New York

Re:Anybody notice that.....
bosco42 57 Reviews 3639 reads
1 / 12

Ashley Taylor no longer has her eros ad with Jaimee Lee and JL no longer has her own ad either?  My instincts tell me something is up.

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 3215 reads
2 / 12
crankyasianman 18 Reviews 3470 reads
3 / 12
buddym 45 Reviews 2876 reads
4 / 12
mrbiggs79 3470 reads
5 / 12

from what i heard ashley was changing jaime pic with a different one and for some reason jaime whole thing was pulled but it should be back up shortly until then heres a old link i found

Kornlover 22 Reviews 3662 reads
6 / 12

I am glad that you are no longer associated with Jaime Lee.   I just heard that she has been saying bad (and inaccurate)things about me, and I have never even seen her.   But because of your prior association, she knows that you are one of my favorites.

George Strait 2911 reads
7 / 12

Hope you are still comming to Boston July 6-8.

APOOL 34 Reviews 2934 reads
8 / 12

Get in line behind me Jack!(sorry)

Everythingspeachykeen 4264 reads
9 / 12

This is a girl with not only beauty but brains. You see when you have friends or so called friends bringing you down you have to let go.. simply like that. In life you need to keep positive people who keep you smiling instead of frowning and worrying you in life. Botox is great for people who have been affected by these type of poisonous people.. get it,they inject poison in you to get the lines out that poisonous people place on you with the aggrivation they put you through.All I know that you are in a good place with good people around you now and don't let anyone affect your financial, emotional well being.. you are too sweet and just simply a great peson.. thank you for being you!

Love U KNOW WHO :))

energizer bunny 4110 reads
10 / 12

I am also glad that Ashley is no longer associated with Jamie Lee. Jamie Lee left me with a very bad taste in my mouth after I had spoken with her on the phone. When Ashley had first posted her contact information, I was beyond thrilled. I called the next day to setup an appointment. When I called a female voice answered the phone. I asked if she was Ashley. She said that she was not and that she was Jamie Lee. I then asked if I could setup an appointment to see Ashley. I asked if I could see Ashley at 9:00 PM. She told me that Ashley had an appointment at that time. I then asked what times did Ashley have available. She then tells me to just call tomorrow. I told her that I had time tonight and that my schedule was flexible, so I wanted to set something up tonight. She then responds to me(and these are the exact words)"Are you F--king deaf?" "Just call tomorrow". And then she hung up on me. I was beyond pissed off that she spoke to me like this. At that point I had decided that if that was the way that they were going to do business that I was not going to bother with them. Only because I absolutely adore Ashley, I gave them a call a few weeks later. This time I spoke with the phone guy Mike and I was able to set up an appointment without a problem.

IMHO Jamie Lee is a loose cannon. The funny thing is that I had planned on using the delisted TER agency in the future, but if they employ girls like Jamie Lee then I am going to stay away from them. If her attitude over the phone was like that I could only imagine what she is like in person. She is someone that I can do without meeting.

-- Modified on 6/23/2004 3:52:21 PM

mrbiggs79 4276 reads
11 / 12

i had spoken to jaime early in the am and informed of her pic and that was the info i was given. so i said i would post what happened. i didnot find out later till i spoke with ashley the real story. so for this im trully sorry for giving wrong info. she WAS my atf who was always cool with me so i believed it. if she left ashley to go with a delisted agency she most have a screw loose hopefully she gets the help she needs and returns to the great person i once knew. once again my humblest apoliges

mr biggs

mrbiggs79 4051 reads
12 / 12

your 100% right we dont need people in our lives that are poison well you sometimes it takes a little longer to get rid of the poison than other but im glad ashley got rid of hers myself it took alot longer but im also poison free

p.s. thanks for the heads up

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