Minnesota Ads

Make some time to get warm with Mindy,because fall is perfect snuggle weather.red_smile
Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 937 reads

No matter how long our visit is...
My undivided attention will have us lost in our own world, of playfulness and pleasure....
 Gain instant access to a me, Mindy  
~the friendly, open minded, pretty blonde......
If your looking for something more then distractions & drama,
undoubtedly it's me, Mindy  

       Please include all screening info. Upon first contact.
I respond to all my own emails & here's what I'll need:
- Two (2) provider references, aprox. when you last saw them.
- A link to their ad website and email
- Your name, phone, and/ or email and TER handle or any other verify site's info.  
- any helpful details about how your references will recall you.

Thanks so much for taking a look at my Ad, hopefully we can meet soon :)

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