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BBBJ? Why don't we worry?red_smile
charliehorse11 3095 reads

Granted, the risk of transmission is minimal when not going for the CBJ. But the risk is there....There are endless positive reviews on this site where the session starts with a welcomed bbbj. Hey, I like chewing my gum without the wrapper on as much as the next guy, but I do have a good education..and, therefore, should technically know better...
I crave the indulgence, but fear the guilt.

it's like anything else in life - risk vs rewards

I like skydiving, open ocean sailboat racing, fassssst cars and fasssssssster women.

Bottom line - each hobbyist should

inform himself

make a risk vs rewards decision


test frequently so as not to pass on stds

most stds are very trivial as diseases go and are easily treatable. I guess we have a visceral reaction to them because they are acquired by sucking and fucking instead of breathing, drinking bad water etc.

and - the incidence of transmission of STDs *even when present* is much much lower than most people seem to believe.

Who says we don't. But, you need to have clear, in your mind, what you imagine the risk (likelihood of occurring) to be, compared to the actual risk. If you do a search on STD's you'll find some good resources to determine that. And, then only you can determine what level of risk is acceptable to you. If it's none, then BBBJ is out of the question for you.

Those who are worried may choose not to do it. Trust me, no woman will ever force you into BBBJ.  

I can't tell if you are asking a question or just thinking out loud...

Actually, while I can't say I was "forced" to get a BBBJ I had one provider pretty much insist on it because she hated the taste of the cover (yes she had tried all the different flavors, etc.). It was pretty much take it BBBJ or skip the BJ completely. After much thought and consideration, I took it BBBJ. Probably spent almost a full second thinking about it.

I originally went in to the hobby determined to do everything covered, even BJ, and I still adhere to that for the most part. But from the research I've seen, BBBJ is one of the least risky things you can do (for the male at least).


famkejensen1326 reads

You said it...for the male. The risk is far more for the giver than the receiver.

I have found plenty flavors to my liking. Makes me..... want to eat more. The thought of a banana flavored (banana). Yummy!!!

I know a lot of girls who hate the taste also.  I'm fine with a BBBJ, in fact I prefer it.

1) most of my sexual career has been in serially monogamous relationships where no covers were necessary, so it is taking me quite a while to get used to condoms

2) the risks do not outweigh the rewards, yet. maybe when i get more used to the condom i will ask for CBJ. maybe not. still the risks of getting something truly dreadful are remote.

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