New York

What Octavia said
STPhomer 176 Reviews 430 reads

I was about to give you , the OP , a couple great suggestions but first checked to see if you have been a contributor to the boards.  With no reviews under your belt most are reluctant to respond to your request.

You get some reviews.  I wouldn't recommend someone this way but you should still find lots of girls that don't care too.

I was about to give you , the OP , a couple great suggestions but first checked to see if you have been a contributor to the boards.  With no reviews under your belt most are reluctant to respond to your request.

MrBronson454 reads

Thanks everyone for the replies. I am a newbie and have not reviewed anyone yet, and I understand the concern. I'm sure I'll be able to find a lovely lady searching the review database.

I am a well known  independent provider with great reviews...and I am now based in NYC!

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