New York

Moderated Members, Rejected Reviews, and the Truth
newyorkcityman 31 Reviews 3524 reads

I am troubled by much of what I have read on this board over the last few days.  I am particularly concerned about the fact that critical reviews of NY Confidential were apparently suppressed by TER.  It also appears that people expressing opinions about NY Confidential/Jason were moderated.  The combination is anathema to what I thought TER was all about -- a forum for the “fictional” truth.  My confidence in TER Staff/Ownership has been shaken significantly.

It is apparent that negative reviews of NY Confidential were rejected by TER, while Jason (apparently without moderation by TER) was utilizing this Board to trumpet his agency, Natalia, and himself, as the best in the nation.  It is hard to believe that it was merely a coincidence that TER suppressed negative reviews while allowing more self-promotion by NY Confidential than any other agency -- by far.  Perhaps there are other facts of which we are unaware.  Some significant explanation from TER should be forthcoming.

During the post-Christmas NYC Confidential "contest" I tried to post a message saying I believed it was fixed and that Mr. Novatny was basically a shill. My post never made it to the board and when I complained to Dingus, he censored certain parts and posted it. My post was not vulgar or mean-spirited, it was simply an opinion. I was surprised to be censored given that the board discusses illegal activities to begin with. I support deleting nonsensical posts or libelous ones. But I find it odd that fart jokes are OK but reasonable opinions are not. Dingus should not resign but he should not use his position to support or defend any particular agenda.

My original post was not an attack on this Board's moderator.  My post expressed a genuine concern that negative reviews of NY Confidential were being suppressed while that agency was extremely active in promoting itself on this Board.  My concern is primarily with TER itself and those who determine that a review is to be suppressed.

The integrity of this system is based upon reviews that are posted by people who establish their credibility by posting numerous reviews.  If TER suppresses negative reviews from reputable members about a high profile and very high end agency, then it would seem that some explanation is warranted.  Such actions raise the spectre of an interrelationship between TER and NY Confidential.  I sincerely hope that is not the case because I have found TER to be very useful.  On the other hand, I don't want to be naive.

Perhaps I am alone with these concerns; perhaps not.  I would appreciate responses from other members on this issue, not attacks on Dingus 15 or any TER member.

I don't think that negative reviews should be removed just because they are not consistent with other reviews. Negative reviews should be removed only if they are proven to be fake. Sometimes people just don't click and sometimes a session is just not good.

Similarly, some extremely positive reviews may be over exaggerated and over rated.  That's just the opinion of the writer.  Unless they are fake, they shouldn't be removed either.

On another well known "big" board, some of the moderators remove any posts or reviews that criticize any provider who advertises or participates.  These types of actions remove all credibility which is why that other board is doing so poorly.

The intergrity of the board must be maintained.

diceman13709 reads

I had the same thing happen to my review of Angel. I got ripped off posted a bad review and three days later it was gone.

Seems to have happened to everyone.  I posted a review about a year ago re: a bad experience with a BDJ escort.  It was early in her "reviews" and deemed "inconsistent".  Seems to me that someone at BDJ must have monitored the reviews and then claimed that mine was fake.  I didn't get any email asking for an explanation.  simply was never posted and the BDJ girl came out with a nonstop range of 9s and 10s.  frankly I don't trust the reviews at all if they are a constant set of 9s and 10s.  no one clicks all the time and we should be allowed to read the reviews where people didn't click.  I mean, geez everyone is over 18 (at least I hope).  

Howdey all , I have been a active escort for 4 years , other than I took a few months off this past year .

I have heard many stories about this site as I am very active on other boards and sorry to say some has not been so good

but all my provider friends say this is the BEST site to be .

I have e-mailed staff again and hope all this gets cleared up

I am not sure if this post will even go thru .

I have had over 40-50 persons tell me that they have tried to review me , I need  NO shills  I have plenty of biz in my home town and would only like to use this site for travel .

how come the reviews wont go thru ,  I have NEVER ask ANYONE to review me ,  I have many return clients and they tell me about that the reviews wont go thru  so how can staff here say that they only banned ones that are negitive ?

I have had some of MY reviews go on other girls profiles and are still there .

and I had others go on mine and I e-mailed the reviewer and told them  " hey that is not me " and they were removed

I also have two profiles here that I can find and a couple other profiles that just dissapered and not by my choice , I have always been known as FoxyMonica there is one under that name and a few under Monica 561 ,exclude web site NO ,Boca Raton  

someone even went in and put my home number as one of my numbers *I had my phone disconnected after I found out * My phone numbers are wrong and a while back my locations were wrong  one profile said I was in Califorina  and I have NEVER worked there .

I know I have not pissed anyone off or had any diffrences with anyone . nor have I ever disrespected this site , I was even a vip and could not post a couple years ago , I tried to pay for a vip tonight and it would not go thru ?

why can't I be treated fair ?

I just want MY reviewes to be posted on MY profile , all on one page

I want my phone number, e-mail and web-page  to be right .

I want to post here on the boards .

I want to become vip

do I ask for too much

if any staff can help me get this done ?

thank you

hugs , kisses and squrits


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