads

Hi everyone, while I'm not new to the scene, I am new to TER.   (I was with an agency before and now I'm independent).  I am an extremely low level provider new to the Boston area - low level because I am very careful in whom I see as I have a wonderful "regular" job and can't risk losing it.  My question is to providers - Do you feel relatively safe, emphasis on relatively, when you see someone who's posted/ chats on TER?  As is in they're prob not LE?  I know- never assume anything, but I'm thinking if they're on here, they are probably OK.  Thanks:)

Heather4U5655 reads

Even LE can get on TER and post and become members and write reviews(fake ones of course). So my advice to you is don't trust them without references from another reputable provider or checking their work info. ALWAYS CHECK REFERENCES honey.
xoxoxo Heather

Hmmm.. This is about the only site I do trust... If they have over 10 reviews and post from time to time..  All the gents on here are quite cordial and put you at ease... Use your perception. intuition. Its one of the foremost things to have in this industry.

There are plenty of girls out there who don't require references, so if some guy claims "I can't give you any references because no one will see me for my first visit without them" don't be guilted into it.  Anyone who is on TER can find a provider who won't require references.  And if not, they aren't ready for the hobby.

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