New York

Google FiDi
CrownTown7 2 Reviews 464 reads

I just googled FiDi and everything you need to know is there about FiDi. Even the little good info on the top says financial district. I'm pretty sure you're just being hard headed about an abbreviation of a name

Although I am not in FiDi area,  a quick train ride by grand central. Let me know if you're interesred

Posted By: mariagoddessny
Although I am not in FiDi area,  a quick train ride by grand central. Let me know if you're interesred
That is no where near FiDi

it is all 1000  

If someone is in position to donate such - there be  a LOT of women  
 Including and myself  
 See reviews and site

Posted By: Waterclone
Where have you been? People have been calling the financial district  FiDi for decades.

I don't think it's as well known as you think.  Just like people are very familiar with their own subway routes and don't even know some of the others exist.  (I still think the G train is a myth :-)

I've been living in NYC for over 20 years.  I never heard FiDi used.  I asked the first 3 other New Yorker I saw and none of them have heard it either.

And I don't recall ever seeing it listed here, or on any of the ad sites, as a location.  A quick search in the NY Ad board, of the past 10 years has exactly 4 posts mentioning fidi.  It's not exactly common use.

The higher end ad site that starts with Er** (I think mentioning the site by name would get this post moderated) has zero search results.

Posted By: Waterclone
I've been living in NYC for over 20 years.  I never heard FiDi used.  I asked the first 3 other New Yorker I saw and none of them have heard it either.
I'm a native NYer and I don't recognize "FiDi" as anything established or standard, either.  You can easily find references to SOHO, DUMBO, Tribeca, and other abbreviated areas in the New York Times and other major city and national (Time, Newsweek) rags.  I don't remember FiDi for the Financial District in any of them anywhere.  

Ugh ... it's in wikipedia: "The Financial District, also commonly referred to as FiDi, is a neighborhood located ..."  Apparently, it's an abbreviation coined by some real estate guy (probably to justify raising the rents!) that goes all the way back to '07.  Not 1807.  Not 1907.  But all the way back to 2007.  

To the FiDi-ers: Is it long-i or short-i?  Fi as in fight? Fi as in fiend? Fi as in fig? Figh-Digh? Fee-Dee? Fiddy?  

To me, it's still the Financial District

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: Waterclone
I've been living in NYC for over 20 years.  I never heard FiDi used.  I asked the first 3 other New Yorker I saw and none of them have heard it either.
 I'm a native NYer and I don't recognize "FiDi" as anything established or standard, either.  You can easily find references to SOHO, DUMBO, Tribeca, and other abbreviated areas in the New York Times and other major city and national (Time, Newsweek) rags.  I don't remember FiDi for the Financial District in any of them anywhere.    
 Ugh ... it's in wikipedia: "The Financial District, also commonly referred to as FiDi, is a neighborhood located ..."  Apparently, it's an abbreviation coined by some real estate guy (probably to justify raising the rents!) that goes all the way back to '07.  Not 1807.  Not 1907.  But all the way back to 2007.    
 To the FiDi-ers: Is it long-i or short-i?  Fi as in fight? Fi as in fiend? Fi as in fig? Figh-Digh? Fee-Dee? Fiddy?  
 To me, it's still the Financial District.  
congrats no one cares. Why is it such a big deal if it has a new nick name or not. Nucky is constantly changing neighborhoods. Where I grew up it was Harlem, now it's morningside heights. Fuck it. I like the ring to it. Go with the change! Don't be one of those old guys who say this use to be "Yadaya" now you kids changed it to "blah blah"

Posted By: CrownTown7
Posted By: impposter
Posted By: Waterclone
I've been living in NYC for over 20 years.  I never heard FiDi used.  I asked the first 3 other New Yorker I saw and none of them have heard it either.
I'm a native NYer and I don't recognize "FiDi" as anything established or standard, either.  

Apparently, it's an abbreviation coined by some real estate guy (probably to justify raising the rents!) that goes all the way back to '07.  Not 1807.  Not 1907.  But all the way back to 2007.    

To me, it's still the Financial District.  

congrats no one cares. Why is it such a big deal if it has a new nick name or not. Nucky is constantly changing neighborhoods. Where I grew up it was Harlem, now it's morningside heights. Fuck it. I like the ring to it. Go with the change! Don't be one of those old guys who say this use to be "Yadaya" now you kids changed it to "blah blah"
Why is it a big deal?  So people will know what other people are talking about!!  If everyone thinks they're Humpty Dumpty and that words can mean whatever they want them to mean, then we'll all be missing a lot of appointments.  

And Harlem and Morningside Heights are NOT the same neighborhoods.  And if people are mistaking them or deliberately misusing them, then you might as well refer to Morningside Heights as the Upper West Side.  It's in the upper part of Manhattan and it's on the west side.

When I see the mainstream media using FiDi, maybe I'll get on board.

And what the heck is "Nucky".  Another "FiDi"?

-- Modified on 5/14/2015 11:41:55 PM

Nah Nucky is autocorrect. I used to write for boardwalk empire. Phone still remembers lol

Morningside heights and Harlem border each other. When I lived on 119th and morningside everyone used to call it Harlem. We basically were. Now all these coffe shops bought stores with Harlem in the name and say morningside heights. I understand the Columbia area being morningside heights. But keep it there

MilkChuds363 reads

Native NYer here. I'm pretty sure FiDi has always been a thing. I'm from park slope and remember new articles, apts for rent in classifieds, and me on a couple of occasions have called it FiDi. NY is always changing, but too fast for me sometimes

I just googled FiDi and everything you need to know is there about FiDi. Even the little good info on the top says financial district. I'm pretty sure you're just being hard headed about an abbreviation of a name

I'm just saying, I never heard it used before and don't think it's so common, so others might not either.

I am not trying to be hard headed.  

My point was that your message might not reach as many people as you want.

There could have been plenty of women available at the time you asked, but they might not have been familiar with the term, and they would, likely have just skipped over the message, rather than take the time to google it.

If you are posting a "looking for a date today" message, which is already a long shot, then I would think you would not want to limit the potential replies to people who know that nickname.  That's all.

Good luck.

Posted By: Waterclone
I'm just saying, I never heard it used before and don't think it's so common, so others might not either.  
 I am not trying to be hard headed.    
 My point was that your message might not reach as many people as you want.  
 There could have been plenty of women available at the time you asked, but they might not have been familiar with the term, and they would, likely have just skipped over the message, rather than take the time to google it.  
 If you are posting a "looking for a date today" message, which is already a long shot, then I would think you would not want to limit the potential replies to people who know that nickname.  That's all.  
 Good luck.
I'm just crabby, hard week at work. Understand what your saying.

-- Modified on 5/15/2015 11:19:29 AM

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