The best response is no response. I have heard many good things about you. Take the higher road and stay of CL. It is bottom-feeding garbage, you know that.
Amy from AN Affair to Remember is bad mouthing Alyssa, Shannon from NYJ and Kim from BDJ. That girl Amy sounds like a nut!I love NYJ and BDJ! Anyone kmow why that girl is so hostle?
Big doggie TEB. Amy is a nasty person. Alyssa has never done anything to hurt anyone. She saves animals and Ive known her a long long time. Don't worry AY I support you. I know Amy / Valerie used to work for you. You were good to give this girl a chance and give her a job. Unfortunately she screwed you over. Don't worry everything will be fine. Chow Baby!
The best response is no response. I have heard many good things about you. Take the higher road and stay of CL. It is bottom-feeding garbage, you know that.
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