New York

New's Flash...... New Girl Visiting Long Island .....7/6-7/9......
Molly Feinstein See my TER Reviews 3657 reads

Hello Everyone:
Molly here, My girl friend Jewels will be visiting Long Island.
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!
Some people say we look like sisters!!!!
Please ring the phone service to make arrangements to meet.
Have fun, wish I was there to join you!
(561) 775-6676 or ring toll free 1-866-886-7727

Website removed by Moderator.....Molly....Jewels must post for herself unless you are doing doubles....

Also her site was not TER reviewd and approved....please have here submit her site to TER. - D15

-- Modified on 7/2/2004 6:40:44 AM

I was able to read a bit about her on your website from when Alana Lace was here. Any more info on Jewels? More photos? Any TER reviews?

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