New York

BDJ4ME 23 Reviews 3106 reads

I'm not looking for a freebie or "what can you do for me".
But a few pages back I asked for some ideas on what to do on my B'day in July...I know everyone on the board, Men and Woman have had some outrageous experiences in there sex lives and if you would be kind enough to share some, I would be really grateful.....Help make this a true "TER" B'day

You have been having a whirl wind of a time with some of the best young women available in both Vegas and in Long Island. Doubles triples and more.  What can we come up with???  Too bad the on line chat system didn't work out or we all could have gotten together and worked out a great plan.  So guys, or girls, what can we come up with to make BDJ4me's bday memorable.  All suggestions welcome.

-- Modified on 6/22/2004 6:35:08 PM

I'm not sure how to link between boards, so I just copied over the text of my old post.  I have to say, spending a night in a suite at the Trump Taj Mahal with four women ranks near the top of the list.  I don't see it happening again, but it's certainly a night I'll never forget.

It was last February....
Posted by loverofwomen , 6/6/2003 9:38:35 AM

I had two ladies I'd met in Cleveland fly east to spend a week with me at my home.  During the week, one of my local provider friends, and a civilian girlfriend, would wander through the house from time to time.  Usually, two were with me upstairs in my bed, and whichever two were resting would stage in my basement bedroom.  The girls would rotate through the bedroom and down to the other bedroom as they wore out.

Then, on Wednesday, I rented a suite at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, along with an ajoining room.  I arranged for each of the four girls to have a massage Wednesday afternoon.  The rest of the time, we gambled, lounged in the double jaquzzi, lived on room service, and made lots of love, until we checked out on Thursday.  I even won over $1200 at blackjack, which all but paid for the hotel/casino visit.  I'd have probably given it all back, had one of the girls not gotten horney, and brought me back upstairs from my gaming table.

Expensive?  Not terribly (the blackjack win helped).  The girls from Cleveland gave me a deep discount, and the local talent was gratis.  I'd say I spent less than I would have had I spent a week in a place like Disneyworld.  But I had a much better time.

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