New York

Enjoying a flavorful dining experience in NYCconfused_smile
freyasummeroffic See my TER Reviews 762 reads

When dining out in NYC, exploring a variety of flavors is essential. Whether you have a craving for bold and spicy Thai dishes or fresh and savory sushi rolls, the city offers a plethora of options to satisfy your palate.  

From hidden gems to renowned establishments, indulging in a delectable meal in the bustling culinary scene of NYC is a must-do experience. Be sure to savor each bite and immerse yourself in the vibrant food culture that the city has to offer.

While keeping your head on a swivel so you don't get attacked or robbed on the street.

Wake up. You sound like a Democrat politician defending your shitty laws. Crime, and subway crime in particular, is absolutely up… so this pushback on people who give a damn is really stupid. I don’t know exactly who you’re trying to defend.

Someone needs to cut back on their foxnews consumption.

Posted By: holystonethedeck
While keeping your head on a swivel so you don't get attacked or robbed on the street.

Wake up. You sound like a Democrat politician defending your shitty laws. Crime, and subway crime in particular, is absolutely up… so this pushback on people who give a damn is really stupid. I don’t know exactly who you’re trying to defend.

I’m in NYC often all times of day , night,  just a matter of being cautious , like everywhere else. Be mindful but don’t stop living !  
The fear society tries to put in people is  insane.  
I’m also in Chicago and guess what , it’s all good !
Live life . Stay cautious .
Go eat out …..

Brava, Vanessa. So true.

Life is too short to live it behind closed doors!

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