New Jersey

Gillian Rose ghosts me again!!
Fe26del 83 Reviews 7491 reads

I'm not one to badmouth SW'ers but GR is so awful a person i can't let it go any longer. If the  incomprehensible tweets and ads don't scare you away, the fact that she has ghosted me several times should concern a lot of guys. I know it's my fault for letting it happen more than once, but I guess I'm a slow learner. Two weeks ago she actually confirmed she was checking in15 minutes before our date, then disappeared. I show up and there are no replies to texts, emails, or calls and no explanation. No contact since. What a piece of shit.
She has a few good reviews. I have written one or two of them  which were pretty good because i did have fun with her.  It was all the shit between dates that was a disaster. She has lied to me so may times, she's rivalling Trump. I ignored most of the blatant lies since they really didn't affect me but the ghosting (finally) did it for me. After one ghosting, she actually flipped out at me and blamed me for it.  
I think that she has written some of the other reviews. I can't prove it but based on how similar the reviews are to her writing style along with the very common misspellings that are unique to her that appear in the reviews, things are very suspicious.  

Contact me if you want more details but I can't strongly enough recommend staying away from her.

Are you saying she's lied more than 25,000 times since January, 2017? Wow!
(never mind. Just having fun).

If u all want  to bash me  fine. It's hurtful.
Yeah you can't write tpirt own Reviews .
Especially from known members from here
BestGFE and TNA.
I will refrain from going to your level.
Calling someone a piece of shit plus the other stuffakws you look like a child.
Also P411 gentlemen gave me  
I don't have anything to explain.
You're taking this to a verbal level that's not called for.

So please everyone else who u bashing me.maybe take the time to know me.
Wosht all a safe NY

You went out of your way to talk me into seeing you again, driving to our appt, and then you disappeared. I didn't want to bash you but i reached out to you for an explanation many times and you have not had the decency to give me a reply.  What would you call someone who did that to you?

I didn't want to bash you but I have tried to reach you many times to find out what happened and one month later you have never replied.  You made this personal and I think you do owe me an explanation, particularly since this is the third time you did this to me. On the day of our appt you even told me that you were checking 15 minutes before our start time. I drove some distance to see you, got to the hotel, and then never heard from you again. This is shitty behavior and no "elite" provider would do such a thing. What would you call someone who did that to you?

Maybe you shouldn't have called her anything??  Speaks volumes about you....

Ok, maybe slightly less. 😆
Appreciate the humor. You gotta laugh.

That totally sounds like her.  If you want a girl who is reliable and never ever late and loves to suck  and fuck then give Julie Starr and shot. Tell her you know me an vip will be a sure thing!

Funny Julia I had no idea we were friends and you knew me that well so I thank you very much being that you don’t know me at all

Anyone who pm'd me - my VIP membership has lapsed and I can't read your messages. I can be reached by email  [email protected]

Sorry about that.

There are always at least two sides to every story.  I don't know Gillian's version of her dealings with Fe26del, and so can't specifically comment.  But I would guess there is probably another side of the story.  I do not seek argumentation, and won't engage in that. What I do know is that Gillian Rose communicated with me professionally, politely, promptly and with integrity.  My experience with Gillian was very recent and was 100% positive.  I am not posting this to denigrate Fe26del or anyone.  I am posting this to defend Gillian based on very recent personal experience.  My highly favorable review of Gillian Rose has just been submitted.  To put it mildly, I am a proud Gillian fan.  

I used to be a fan as well. Our first few dates were pretty good but after that the BS was just too much. Obviously this is my side only but if there was another side to the story, i would love to hear it myself.  
For our last date she said she was so excited to see me after a 2 year break. She also confirmed 15 minutes before the date, then she disappeared completely. I show up and text her for room. No reply. Give her another 10 minutes and text her again. No reply. Call her. No reply. Gave her another 10 minutes and texted again. No reply. Told her I was leaving.  A couple texts to her over next week asking what happened.  No replies ever. I see her on Twitter so I know she's around, so... WTF!! This is exactly what happened 2 hrs ago when I stopped seeing her the first time.  
I've been around a while and never had any issues with any of the companions I've seen. There are other reports of issues with this woman. You guys will have to decide for yourself but you've been warned.

Move on from GR. I will take you on as a client. Inbox me.

Sorry to hear you got ghosted twice... That's not cool!!

I'm extremely punctual and do not do drugs etc so no chance of me pulling a no call no show...  

Check out my website and if i peek your interest feel free to send me an email or fill out my booking form :-)

Who said I did drugs this is one person say one thing and again I love how certain women will jump on the bandwagon because they’re so greedy for their money that’s why I keep my friends very small on Twitter because I know them very well and they know me very well I think that’s very sad now we’re on that I do drugs are you serious I’m done with even reading this this is ridiculous obviously you’re that desperate to Bashan other female provider without even knowing Her side of the story

I visit your site and I really like your photos how can I meet.?

First of all, There's no need to bad mouth people on this site. If the provider & the Client can not stay on the same page then he & she needs to go their own separate ways & stop acting as if your shit doesn't stink.

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