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I need help from the ladies
adelinedare See my TER Reviews 2799 reads

Hey there

I am trying to figure out how to advertise on Tryst. i used advertise there but now they have this two step log in and I can not figure out how to set it up. any lady that would want to walk me through it i will gladly pay you for your time

please help

Adeline xoxoxo

Ok, I have a Microsoft surface tablet that I set mine up with. I already had my tablet set up with face recognition, so if you already have this set up on your phone/tablet/computer all you should have to do is click on their link and it auto connected to my tablet to recognize my face. They for some reason have it listed on their site as a more advanced way to set it up, but if you already have it set up it just has to sync together with tryst. I am not sure of the other ways to set it up, but someone else might be able to give more advice. If you still can't get it to work send a message to their CS and they can walk you though it. Good luck!!  :)

It's easy, just download Google Authenticator and link to a gmail email. Then, I don't really remember but I think Tryst shows you QR code take a picture of that and then scan it on your Google Authenticator. PM if you want me to help.

Even after you do all the work and get past that , uploading your pics you still have to wait.  They said it can take up to 45 days !!! I’ve been waiting for 29 days so far 🤷‍♀️.  

I use google authenticator as well. Happy to walk you through it. Hmu

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