
strange e-mail
Danno411 73 Reviews 2202 reads

i received a strange e-mail today from window of elegance announcing their latest arrival monique. this is strange because im wondering how they got my address. i've never seen a lady from that agency or had any correspondence whatsoever with them. did TER give out my address to WOE,if so they may have all of our info about all of us. not to start a mass panic or anything,just looking for an answer hopefully.BEN use the powers that be and help a brother out. thanks in advance for any comments or answers.  DANNO

Ben Dover1736 reads

I don't even have access to any acount info of members, all I know is if someone is moderated or unmoderated and what everyones aliases are, I don't even know who has VIP status and who don't. (which is frustrating, not knowing who can recieve PMs!)
 TER is extremely tight lipped with our stuff. Personally, I'd contact WOE directly and ask them how they came to have your email.
 One other thought is, do you have a BigDoggie account too? Over there you have to select for your email address to NOT show up on your posts and reviews, the default setting allows it to be seen.

not too long ago I got a canvassing email from a WOE provider which still had my booking form for a previous provider tacked on to the bottom of it, including info I would prefer to be erased. My bet would be that they picked up your email from a posting. They need to get their act together and demonstrate a little more responsibility and smarts

Mr. Info1670 reads

The only thing they have is an email address.
And that SHOULD be a separate email address used
just for TER.

They use a third party billing service (last time
I actually paid for TER, that is) so TER has no
credit card info.

What info are you referring to?

never2safe1938 reads

that it wasn't WOE that sent that email to you, but most likely someone else for other reasons and i'll leave it at that :)

kidd14741486 reads

I get them off and on all the time.  They started when I asked them about a certain person, and if they would be visiting.  Not to defend them, but you really should be using an un-traceable E-Mail account on here.  Exspecailly if you post reviews with onfo on them.  At the very least, an account that the S.O. doesn't know exists.

never2safe2442 reads

There are people receiving emails from "WOE", at email accts not associated with the hobby.  Some of these people had also stated they never used or contacted WOE.

I know more which won't be discussed publicly, but my guess is it's someone trying to "out" some hobbyists while at the same time, highly discredit WOE's reputation for information management.

thanks for the comments guys,at least i know im not the only one. not to worried about being outed,i'm single no kids,self employed etc. i can pretty much move about freely without any worrys. it just kind of shocked me a little how they would get ahold of my E-mail address. if anyone has anything they dont want to put on the board feel free to PM me.  thanks again everyone.

but my emails and subsequent conversations were all with WOE.  And THEY were certainly careless with the little I gave them -- not Oswald or Ruby or the Cuban Mafia.  My guess is that they are aggressively assembling a mailing list and picking up addresses anywhere they can.

not paranoid,have no reason to be. just curious about the expieriences of others,kind of a who/what /where/why/how type of thing,looking for info or comments.  take care.

I don't doubt your account, just his conspiracy theory - a theory a conspiracy theory that doesn't help in discovering how WOE (if it really was them) got your address -- something I'd like to know too.  I think WOE are collecting.  It would be ineteresting and perhaps reassuring to hear something on this from them, but you might have to be the one to ask them.

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