
Re:I feel your pain buddy...
dissed 7292 reads
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Tiger St. Clair See my TER Reviews 9684 reads
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-- Modified on 8/14/2003 8:02:36 AM

Catherinespiga 10905 reads
4 / 13

And I had fun later as well. I fell in love with a dancer from KOD and thankfully my date was very understanding of my blsuhing lust and let me keep her mostly to myself.  I hope your date obeyed my orders and tried the flick and slide I swear I will never think of Fondue the same again...

And to all the hood rats out ther whose word is #$#%$#%$(I don't like to swear).  Have some self respect and keep your word or at least have enough respect ot call and cancel.  It is really embarrassing for the rest of us who would never think of not keeping our word, it makes us  all look bad.  I have a feeling the person in ? from last night doesn't get many mutli hours(that would be easy, tip, and bring gifts) so why blow a good opporunity?
Behavior like that will guarantee her estbalishment amoung the lower end of clients.  As you guys can see I was also embarssed by this girl and dissapointed for my friends who just wanted to have a bloody smashing time. But I am sure they still did...GRIN!

Tiger St. Clair See my TER Reviews 10296 reads
5 / 13

-- Modified on 8/14/2003 8:05:11 AM

Catherinespiga 11039 reads
6 / 13

client ie "DAVE"  was attempting the flick and slide with blow up doll catherine and catherine said STOP you must demonstrate what you are doing!  He called it the "flick and slide" and it is exactly that I can't wait to practice my filck and slide...and I had always been in the dark always guessing never knowing exactly what to do..now I know at least where to begin!YIPEE

Madison of Mpls 10070 reads
7 / 13

So sorry Nora about getting stood up.  If I there in mpls.  I would have glady cum to the rescue. he he.  That sucks that so many girls will stand up other girls.  Better to have girls who you can count on, but oh well sounds like she missed out BIGTIME.  And by the way Catherine I want to be your first to exp your flick and slide.....I was juicy about it when I heard it the first time.......now I really need some!!!  See you guys soon.

tuzdae See my TER Reviews 10084 reads
8 / 13

Just wanted to say Ive been there too ---  very recently --- I set up several appointments with a local gal  who is well known adn well reviewed!!!!!!!!!!--I talked to her ,had it all confirmed and then that day she no-called and no-showed((( and in fact I still havent heard a thing from her.)))  But on the other hand I have also had the same thing happen from gentlemen too-- that have seen well reviewed,,well known providers ,,provided great references that also NO-CALLED AND NO_SHOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!   SOOO what do you do but learn from your experiences and go from there-- Its not a fair world sooo just try to weed out the good and go from there-- and believe that what comes around goes around!!!!! WOW  and mine wasnt even a hood rat or whatever you call them ,,they were supposedly a high class highrated NICE GIRL!!!!!!   Maybe we should start a board for the girls and the guys that are NOCALL//NOSHOWS--  It could help us out!!!!
And dont get me wrong I understand last minute cancellations due to a family emergency or a realistic problem of some sort by both parties...---BUT IN NO CASE EVER should either side just not have the audacity not to call and cancel in a timely ,respectable fashion!!!!!  
 Ok Im done---Good luck out there and everyone just treat others how you want to be treated and things will be much better !!!!!  LOVE YOUR  ONE AND ONLY ---- TUZDAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiger St. Clair See my TER Reviews 10911 reads
9 / 13

-- Modified on 8/14/2003 8:28:08 AM

tuzdae See my TER Reviews 9673 reads
10 / 13

Yeppers-- I do think that everyone deserves the courtesy of at least a call--  THIS goes for the ladies and the gents too!@!!!
I think everyone understands a last minute emergency but to just not call is not cool!!!!
Please,, if you cant show UP at least call or leave a message! We all get excited and take time and money setting up appointments ((the men and the ladies!!! )))) So heres to better
bookings for all!!!!  LETS ALL KEEP IT REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sin_N_Serenity 8263 reads
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Top3 3 Reviews 10250 reads
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moe420 7 Reviews 10470 reads
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