New Jersey

Any info on Danica Lane?
y2j 8 Reviews 10078 reads

NJ based but tours.  She is visiting Michigan.  Her rates are up there, especially for Michigan, which frowns on anyone over 500 roses.  She is a gorgeous, sexy looking, mature woman.  Thanks.  

IMHO she is way way way overpriced.  If you want a hot mature sexy woman try one of my ATFs ... Julie Starr.  And she is not over priced at all and does not watch the clock and is never never late.  All in all a great deal which is why I am seeing her on a regular basis.

Actually, it is hard to miss since you do it on virtually every thread here. Do you really think it helps her? Then again, perhaps you ARE her?

I take it you have seen Danica?  If Julie ever tours in Michigan I'd be interested.  Right now it is either Danica or one of my fave PS Karen Fisher.  Karen is actually more affordable.  

Hope we can get this thread back on topic.  Any info on Danica is welcome.  She only has 1 review on TER.  She's leaving my area tomorrow so maybe next trip.  Like I said she is pricey for Michigan.  

wtf you are not a mod on this board and ter approved my post so get on with your life please ... did you ever consider getting help with your problem my friend?

TER does not "approve" posts on these boards. They are not moderated. You hit "Post Message" and it goes up. No one approves anything.
So before you criticize someone else, why don't you learn the rules around here?
By the way, this is a free forum with full freedom of speech. If you are too sensitive to criticism maybe you should go elsewhere? Or just STFU?
I'm sure Ms. Starr is very nice, but with a friend like you she doesn't need enemies.

which means every once in a while the TER algorithm kicks in and throws a new post into moderation. It happens rarely, but it happens. Are you new here? Seems like it.

not my words just saying .... so now can others be accused of being her shill?  go get help you hater !!!

You being a blatant shill and not knowing the TER rules.
Please seek help for your condition.

you are one sick puppy and I yield to your hateful ways so you win as I turn the other cheek

Y'know, the one that mentioned the other review site?
Fucking loser.

you are a sick hater but Jesus will forgive you

She's a sexy woman but now her rate is $700 per hour.  Sadly I can't afford her but she would be at the top of my list when/if I can.

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