New York

Re: Just to clarify matters - Yoko's site is NOT down EOM
Shaunna See my TER Reviews 937 reads

Posted By: Nnoway
It's functioning perfectly well. But her calendar is empty :(
Ha, all i got was an empty page when i first looked, i just scrolled all the way down the page to finally see it.

Apologies for jumping the gun, but that doesn't give someone the right to jump in and just be plain mean :-

Anybody has any idea what happened to her? PM, if necessary

Her site is no longer live and gathering from the original post i would say her numbers are no longer active.

So although your post was erm, how can i put it, irrelevant, she is clearly no longer around and/or wants to be found.

If she did want to be found then she would have informed her clients (the one's that she likes anyway) of her new contact information.

If you feel you would like to tell me to MMOB then by all mean please do, put it on an envelope addressed to Santa.

I can't wait for Xmas Day  ;-

Cosette1020 reads

Aren't a good thing. You guys want us to respect your privacy and be discreet? Then offer the same. Clearly reach out and if there's no response and clearly her calendar isn't current, then move on. Asking on a board what's happened to her is in bad taste. And now someone's responded that she's had family issues? Would you want your information however vague being spread? I really wouldn't think so.

-- Modified on 3/24/2014 9:51:02 AM

deadagain5749 reads

And you have too much time on your hands. I doubt that anyone needs you as a spokesperson. Perhaps you should work on some marketing and get a photographer.

I beg to differ. Each case is different and since you're not privy to my interaction with the provider, it is not your place to generalize for other providers what they would want and what not and who they may want to be found by and who not.  

If she doesn't want to be found by me - she won't be found by me. If she is retired or moved out of the country, and/or for one reason or the other wants to leave this part of her life behind her then it's her prerogative but it's not for you to try to discourage my wondering about her for the reasons that you have no idea about. Not everything in life is done for some sinister reasons, you know, and not everyone who is trying to find out about someone else is necessarily a stoker or some obsessive-compulsive. If you believe otherwise I do sympathize. But I have a feeling that this particular provider may not mind me trying to find out how she is doing.

-- Modified on 3/24/2014 9:12:50 PM

Cosette790 reads

You have a point of contact, use it. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.  

What is for sure is that women currently active want to respond. Read the thread, it was a good discussion.  

When reading the discussion, I agreed with one poster SecretMe11 and that's why I responded to you.  

"We should all encourage a safe environment for these ladies by actively discouraging the "she's not me contact her" type messages.  Clearly...messages won't always look they way.  But...when recognized...the response from the community should be...let it go.  Nothing more...nothing less.  For the more cleverly disguised ISOs...we should only reveal/share what is already available on the lady's site.  If she wants to reply...she can.  She doesn't need our help.  
Further, posting a reply "huh...that's wierd, I emailed her yesterday and she replied" to an ISO "can't seem to reach her..." seems to breach the personal information policy in a tangential way.  What business of the board is it?  That private discourse shouldn't be disclosed on the public boards in my opinion.  I just don't see what value that adds anyway.  "Oh, she's talking to you..okay...I feel better now".  If makes it worse.  It confirms she is avoiding him."

-- Modified on 3/25/2014 4:13:15 AM

deadagain5724 reads

If Yoko wanted to disappear she would have delisted herself. As long as a provider has a profile and active website it is not up to another provider to say that she can't be discussed.

Cosette753 reads

the discussion wasn't limited to delisted women.

Clearly there's a way to contact this person, so there's no need to ask what has happened to her. That's my point. My ONLY point. Sometimes I wonder what happens to people, if I can find an email address through my history or in public (like PM through here) I reach out to them and reconnect, I don't go on a board and name them looking for information.

deadagain5724 reads

This is a discussion board. Note the word "discussion". You post as you please and others can do the same. As far as ADJ, wouldn't you look foolish if he also posted on this thread

deadagain5636 reads

I have never exchanged PM's with either of them. You also seem to be out of customers and you also have too much time on your hands and not enough on your back.

But you're right, I don't have a lot of clients. I actually don't want a lot of clients. I like the select few gents who enjoy longer dates; however, I do like to see some who only visit for a short while as I understand they don't have a lot of time on their hands --- which is what this hobby is for.

My typical month consists of four clients, usually regulars who book longer dates - i.e. 4+ hours. I enjoy those dates, and they pay the bills on top of my regular work. I do, however, book more dates while I am beginning to tour an area as I'm sure some want to test the waters upon a first visit.

Regarding my comments, ya' got me. I'll take them back, and apologize for feeding into the drama. I really don't enjoy it. I only like to have a little fun and tease. :)

-- Modified on 3/25/2014 2:34:12 PM

Must have been released after parole violation and now he's back.

