New York

Re:I only use PM's to backchannel with other hobbyists
SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 3168 reads
1 / 6

Funny but I never realised the benefit of having and using the PM feature here on TER until just recently when a few gentlemen pm'd me reguarding a post or two.

I've even begun to use it to answer certain someones that I think might better to be answered privately. Personally I welcome PM's and even appreciate them if someone utalises them to make an appointment. It makes my life and yours a bit easier!

So I for one welcome pm's, how do the rest of the vip community feel about thwm and do they utalise them?

I'm asking vip's because I think you need to be a vip to be able to use this feature. If I'm wrong someone correct me please. Also perhaps someone can tell me how one goes about finding out if a person can recieve pm's or not. I guess there are just alot of VIP's because I've never clicked the mailbox sign and been told that person wasn't able to recieve pm's. Anyone that can answer I thank ahead of time!
Samantha Summers of NY

frankie2003a 3506 reads
2 / 6

If you send a PM there is no way to tell if the other person
can actually see and read the PM.  Clicking on the mailbox link will not tell you.  You only know if they actually respond back
to you.

Also, you can block PMs from any party that you wish although
I have never tried that feature.  I would imagine, in that case
also, the sender has no idea that his or her PM is being
blocked (but I'm not sure).


Foodyguy 29 Reviews 3761 reads
3 / 6

Private message satisfied

energizer bunny 2823 reads
4 / 6

Many providers do not have VIP memberships to TER, so they can not access the PM's. When dealing with providers I would much rather call or e-mail them. At least with calling and e-mailng them I know that they have recieved my message.

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 4766 reads
5 / 6

Well I know when I log into TER (I do pay the vip fee) I get a little noise and a message that says I have mail. Since I have alot of things going on in my life these days I tend to respond to my e-mails as soon as I get them also my pm's (or I might forget lol) If I was a client and I sent a pm to a provider that I knew read the boards alot I'd expect a response and if I didn't get one I might take it as a slight. Although guys keep in mind things happen all the time in everyday life.

Personally I keep my laptop on in my living room and when I hear I have mail if I'm able to I answer it immediately. I'm admittedly better with my e-mails than I am with my vm's although I'm getting better at answering my phone now on a daily basis! It's best to send me an e-mail or pm, even if you call and have to leave a vm if possible still send an e-mail.

What Bunny discusses though does kind of stink. I hate not knowing if I'm being ignored or if the person has just been to busy to read my pm or e-mail. I'm already used to not hearing from almost anyone over the weekend lol Most of you wait till monday morning to catch up on "Ho-mail" lol

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