New York

""""""""""The IncredibleTaylor James""""""""""
buddym 45 Reviews 4848 reads

Just had one of the best experience in my life as a hobbiest.
Ten adjectives to describe Taylor:
2-Kissable all over both ways
3-Naughty and nice (Read between the lines Review to follow)
4-Unleavable(took twenty minutes to get out the door)
5-Great partner
6-Gives good shower
7-cuddley and hugable
8-enjoys her work(but does not make it seem like work)
9-Very orgasmic
10-Truly is one of the nicest people you will meet in this life or any other life.

BlindGuy3222 reads

Just wanted to add that Taylor James is highly ADDICTIVE.

Taylor James can get a "rise" out of a dead man! I can personally attest to this feat. After three cups with Taylor James, I was totally satisfied and physically spent. But Taylor James wanted to play some more and she managed to "motivate" me  to "rise" to the occasion two more times. A new personal best of FIVE cups for one session! Taylor James has some real powerful mojo.

Taylor James made this blind guy see "heaven" (multiple times)!

Taylor is definately one of the best!
She takes the GFE expierence to a new level.
I will see her again and again and again.....
We need to convince her to move out to LI. :)

EB, You'd get old before your time if she did. But then again what a way to go.

-- Modified on 6/16/2004 4:44:35 PM

I would get old with a big smile on my face. :)

I booked Sept because 3 stricks and yer out

-- Modified on 6/16/2004 7:07:42 PM

She is passionately addictive. Add to that a damn nice woman.
All those adjectives are right on target. She is my ATF.


The most amazing and special person I have ever met.  We definitely need her to move to LI.

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