Newbie - FAQ

All the advice you will ever need in this sport, unless I missed something....teeth_smile
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 2895 reads

All the advice you will ever need in this sport, unless I missed something...

So - you're a noob and you don't know how to find a lady -

READ the Acronyms and Newbies Manual at the top of this page from end to end, follow the Newbie board, ask questions, get answers, buy the VIP membership, study the reviews of ladies in your area, pick one you like and  just get out there and fuck

So - you are ready to contact a lady. How do you do that? Go to her website and read it thoroughly. Read her ettiquete page. Go to her contact page and follow the directions there. Fill out the contact form if there is one. Else contact her the way she tells you she wants to be contacted. Pretty simple, right? Handle this part correctly and communicate in a discreet and gentlemanly fashion, and you will likely have the opportunity to just get out there and fuck.

So - you're a noob and you don't have any references. The ladies want references. How are you supposed to get started?

This business runs on trust. The lady needs to feel comfortable with you. You have to provide
bona fides. Join Date-Check, Preferred411 and / or RoomService 2000. You *will* have to give
enough information to someone to assure them that you are not LE at the very least. You will
have to give out information until you have a verifiable history in this sport. So get yourself
screened, find a lady you like, read her reviews, and just get out there and fuck.

So - you're feeling a bit squeamish about the donation (price) a lady is asking for. DO NOT
try to negotiate with her. You will only piss her off, and maybe get yourself blacklisted.
Use the review system to find ladies in your area at a donation level you are comfortable
with. Higher price does not alwyas mean better service and vice versa. Go by the reviews.
Find a lady. And just get out there and fuck

So - you're feeling quite a bit squeamish about STDs. The risk of STDs is very real in this
sport. In my opinion it is lower than trolling the bar and club scene. But this sport is not
for the squeamish and faint of heart. So, either take up stamp collecting, or inform yourself
(STD risk chart attached), use a jimmy for all penetrative sex (and BJ if you wish but that's
a waste of time in my opinion). Get your ass tested regularly - your health is your responsibility.
And just get out there and fuck.

So - you get yourself screened, pick a lady, and you're getting ready for your date. What do you
need to be concerned about?

be clean, well groomed, inconspicuously dressed and for God's sake fresh underwear

have a plain envelope with the proper donation (plus a tip if you wish) ready

show up a bit early but do not hang around looking like an idiot. Be discreet

call the lady to let her know you're there no more than a minute or two before your time if she does not answer, just wait. She'll get back to you.

When she gives you the number, go up, enter the door, wait til it's closed behind you,

Smile brightly and introduce yourself

Tell the lady something complimentary - that should be easy

Be relaxed, confident, friendly

If you're nervous say so but don't be a dork about it. She'll help you along.

After that nature and her professionalism will take its course

So - just get out there and fuck.

So - you wonder - you donate for an hour - or two or three or whatever - what does that mean? It
means that you are entitled to that much and no more of the lady's time. she may have other clients. Bet your ass she has another life to attend to. Be a gent and respect the ladies time. Use the time wisely, finish the deed a bit in advance. Be a sport. There's always next time. As long as you don't get a reputation as a camper. Pretty easy, isn't it? Now - just get out there and fuck.

So - you met a lady. Had a fantastic / very good/ pleasant / nice / not so great/ kinda shitty
time with her. She was beautiful / pretty/ cute / nice looking / ok / plain / a bit of a fright/
a real hag. Do your bit for the brotherhood and write a review. Reviews helped you, right? Pay
it back. It's not hard to do. Follow the guidlines. Submit the reivew, then plan your next adventure, and just get out there and fuck.

So - you met a wonderful lady. She was so "into" you, made you feel so good. You think she really
really likes you. You really really like her. Dude - that's her job. If she wants to date you, if
she's in love with you, you will not be exchanging little white envelopes. If she makes you feel
that way you got your money's worth, in spades. Nice, isn't it? But do not get carried away. It's
a fantasy. Keep it straight in your mind. If you see her really often and it starts to seem like
the thrill is gone, well, that's an unfortunate fact of life. Lotsa flowers in the garden of life.
Move on and enjoy others. A while down the road you miss the lady, go see her again. You are the
consumer. The ladies are providing a service. Maintain perspective, and just get out there and

So - what are we going to do? Yep - just get out there and fuck.

-- Modified on 2/9/2009 11:15:39 AM

-- Modified on 2/9/2009 12:05:10 PM

To all the newbies out there reading this..
print out, copy on a note pad or just memorize what this post is about, because if you do, then your time with any beautiful lady here will go off without a hitch!
Perfect advice greg.

a post or two about details that concern the slightly more experienced hobbyist, and maybe one about what to do when things go wrong...

But I appreciate the compliment

Cheers Jay

What a great post, loved it. Doesn't get any easier then that. (Newbie NCISFAN)
Great advise, I'm on my way out the door, Oh!
did you say something about an appointment LOL!

I didnt read through it totally.  did you put this -


Great advice to the novice Greg, where were you 4 years ago when I could have used this advice.

I really like the "be relaxed, confident, friendly" part.  The lady I saw on my first visit, knew it was my first time, and she really put me at ease.  That is after, I got in there and fucked her.

"So - you met a wonderful lady. She was so "into" you, made you feel so good. You think she really
really likes you. You really really like her. Dude - that's her job. If she wants to date you, if
she's in love with you, you will not be exchanging little white envelopes. If she makes you feel
that way you got your money's worth, in spades. Nice, isn't it? But do not get carried away. It's
a fantasy. Keep it straight in your mind. If you see her really often and it starts to seem like
the thrill is gone, well, that's an unfortunate fact of life. Lotsa flowers in the garden of life.
Move on and enjoy others. A while down the road you miss the lady, go see her again. You are the
consumer. The ladies are providing a service. Maintain perspective, and just get out there and

that last paragraph was the best advice one could's a freakin' fantasy, in full color and 3-D

S_Yankee1211 reads

If i donate for 2 hours of this lovely lady's time... does that mean I could come to completion multiple times during our time together???

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