New York

agencies and the girls of NYConfidential
photo55 3 Reviews 5643 reads


Guess I don't know NYC scene that well.  But are there any other agency/websites that were closely affliated and/or under the control of infamous Jason.  For instance, (seemed to go offline except for julia right around the same time).  

and what about, (seemed to have a lot of overlap of girls with NYConfidential).  

lastly, any word of any of the remaining NYCConfidential girls going independent and/or joining other shops.  might as well know where the pussy is going.....

in particular, any word on Samantha.  BTW, the seems to be down. guess an indication that it wasn't stand alone.  


You have now posted twice on this issue in the last few days, It's pretty obvious that you shouldn't ask a third time. We don't care about this issue any longer. Thanks.


I didn't know there was a collective "WE" on this board that regulates the the interest level in given topics.  So if you don't have any valid input, just don't respond.  

And now there is price inflation.  I never said I was out to bang a $1400 girl.  And finally, I guess the concept of relative wealth is well past you morons.  To some of the members of TER $1400 is the same as other members throwing down $300 for an hour.  So really, give me a break.  The market is all about supply and demand.  and really, no matter how much you idiots try, flaming people on information boards is not going to result in a control of the demand side of the equation.  

Fistfuck3131 reads

they got busted. A HUGE majority doesn't want to hear anymore about it. GET IT?  GOT IT?   GOOD!!!

No shit sherlock. that they got busted. why don't you GET IT, GOT IT and GOOD and read the first fucking post of mine with some intelligence and get the GET IT, GOT IT and GOOD that my initial post was trying to find out if there were affliated websites that also are now defunct.  That isn't a rehash of the ups and downs of Jason on this board.  it is a FOLLOW-On issue that is based on the outcome of the bust.  I read the posts and didn't see any information that answered the follow on question that I posted.  

And finally, if there is some solid NYC pussy running around without a home, I myself would like to know where that pussy lands.  really, can't you read?  

There has been to much said about him and any more domination of the boards in his behalf would be feeding into his ego.  As far as I know that last time I checked the NYC website was up and running.  Go for it!

-- Modified on 1/16/2005 6:49:32 AM

SS4254442 reads

Yeah lets just talk about "overated" agencys that posters here
affileated with.

AprilsCLPC4314 reads

Jason and his partner Ted contacted me approx. 5 years ago when clpc was running full blast. He said him and his partner had a few girls and would like to go into business with myself. I was warned by another utr Madam that he was a shady guy so I brushed him off and said sorry I don't "do" partners. Back then I was a 150-300 "bourough" agency outcalls only.

I didn't make the connection until this last week when all his info was published and I remembered his partner being Ted (back then anyway) SO GLAD I stayed FAAAAAAAAAAAr. From him.  Reguardless of the $$$$$$$$$$$ freedom is more important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JoeKolb3195 reads

photo, good point about "where the pussy is going"...i for one am curious about that too and will gladly share any news i discover....the unsolicited mudslinging you received from several posters as replies, was in my opinion, inappropriate.

btw, anyone posting the opinions of several in the form of "we", pls try speaking for yourselves for a change

Just Another Guy2548 reads

Photo 55 is asking a legitimate question.  He is not asking about or posting about Jason.  He is simply asking if any of the NY Confi girls available elsewhere.  That's a good question that could provide information that a lot of people might be interested in.    Perhaps someof the great NY Confi girls have continued as Indies which means the price will be cut by almost half.  There were a lot of good girls with NY Confi and he wants to find them.  

Enough with the hostility toward anyone asking about Jason.  It seems it comes mostly from people who resent paying big (albeit ridiculous) bucks for a girl.  But if a guy can afford it, more power to him.  Do you walk through First Class on an airplane as you go to your Coach seat cussing out all the First Class passengers?

. . . which establishes that the majority of "us" don't want to hear about this subject anymore.  I think a lot of "us" are very curious what's happening with the NYC girls, especially since there's a chance with the recent shakeout that prices may actually drop.

Fellas, if you don't want to read about this subject just skip threads like these.  Please stop trying to tell other paying customers what they should be discussing.  A lot of us are tired of reading hostile responses to a subject many -- if not most -- of us ARE interested in.

