New York

Stooge is now pretending to speak for others.
inicky46 61 Reviews 4 reads

"Anyone looking at this?" Really? How the fuck do YOU know, Stooge?
You know what's pitiful? Stalking me here with years-old posts because you're obsessed with me.
Could you be any more easily triggered?
You're a pitiful mess.  
Crawl back into your hole.

A well-known provider is advertising afternoon tea roleplay. Amongst the activities that can be had is “Asian” , as in COF, CIM, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, Asian……

I am unfamiliar with the word Asian, as it relates to hobbying; and Urban Dictionary was no help.

Any linguists out there?

420Smoka4Eva10 reads

At least according to this website.

That's interesting.  This is the first I've heard of this.  :)

I usually associate "Asian" with a "squatting" cowgirl position, where her feet are flat on the bed.

I just learned something new!  :)

I went back to the woman that posted the ad that mentioned Asian in her list of activities and she told me it’s the act of farting during penetration, both vaginally and anally. She said she eats prunes and drinks lots of carbonated beverages the day before she meets a client who wants Asian.

There are videos online that show women farting, and they are usually Asian. So maybe that’s how the activity got its name.

I thought that was queefing. And I thought that queefing was limited to vaginal "farts" since anal farts already have a name: farts.  
I have enjoyed the company of MANY Asian hostesses and I don't recall a single queef. I remember my FIRST experience with a queef from a tall, blond, white hostess in doggie (caught me off guard - "What was THAT!!") and just a few more, NONE of them Asian. I think the women made up her own non-universal meaning without knowing about "queefing."

Posted By: newporter76
Re: Wanting Asian  
I went back to the woman that posted the ad that mentioned Asian in her list of activities and she told me it’s the act of farting during penetration, both vaginally and anally. She said she eats prunes and drinks lots of carbonated beverages the day before she meets a client who wants Asian.  
 There are videos online that show women farting, and they are usually Asian. So maybe that’s how the activity got its name.
EDIT: Added some info.

-- Modified on 6/27/2024 8:10:01 AM

Some guys are hugely turned on by it. I was with a favorite girl and had been pounding her from behind, after which she started blowing me while I fingered her. She started queefing. Later she asked me not to put it in the review because guys would expect that and probably be disappointed. She said she couldn't do it with most guys.

'Bout a year and a half ago you were boasting in here that she called you a "master cocks-man" because "you can really bring out the queef in me"

Remember? I can find it for you guys if you'd like.

You can't because I never wrote it. But so nice to see you spreading your toxic lies here instead of just on the P&R Board.
What a loser you are, Stooge.


I can't find the original because you obviously had it deleted, like you used to do with so many of my posts which make you look like the low IQ cretin you are. But I did find the conversation you and I had referencing it a few days later. Please not that you don't dispute my account of what you claimed she said.

Will this do?

Gimme another stooge meme, too. They're SO funny!!!


inicky462 years ago41 reads3 likes
Some years ago I was at the incall of a wild Boston girl who used to post here.

She wanted me to take some pictures of her for use on her web site, which I did and they were pretty damn sexy. Then, just for fun, I took a picture of her with my cock in her mouth.
Lo and behold, a few days later it showed up on her web site. I got right in touch and told her any cop who wanted to bust her could use it as evidence. It quickly disappeared.

MojoStu2 years ago39 reads4 likes
Wow, what a fascinating tale, nicky!regular_smile

Was this girl also a queefer like the one you recently told us about? You know, the one that dubbed you a "master cocksman" for having the rare talent of bringing out the queef in her?

Lovin' your little stories, nicky. Keep'em coming!
inicky462 years ago28 reads
No, Stuie, this was a different girl.

Do try to contain your fascination with me and attempt to be a bit less envious. Though I can't say I blame you.

Admit it, you couldn't find the fake quote you claimed to recall because it doesn't exist. The other two you found are real but don't prove your point. Unless your point is you're an unashamed stalker.
Could you be a bigger tool?
Stooge is exactly the right word for you

That you whined incessantly to admin about my making you look so bad that they purged an untold number of, not just MY digs at you, but half the people on the P&R board who made you look like a cretin too. It was so easy to do, but I was the best at it if I do say so myself!

No stooge meme for me, smegma? Did I trigger you so badly that you FORGOT??? LOL!

I tried like hell to find a single thing in your post that was actually true. But no.
Keep on trying Stalker. I know I can count on you. You are SO predictable.
Now you will go away but you'll return in a month or two with the same tired old game.

No need since the pain of getting so harshly humiliated is all too fresh in your memory.

See ya on the P&R board, smegma. Not quite done with you.

Looks like you didn't have it deleted after all. Here it is:


inicky46 61 Reviews 1807 reads
posted 2 years ago

Does a nice, loud queef turn you on or does it just remind you of a fart and kill the mood?
Personally, I'm ambivalent but lean in favor of queefs.
So share your hottest queef tales....Here's mine....
I was with a really hot somewhat submissive GND type. We'd been fucking heavily in doggie and she was giving me a BBBJ while I fingered her very juicy cunt when she emitted a long, wet queef. Then she giggled adorably.
Later, when it came up that I planned to review her, she asked me to please not mention her queef. I assured her I would not but asked why, assuming she found it embarrassing. Turns out she was well beyond being embarrassed about anything sexual.
She told me many guys are very turned on by queefs and take them as proof they were a Master Cocksman. But in fact, she said, she rarely queefs and didn't want guys to expect it.


MojoStu2 years ago51 reads3 likes
Wow, and you actually bought that?teeth_smile

How did she keep a straight face when she told you all this?



inicky462 years ago39 reads
Dear Stuie: Please show me where I said I believed it.

Frankly, I didn't give a fuck. I just thought it was funny.

If he could read he'd know I didn't call MYSELF a "master cocksman."  As I said, it was "proof they were a Master Cocksman."  
Go away, Stooge, and come back when you learn to read, fool.

"Anyone looking at this?" Really? How the fuck do YOU know, Stooge?
You know what's pitiful? Stalking me here with years-old posts because you're obsessed with me.
Could you be any more easily triggered?
You're a pitiful mess.  
Crawl back into your hole.

The difference between Asain and Queefing is that queefing is the involuntary expulsion of air from the vagina during penetration sex; and Asian is the deliberate expulsion of air from the anus while having either penetrative sex of the vagina or anus.

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