New York

Fake Reviews for "Sexy Sue" In the E40"s NYC
Gypsycat See my TER Reviews 3832 reads

I went to her the other week and wanted to write a bad review on her but took pity and could'nt. I mean the lady was so grossly misreprented. When I met her she was no where near the 9 & 10's they claimed she was. She was barely average in everything. My God for $300 you can have something pretty and really sexy. I am sorry but she does not deserve those 9 & 10's.
One guy had it right claiming he "did not have a good time as others". How can a provider get away with this: having hobbiests
stuff her ballot box?? Not fair to us. I was expecting Ms. America and sue was someone I would'nt look twice at in the street! There ought to be a law!

I have wondered why some girls that are 5's are getting rated as 9's and 10's here on TER? I wonder who the guys that are doing the rating are comparing the girls to?

Happy Hunting!

The other reviews seem hyped but I did have a good time, some 4 months back. I wouldnt go back unless she dropped her rates. She's got a new name and has a new too good to be true review as Sandy,

Same gal, Right ??


Turdbird4227 reads

Yep-that's her alright. Back to her old tricks and same MO.
Sooner or later some dude will expose her again and give her the ratings she deserves: 5's .

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