New York

Hotel Bars....
AlternativeMe1 27 Reviews 4654 reads
1 / 14

I've heard stories of a few upscale hotel bars being a good scene for meeting escorts.

Any truth? Suggestions?

captyve 55 Reviews 4974 reads
2 / 14

Past midnight, 5757, the bar at the Four Seasons on 57th Street, has been known to harbor women of the night.  HOWEVER--no Guidos need apply. No reverse baseball caps, no sneaks with tee shirts, no blue jeans, no matching running outfits, no gold chains. Dark suits, white or light blue shirts, and an expensive silk tie of any color.  Order Stoli neat or any of the single malt Glen Plaids. No beers and no Cosmopolitans.  Order for the lady, of course, whatever she wants.  If you make a mistake, and it's an associate from Latham & Watkins from LA, be prepared to get thrown out.

energizer bunny 2821 reads
3 / 14

I don't know about NY. In Atlantic City,NJ they hang out in the casino bars. They are a pain in the ass and I have never seen one that I would have a session with. They kind of remind of those russian strippers who won't leave you alone at the strip clubs. You know the ones that I am talking about. The ones that besides the phrase" You want dance", they do not know any other english.  

-- Modified on 6/21/2004 4:03:57 PM

From a Provider 5198 reads
4 / 14

Enjoy going to hotel bars for leisure, the enjoyment of music, the more interesting patrons, comfortable setting, and more polished service -- and the best lounges are, happily also, the ones closest to my home!

Curious as to how small talk, then a longer conversation, changes into notice that there is a 'transaction' involved.  And certainly, their initial thoughts of it being 'free' and their very, very lucky night!, turning into realization of it being a k+ occasion (or whatever amount) would disappoint them terribly.

Seems the subject would have to come out initially, and one wouldn't want to do that if one wanted to continue going to the favourite place discreetly.  I also love simply chatting with people, and am not about to right away tell every single person I talk to the fees necessary if they wanted to.....

Guess it would be up to the man -- perhaps he could hint at 'just having been to the bank -- was such a long line there!'.  That seems harmless enough, and she could wink and say, 'let me guess, did you take out x amt (her fee)?'

VonRyan 15 Reviews 4068 reads
5 / 14

Ron...your better off connecting with a well reviewed provider of your tastes and suggesting you meet in the hotel bar first...

That's what TER is all about. Its hit or miss and then some the way your suggesting.


From a Provider 3830 reads
6 / 14
AlternativeMe1 27 Reviews 3488 reads
7 / 14

I don't disagree that using TER and finding a provider on-line is the best way.

I was just curious.

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3528 reads
8 / 14

I was supposed to meet you on one of my trips there, so I know you are cool, but for others I will still have to screen you as to prevent le or his girlfriend ellie (I am bi, so I could try and pick up either gender. As long as it is not a donut, I am game.) I will show up, and of course flirt it up and we all know not to talk about xyz, so it is all coolio, this could be fun. Kinda dangerous, but I like the idea. I am well prepared, always, masturbation fantasy.But  I could see this as potential for abuse. There are a couple of hobbiests that I have heard of that do this routine in Los Angeles and then when you get to the hotel room they say oh, I have a headache or I am not feeling well. They just want a pretty girl on their arm for the night. But the men I have met in this city are true gentlemen, I can't see that happening. I have something I am working on about what happened to me on a plane trip. I will post on national board soon about it. It was the closest I have ever come to picking someone up, as a client. Hard to believe but true. I know I am pretty chatty and crazy, but I have never picked up a stranger. Kinda wild. I like the idea. If it works, tell me al about it. I am very curious. Be safe.

FILMHITS 31 Reviews 3428 reads
9 / 14

Granted,TER is  the best place to read about the providers,and their plusses(and minuses),however, to answer the initial question.I find it  a fun way to meet,talk,and  check out the "Chemistry" between myself, and the  ( escort) in front of me..Have not had a bad experience yet. I suggest The Hilton Bar "Bridges"Its dark, sexy, and gets going after 10 pm, also the  Parker Meridien bar in "Beppi's"which is the restaurant (I have even met some  "Non-Pro ladies  here, as well as the Hilton-Just  business ladies staying at the hotel, who wanted an evening of fun), The 4 Seasons Hotel (as mentioned earlier)is active  after 10PM..I even hear The Waldorf Astoria  Bar  gets some very nice looking ladies.-Obviously  upscale in price as well. FORGET  The Rihga Hotel, as it  bar is small, and located in the restaurant. Anyone else  care to Contribute to the thread???.

-- Modified on 6/22/2004 1:43:00 PM

captyve 55 Reviews 3012 reads
10 / 14

The Hilton, Parker Meridien, Four Seasons are expensive; Hence, you will be escorted out the door if you are not a guest, and are dressed like a goombah, and guilty of boorish behavior.

From a Provider 2756 reads
11 / 14

You're soon to be charged?;)  Or, if she really likes you, or just chatting for fun?

From a Provider 4283 reads
12 / 14

Both dressed sensually, we start chatting, a sign is given that a fee would be required to go further, we get closer, a few sensual touches, and she tells me about that trip to the bank today, or having an envelope in her handbag, or another obvious cue.  We wink and she invites me up to her room....  Mmmmm, would be delightful!  Did that partially once... was great!

captyve 55 Reviews 3560 reads
13 / 14
svenly 3278 reads
14 / 14

I was actually approached by two older broads at the Oyster Bar (mid 30's, "6" in appearance, too tan, overly dressed), who made it abundantly clear their intentions. Had they been hot, I would have been all over it. A friend of mine, who stays there all the time, picked up a Russian provider there. There might be something kind of nice about chatting a chick up, having a drink, going a leisurely pattern, instead that constant feeling of the booker calling the fucking hotel room on the dot informing you time is up.

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