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Aren't you worried about security?
en32984 1 Reviews 1049 reads

I've noticed that many communications seem to be on "open" (unencrypted) e-mail servers like GMail or Yahoo and Google Voice numbers... all of which are potentially visible to a random that finds a lost phone (or an entity with a more vested interest and authority to investigate).

Why do you think more people don't use a (free) program like Signal for encrypted, self-destructing SMS messages and calls-- and an encrypted free e-mail service like ProtonMail to correspond?

From a purely technical perspective I imagine a provider regularly cycling through burner phones and using a VoIP service / e-mail would be fairly safe without seeming inconsistent (if they disabled location tracking on a hardware level)... but why don't more providers use encrypted services that are free that would also cover their clientele?  It seems like that would be a win-win.

And, conversely, do you think a hobbyist would pay more for the added security?  

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 3:22:26 PM

No, I'm not really worried about "security" but then I've been in the p4p world (off & on) since 1992 and currently have no SO in the picture.

If you're new to this world and DO have an SO, then you should definitely take precautions -- but the more layers of security you place in the way of communicating with providers, the more difficult communications become. The more difficult communications become, the more adverse providers will become to taking you on as a client. They have enough of this BS with flake "hobbyists" and want no more of it in their lives.

If you're smart enough to use sophisticated levels of tech to feel better about your privacy and it doesn't interfere with your ability to communicate with providers, by all means use it. If it becomes a detriment, then dial it back. Like much else in this world, it's a trade off with our own personal comfort level.

Have fun!

I Share your concerns... you can find tech savvy providers who will communicate securely if you explain the concern. Note most ladies are using a phone and opt for what's convienant so ymmv

They're not concerned because no one is after them.

It's like asking, are you preparing for a North Korean missile strike? You could go out and build a blastproof bunker in your back 40, stocked with rations. You could setup early warning radar to  know when to use said shelter. You could even move your entire life to that shelter so you'd always be ready.
The fact is, North Korea isn't gunning for you, so you're not really any safer than before you started. The boogeyman is in your head.

The vice cops aren't reading your texts and emails simply because there are plenty of idiots to mop their quotas with on backpage. They post a couple ads with maximum ~~~|||\~||\\\~|||~|~ and a low rate, setup a sting and rake in 30 guys at a time. This is simple, low cost, low effort and makes them look effective to the folks that expand their budget/salary/pensions.

Once in a blue moon, they'll go out and try to find someplace that's actually trafficking people and bust them. This is mostly for the publicity, not so much because they actually give two shits about it. They're really like every other government wage slave. They're just putting in their 20 years with as little work as possible, then retiring and collecting pension.  

When you start framing things correctly they make more sense.

HappyChanges172 reads

about LE or anybody else for that matter. I have no issues hiring an attorney, doing community service, or spending a couple of months or years in jail. Been there, done that. What I do care about is my SO finding out about my little hobby. And I thank all who bring up security. A great provider once told me, "Clean yo shit".  Great advice on so many levels.

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