New York

My NY Confidential Reject Review...
JustHere 4982 reads

Last June I saw a girl from NYC. I attempted to post my review and twice was rejected based on the review being "Inconsistent"

Upon asking why the review was labeled as inconsistent, I was told that of all her reviews, mine was the only negative one. When asked if those other reviews were legit, I was ignored.

My point is that this should be a place where we are provided with un-biased opinion and fact. To this day I am convinced her reviews were fictitious yet those reviews lured me into spending $1k and being taken advantage of. We don't mind spending the money but we want to ensure our money is well spent. Had I read bad reviews on her, I would have gone elsewhere. I for one had depended on TER to provide me with facts which in turn would assist me in deciding on a provider. By rejecting my review, TER did not act upon principal and allow my experience to be shared with others. The result was TER condoned NYC's self promotion of false reviews which ultimately lead to driving business their (NYC's) way. Driving business their way... One has to ask what role TER had in promoting NYC's business and what rewards followed.

Here is a copy of the rejected review....
Attempted Posting June 2004

After some bad experiences I decided to spend a few extra bucks to see what happens. After all, they do say you get what you pay for. I checked the reviews and all I read about Natalia was how great she is. So I went for it. Boy was I in for a surprise.

The Juicy Details:
(This is the area to describe your encounter in greater deatail.)
First of all she was 40 minutes late and offered no apologies. She came in, asked for a glass of wine and told me... told me to get undressed. She was not into this at all. No kissing, hardly any touching. No touching the neck or hair. I tried to stroke her hair, she freaked. She stuck a condom in her mouth, proceeded to cbj me. Stopped, got on her hands and knees and told me to fuck her. I swear, she was like a programmed robot. No emotions, feelings, nothing. It was like let's get this over with, I have places to be. When it is all over with, she had the nerve to say tips are appreciated because the agency gets most of her fee! I mean WTF? I did not tip her, she got mad and made way too much noise leaving the room. I was really fearful she would have her driver or guido boy come up and rough me up. I am not sure about the validity of the numerous 10 reviews she has received. I read them all which is why I decided to go with her. I now have to ask myself if she or her agency wrote all of the reviews themselves. I am such an idiot for believing them and this experience has me very nervous about spending that much money on a girl again.

I remember those " Great " reviews coming up, and a few people, myself included, asking about the validity of them. I actually apologized to Jason, an this board, after it seemed, the TER team had checked them out... Hey, you live and learn...

I has a similar situation too. My reivew was not objective, according to TER. I had a wonderful time with Victoria, however I didnt like the way the agency handle the situation afterwards, Jason called me to tell me Victoria had a good time with me and told me that rates were going up for Victoria and ask me if i wanted to take advantage of the old rate for now. I told that I didnt care for him calling me to solict biz, especially this was the first time I used the agency. He called back a few days later with the same msg, this think I wasnt at work so I told him off. I put that into my review and it got rejected.

diceman13338 reads

I had a review removed also of Angel. Said was very honest said she was a nice person and atractive but all she did was talk to me for my $800 and Im a cute, well groomed, polite, ripped, generous guy. I was furious might not renew now. If you can't have honest reviews on this site whats the point.

Exposing the seamy side of our so called Hobby.Believe me when I say the News reports are only the Tip of the Iceberg.
While it seems TER is now allowing Posts that are not complimentary to the now defunct agency in question , it begs the question of why many other threads, including mine about them where not allowed and given vague responses why.
These boards were meant for the exchange of information , Good and Bad.The open Dialog which benefits both Hobbiests and Providers.
Rigged contests , Phony reviews , double billing credit cards,  Drugs and exposing information about Hobbiests are the lasting legacy of this SOB, but isnt it Sad that only now when the Jerk is out of Buisness that these thing can be shared .  

69forever3957 reads

the seemingly endless self-promotion of NY Confidential, it definitely seemed like bullshit to me.  As a result, I never went near that agency.  While I couldn't put my finger on it, all those great, terrific reviews just didn't seem possible, and as it turns out, they weren't, particularly after reading your post.  TER should not have rejected your review because it was "inconsistent" with all the others (if that was the only reason).  Indeed, they should have published it and let the readers judge for themselves, especially if there was no evidence of it being a "hatchet job."  In fact, I'm sure that there would have been those who thought "Ahh, finally the truth!"  Similar in a way to when you finally get a less than stellar review from a girl in those AMP's, although that seems to have been toned down of late.  I'm sorry you had a bad experience with all this, but I do think your post could be very constructive for all concerned in the long run.

So who exactly wrote all of those 10/10 reviews for Natalia.  has anyone legitimate stepped up to claim that their review was indeed worth such a lofty score.  I guess I'm just confused as the girl had 4 pages worth of praising reviews.  of those 4 pages how many are false (and if false how did they get past the review process????) and how many are legit.  

Are we just beginning to realize you cant always trust what you read? If not, I have a nice 100 year old Bridge on the lower east side of Manhattan to sell.

Some weeks past there was post on how many reviews it may take to decide if you want to see a girl. It takes one from someone you "know". Someone who has reviewed girls you saw in a similar way and who you think sees things from a similar perspective.

This is a very personal hobby and YMMV is the rule. We all have feelings, emotions and moods.

#1 - Should reviews be rejected because they are "inconsistent"? NO. NO. NO. People change, we all have bad days, folks become complacent - who knows all the reasons why one person may have a very different experience than has been the case for many others. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Nor can it be dismissed as unimportant because it hasn't happened before. Reviews are our honest reports on the experiences we had, or at least they should be. It seems to me that when there is a close call, TER serves the hobby best by erring on the side of full disclosure.

#2 - Jason and NYC and all that crap. Spare me.

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