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Kiwigirl visiting NYC March 18-20, looking for a date March 18th for the M & G
kiwigirl See my TER Reviews 775 reads

Hi there!

I am excited to be coming back to NYC! I love it there! I fly in on March 18th in time for the M & G and would love to attend the M & G with a "friend" and then have a date afterwards which would include dinner and a jazz club... Anyone interested? I do not have a hotel booked for that evening but would be willing to do an overnight for the same rate as my dinner date rate.... how's that for an incentive???

I am really looking forward to the Soiree on the Thursday, March 19th. I think there may be one more spot available so ask me about that if the group thing is more your style...I love the Soirees!

And my other idea is to go to a swing party in NYC on Friday night... I have been several times and there is a great club I would like to go back to so if this tempts you please email me and we can talk about it...

[email protected]
or call/text me at 702-426-9083

I am playful, uninhibited, sensuous, classy, sexy and a great conversationalist.... I have a PhD specializing in Human Sexuality and am very skills in the sexual healing arts!

Stud85241 reads

Looking forward to a fun time at the Soiree with this wild & sexy Kiwi.

I've got dates for Friday, but who knows having a blonde in the mix might add to the fun.

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