He'll fall of the medication wagon, now that he's been released from in-patient treatment, and go back to his nasty ways.  Bet you a Buttcoin on that!!

deadagain5720 reads

Nice dress you are wearing. You sound just like one of the girls too.

deadagain5679 reads

This is my handle and not an alias. Remove the false eyelashes and you will see a little envelope that is not there when an alias is used

Sorry but I disagree with everything you say here. This is an open forum so "where are they now" and "whatever happened to them" are very valid questions. Again, you're not privy to interaction, you're not privy to the relationship between two people and you have no idea in regards to the motive. Some of us like to see many different providers, others have two-four regulars and stop at that.  

By definition we know more about their lives and feelings outside of work and we probably care about those few that we see just a little more then those hobbyists that see a lot of different providers. When one of those regulars disappear, we may get a bit more concerned about them then those that have 50 reviews to their names.  

I think the fact that you're trying to discourage this is wrong and by definition is judgmental, because you assume that you know what stands behind the inquiry. Trust me, human experiences do vary, relationships between clients and providers vary too. From pure and down to business "wham bam thank you mam, gotta go now" to-u... I even know the two that got married, and no, she is not from South East Asia but rather a full-blooded Cali chick and believe it or not he is not that loaded too :) Shit just happens lol

Most of those relationships however are somewhere in between and very few involve people actually going crazy and becoming obsessive stokers. It's just that those are the ones that tend to be remembered and paid attention to. You know, shit floats. :)  

There are no sinister motives here. I'm literally just trying to find out if she is still around or she retired or just taking it easier or what not so please don't worry, and please DON'T GENERALIZE! If she doesn't t want to be found, she won't be found. Providers who are semi-retired or taking a prolong trip somewhere, sometimes just don't check their messages or keep in touch only with one or two people. That's why I'm asking. It's not your place to try to prevent certain type of questions unless they're insulting or obscene or dangerous and mine is none of those, especially when you have zero information in regards to the background.  

I hope human interaction and being concerned for one another or for that matter shier curiosity has not been banned yet.

-- Modified on 3/25/2014 10:29:44 AM

deadagain5656 reads

They don't moderate this board and your post was legit. I seems as if a couple of them want to throw their weight around through their boredom.

face and cool hair. Very well put together. I appreciate you taking the time to meet me today! Very cool.

Cosette is a very intelligible conversationalist. A healthy confidence mixed with a humble way of presenting her confidence. Very comfortable in her own skin, and really seems to know who she is and what she's out for in life.

I've gained a new respect for Cosette. xoxo


Sorry about the spelling professor. :)

First, it wasn't that close. But it was close enough to make an inquiry. But that shouldn't be anybody's business anyway, right?  

Second, a provider who has an existing TER profile with working links, even if static (I regularly see someone who is very much active and highly rated but haven't had a review in months and months),  

as well as has her website up with some great FREE downloadable porn with the owner of the website as a star attraction (btw, there is some great staff there gents!) hardly intends to remain completely inconspicuous.  

Third, her e-mail address changed from .aol to That chances are points to her moving. She  could've moved out of the country where she may not be known for having the same profession. I was just trying to find out whether it is indeed so or if she's just taking it easy locally. I'd rather not entertain any other options.    

And fourth, see my previous message.  


-- Modified on 3/25/2014 12:37:52 PM

I'm ok. Just like the next guy, I've got my Dr. Jekylls, I've got my Mr. Hydes. I've already e-mailed Yoko earlier and got no response. Became a bit concerned plus couple of other Boston hobbyists asked me if I knew if Yoko would be returning to Boston anytime soon. So I posed a question on boards where I thought I may stumble upon somebody who knew. Didn't expect to find myself in any type of controversy but hey. :) No biggy.

Just send her an email and she will get back to you eventually.  She tours a lot and in addition she still makes porn movies.  Plus I know she was back in Japan for a while dealing with some family issues.  Just be patient, and in the meantime New York is filled with many, many other choices.  Or just look at the porn clips on her website, which still works, by the way.

-- Modified on 3/24/2014 9:42:22 AM

PhilAsheo959 reads

not in the area, and that's what the OP wanted to know. Thanks FG.  

Ladies that try to shut down a discussion are really only trying to promote themselves.

Also, a lack of reviews is not alway evidence of inactivity.

Merry x-mas!

Posted By: PhilAsheo
not in the area, and that's what the OP wanted to know. Thanks FG.    
 Ladies that try to shut down a discussion are really only trying to promote themselves.  
 Also, a lack of reviews is not alway evidence of inactivity.  
  Merry x-mas!
Did you wake up with a bad hair do or something?

No one was trying to shut it down and as for your statement that anyone that does is only trying to promote themselves is laughable.  WE err on the side of caution when a girl disappears i.e site down and number no longer in use,  because some people are too quick to put personal information up about a girl when the girl doesn't want to be found.  

Or maybe she doesn't want contact with certain individuals.

I hope your xmas is merry because you are clearly not merry at the moment

It's functioning perfectly well. But her calendar is empty :(

Posted By: Nnoway
It's functioning perfectly well. But her calendar is empty :(
Ha, all i got was an empty page when i first looked, i just scrolled all the way down the page to finally see it.

Apologies for jumping the gun, but that doesn't give someone the right to jump in and just be plain mean :-

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