New York

Re:Hey guys, lets have some fun on the board*********************WHAT IS THE KINKYEST ????????????
Wacco 5806 reads
1 / 21

Post with an Alias.
No names.....No reviews

What is the kinkyest thing you ever done with a provider????

What is the Kinkyest thing you would like to do with a provider????

ButtMasterson 6745 reads
2 / 21

Okay, I was sitting in a big comfortable chair with my favorite provider RCG with my cock in her ass while woking a vibrator in her pussy as she cupped her pussy juices in her hand bringing it up for us both to slurp on, all this time we are watching a video taken by my ex-girlfiend of this very same provider giving me a BBBJTC.

Wacco 6571 reads
3 / 21

I got a nice bad boy spanking with a paddle

I would love 2 girls, 1 doing asain and the other BBBJ

HowBoutthis1 7403 reads
4 / 21

I know of a provider who saw this guy once and he took a shit in the bathroom and laid on the bed,after he got off the bed, she noticed major skid marks he left from his asshole.

What do you think she did? she covered it with the blanket so he would not get embarrassed from the situation.He had the nerve to ask he What is that smell?

I have more but I am waiting for more stories. I can write a book on this stuff, it's freaky.

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 4678 reads
5 / 21
Wacco 6033 reads
6 / 21

This isn't provider related but I had a married (not to me) slave for about a year...We were in a mall and I told her to pee in her pants.............Not only did she do it but she loved it and started to moan.

scriptfixer 18 Reviews 7060 reads
8 / 21

I fucked my wife and no one else while we were married.  Now that's gotta be a weird thing to hear on this board!  :)

Roverrobg 1 Reviews 5097 reads
9 / 21

Kinkiest thing? Did her doggie and made her moan real loud. I guess the madam came and knocked if everything was ok, We walted towards the door, still in her and opened he door while im still pounding away and the girl said that everything was ok. the madam just chuckled and said ok. but then left the door open for everyone to hear and I saw some people peek.

thats_amore 5846 reads
10 / 21

Okay..two stoires...

1. My friend was making out with a girl, DFK, non-provider,
  when she suddenly vomited into his mouth.

2. Another guy I know was fucking a provider doggie style.
  She kept saying she wasn't feeling well but he kept going
  at it. Eventually, she farted and spewed diarrhea all
  over him.

HowBoutthis1 3538 reads
11 / 21
taylorofdallas 6230 reads
12 / 21

Yep!!! That one is REALLY gross.

Wacco 5574 reads
14 / 21


Tell us the best TRUE encounter YOU have had with a provider and win!!!

then we'll all vote for the best one.

Be honest and make sure it's TRUE

GOOD LUCK...........................................

doobie brother 5232 reads
15 / 21

Similar to an earlier posting, I had a woman ask me if she could blow me.  Of course, I said sure.  She asked me to shove it so far down her throat that she wanted to gag.  She did that intentionally because she WANTED to vomit on my cock.  It was not an accident, it turned her on.  Sick, sick, sick.  But it is a true story.

Roverrobg 1 Reviews 6724 reads
16 / 21

This is with my first provider. I had drank before I got there and i guess it makes me last longer. Girl was upset with me because I took so long. Her legs were shaking and couldnt stand well, wobling all over. After she just sat there on the bed while I got dressed. I was just laughing trying to make her feel better. I guess she was done for the day.

latour82 4510 reads
17 / 21

I was in a large apartment on the East Side.  I told the girl who I was with that I wanted to lick a lot of ass. She had 8 other girls come in, one after the other, and bend over while I licked their asses for about 5 minutes each; the girl I was with kept my dick in her mouth the whole time, and I came several times.  When I was done, my girl pissed in my mouth, then invited one of the other girls in who also pissed in my mouth while my girl urged her on.  Luckily, this was all in the early 1980s before all the bad diseases.

Bob71466 7 Reviews 5588 reads
18 / 21

Saw BeBeDoll in NYC and had a role play scenario where I was a rich businessman with a palace and many business dealings in the Middle East.  I get bested by her on a business deal, and I capture her and plan on adding her to my harem after faking her death so family and friends won't come looking for her.

After an "interesting" first half hour, where I "convince" her of my new status as her owner, she surrenders to her new life and tries to convince me through her obedience and enthusiasm to keep her in the gilded cage I have built for her and not toss her to my guards for their amusement instead.....

BTW, this went TOTALLY against my personality.  BeBeDoll encourages you to explore your dark side as she actually begs you to play the heavy as she gets off on it.....

You can see my review if you are curious for more explicit details.....

BDJ4ME 23 Reviews 5154 reads
19 / 21

3 providers at once, all giving me BBBJ at the same time and DFK all three at once (not in that order) A fantasy cum true.
Check my review under Rachel for the wonderful details

thats_amore 5918 reads
20 / 21

Taylor -

I assure you when it happened to my friend
it wasn't funny, but when he told us we
were all dieing with laughter!

Glad I could make you laugh. I travelled many
places and know and have seen many funny things.
I have read many of your reviews and maybe one
day we'll meet. ;-)

PM me if you like...

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