New York

Re: No scoops, just the sprinkles.
bodmanjohn 7 Reviews 654 reads
1 / 3

Their website is no more. Does anyone have the scoop?

impposter 49 Reviews 560 reads
2 / 3

Their website used to be sketchy but seems to be completely down, now.  It's still a valid, registered domain name. I always liked how they spelled CindereLLLa with three Ls.  

Nevertheless, I noticed the return of another place and the appearance of at least two new places offering the higher end Asian experience (as compared to the more traditional AMP or spa).  I don't want to be accused of shilling so I'll let you search recent reviews to find them.  

I have not seen one of SilentC's most popular ladies, Scarlet, turn up on any other site yet. If SilentC doesn't come back, she might show up elsewhere.  

If you find out more, please post for the rest of us (or PM me).

hardy22 7 Reviews 222 reads
3 / 3

There was a young Asian named Lara who was once affililated with them.  Absolutely amazing.  Some of the best breasts I have ever encountered.

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