New York

followme 8864 reads

I feel this is important enough to get this thread going again.

Regarding the bust in the meadowlands last week, it seems odd that there was nothing in the papers about it. Unless I missed it. Seems to me that some snooooopy little shit reporter would have got hold of it and put it all over the place.

Now please DO NOT misunderstand me I am NOT trying to say that the information put out on this board is false or or anything like that. I am sure that what has been said is true.
However it would be great to get more information so we all can all play safe.
Such as does anyone know how the ladies got caught?
does anyone know exactly which hotels? (if it is not against the rules of this board to name the hotel or ladies/agency)
and so on........ the more information we can get the less this will happen(I think)
I guess it is possible that the information put out is all that is availible, But if any guy or lady can give us more information and as much detail as possible PLEASE do so.

Also lets all hope those ladies are, by now, home and not in a big jam.


Dirk Bogard7046 reads

Agreed! No one responded to my last common sense post on this subject the other day.???

If it don't fit, you must acquit!
This is America!
The days of Salem "witch" hunts are long gone.


captpicard7266 reads

Betty put the word out.  A friend of hers was one of three girls busted last week.  E-mail her for info.  She is reviewed on this board.

followme9070 reads

Yeah I saw Betty posted that on another board, i think, and offered more info if emailed.
I was just thinking that if anyone had more info and details it could be posted here for all to read instead of Betty getting well over 100 emails, and I'm sure she would answer them all cause she is such a sweetheart and wonderful lady. and is GREAT at what she does.....I have seen her a few times.

I sent Betty an email since I do hooby there..
but no feedback or details as of this writing.

maybe she was hit with many requests.

I tried not to post all the details, not because I don't want to share, but because is better if some things are NOT so open in a public board, where everyone (but the Pope) can read it. I don't mind backchannel exchanges, I just think if I post their "modus operandi" is just going to make them change things around.

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