Interesting that you should use an alias. Read the posts of this week and don't skip the ones from many posters who didnt't use an alias to express their displeasure for the subject and anything to do with it.

The ladies of NYC weren't any better than the best indys or other first rate agencies like BDJ or NY Jewels. I wish there wasn't such a focus on price and more on having fun.

JoeKolb3809 reads

something to be said for a guy who doesnt only have one but two 69s in his name, and to top it off, chooses to type DUDE into the subject line of his message.
but, as i am a sucker for punishment, and since you brought it up yourself, and since i do not see any reviews of nyconfidential or other high-end agency girls from many ladies from nyconfidential or other high-end (fyi bdj is not a high-end agency) have you seen mrmax? or are you just assuming?
and i know, who am i anyways since i havent written any reviews....

Let me get this right. You don't like my TER name (ouch), have discounted my experience because I wasn't smart enough to pay $$$$$$$$+ for a high-end agency girl (boy that makes me stupid?), Insulted Kim and BDJ who provide some of the most beautiful ladies out there (No Joe, that makes you ignorant), and are above using the word "DUDE".(I like the word) You haven't written any reviews which enrich the experience of being a member, and I wouldn't tell anyone who to see or what to spend Joe, frankly Joe I don't care--- I am just sick of Jason and NYC that's all. The more talk this gets the more credibility it has. Did I get it right Mr. Joe? Oh I forgot Joe, I just finished reading all the reviews you didn't post highlighting the virtues of your times spent with all those top flight ladies and high-end agencies you have frequented.

Joe, you are so much more intelligent than me. Please don't respond I won't know how to reply!
Good Luck DUDE!

MMax6969 (And I do like the name)

JoeKolb4076 reads

First of, I LOVE the way you keep repeating my name, its kinda cute. Having said that, stop bombarding me with unsolicited PMs, thanks, I'm flattered, but no thanks. I take your well thought out reply as, "No, Joe, i have never seen anyone from NY Confidential or from other high-end agencies, but my unparalleled sixth sense tells me those babes were no better than what I can afford". Am I getting close? Secondly, did Kim tell you that my statement insulted her? Or are you assuming again? I'd wager that Kim is not only not insulted, but that she would be the first to agree with me that BDJ is not a high-end agency. I guess you assume as well that I am not a client of BDJ...

C'mon you know how to reply to already proved me wrong by typing the title of a Hendrix song into the subject line....

I guess you now can read minds with that "sixth sense" of yours. I don't really care what you think! I guess you can read Kim's too, Cool Joe......Maybe Joe, that unparalled sense of yours will help with your wagering. Hey Joe, go throw around your hefty wallet and comments some place else. Joe, my sense says you value someone only by the size of their portfolio or the price tag of the item -- By the way Joe-- mine happens to be pretty good, you loser. Joe, you are useless and I am done here--
In the words of BM- Peace Out JoeKolb.

Have a nice life you loser! JOEKOLB--I am done wasting my time and energy with you DUDE!

JoeKolb3481 reads

dont sell yourself short buddy, you do know how to just dont know how to read

why dont you tell me about the size of your portfolio, or is it your price tag.....

You see that Joe, I was right. I did get your attention! I don't think I could be half the player you are. Thanks Joe-- FYI-- Joe I am learning to read, thanks for noticing.

BaileyB3228 reads

You can't deny that many of the ladies are absolutely stunning.

I was also wondering if they would pop up elsewhere charging $$$ or so, LOL.

They are some amazing looking ladies. If that happens I might be able to see them these angels.

Geez,  why did you have such an issue with my original post then.  that was the question I asked.  where is the pussy going!!!!!!!

JoeKolb4987 reads

sorry hun, it wasnt you but your intelligence that caught my attention, and yes, you could be half the player i am. where is your self-confidence?

We are not affiliated with Jason or NYConfidential.

Thanks for that clarity.  I did get a message saying that the infamous Jason in fact "stole" some of his site's layout from yours and hence the similarities.  

Good luck w/ the business in this tricky LE environment

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