
Re:Brazilian Beauty possible visit Minneapolis in July
zach222 7187 reads

Brazilian beauty.....you make it to Minnesota..i will book you for several hours..wow...can't wait to play...


brazilian8311027 reads

Hi, gents

I was wondering if I can do good in Minneapolis, I never been up north before. Any advice?

babyface996021 reads

can't wait to set an appointment, hope you come here

Brazilian,  excellent reviews, very nice service menu. eye appealing.  down side,  super sized rack, above avergae price point based upon reviews.

In my opinion you will do well if you come in at a common Minneapolis price point of $$$.


NO Not at all!  When you look at the available talent and service menu offered.  You need to set yourself far above expectations to get a price point of $$$$ here in Mpls.

We are NOT telling you what to charge, just merely stating the facts and our opinions. If you wish to further discuss, please feel free to PM me.


brazilian836740 reads

Sorry my rates are non negotiable and I am an above average provider

Hey man, You get what you pay for and this is not a "common" girl my friend


> Brazilian,  excellent reviews, very nice service menu.
> eye appealing.  

Totally agree with MDL on this.

> down side,  super sized rack,

I like super sized racks so that is not a downside to me...

> In my opinion you will do well if you come in at a
> common Minneapolis price point of $$$.

Absolutely agree with MDL on this.  At $$$ I would jump
at the chance to see her.

put me on the list to see her at $$$

at $$$ I will book you twice.  Petite with exceptional rack is "open" the account for you.  Let me say early...welcome to Minnesota!

brazilian837374 reads

Sorry rates non negotiable. I have expenses; I am flying across the country and have the hotel too. Feel free to e-mail me if interested in setup a date for my regular rate

I certainly understand that you have expenses.  I just choose to not pay that rate when I can see someone who either is local or comes to town via an agency and charges $$$.

You are a very attractive woman with some excellent reviews.  I think you should also know that some of us just refuse to pay more than $$$.

So "Godfather",  is that an offer she can't refuse? I know your not telling her what she should charge. Perspective...Go to a mercedes dealer and tell them that you can buy a "car" at a much lower price. Although it doesnt have the same options..and the one your talking about is a Yugo, it IS still a car and the basic function serves the purpose, the ride you get on the way to the destination is what counts. So, if ya wanna take the mercedes out for a spin, ask the boss at Micky d's for a raise and live a little.

Razor,  I don't need to get a "Raise" It is NOT That I can not afford her rates but I choose NOT to pay those rates when I have a couple of local providers that moe than take care of me with WELL above top shelf service at a rate below hers.

I realize all the expenses in traveling. But do not try and justify a rate that is not condusive to the area jsutr because you are traveling.  Both Taylor's and MC are frequent travelers here to MPLS.  They do NOT seem to have any issues with the $$$ price point.

Interesting how you have such a large opinion with very FEW reviews.


So, I have to have reviews to have an opinion? Just because I don't subscribe to the idea of reviews, doesn't mean Im not out there dippin my bread in the gravy. Some things you just can't post.

My issue was that maybe you could have kept your post simple and tactful. Maybe even a bit diplomatic...and said. More than I'm accustomed to paying and left it at that. Your tone was condesending and not warrented. All she wanted was advise on how well she would do. Not a comparison.

A raise? Umm. no... These are only a few paragraphs. A raise would be volumes. Oh...hey, I think the fries are ready.

razorex, I beleive my post was more than tactful.  I simply stated that her reviews  are great but based upon CURRENT Rates here in MPLS, the $$$$ price tag will have issues.

At least your lady kept her name calling of me off the board and did it in an pm to me.  She asked the question how she would do in MPLS.  I gave a simple answer which a number of other hobbyist agreed with.

I don't have a cave man approach as you indicate, if I did I can guarantee you and I would go a few rounds!  My assumption is that you are in California and not in Minnesota.  I guess you know better the provider climate then I do.

By the way, can YOU supersize my order for a can of WA?

zach2227188 reads

Brazilian beauty.....you make it to Minnesota..i will book you for several hours..wow...can't wait to play...


WHATEVER.... Dont go to to a depressed area that can afford your talent. Why not cancel your stay out there and come to California where your "talent" can be appreciated. Let them keep their local brew. We know what were getting!

Please don't listen to Razor..:  There appears to be enough of you for all of us!!

P.S.  Looks like you are in California right now and will be until June 7th(?)..

Hey cold, You have NO idea what your in for. Lookin for an early thaw? There she is!!

Please come and visit.  Minnesota is the most beautiful place on earth in July......


This chick looks real hot, but I've heard about the AIDs situation. Not saying it's all about her, but I remember hearing from a few big timers that went there and told me the score.
Hot chicks there, but you copulate with a price and we ain't talkin' bout money.  But your life.

There will always be appreciative clients that will be responsive to superlative service and quality.  You'll not please everyone but then again you don't need everyone to see you either,  you just need a few good guys to make the visit worthwhile.

Besides, it's a great time of the year (in summer) to visit Minneapolis.


1.  Don't have thin skin towards responses to questions on the board,  just take it in consideration.
2.  Set the fee of your service and live up to it (whatever you feel is appropriate in regard to your services) let each individual deal with it.
3.  HAVE FUN and treat the clients in Minnesota very WELL!
4.  Whatever the hell you do....don't wear a Lakers cap in bed with you.  ;-)

Hopefully we'll see ya soon.

Hey Shrek,
Very well spoken. Maybe you can hold GF's hand and guide him thru the literary process until he learns how to type without the club in his hand and bone thru his nose. There are ways to say things without...."saying" things.

peachs6626 reads

I will take fries with mine, and throw in a razorex, I think that is something you find by the side of the road in some western states?

I've been following this thread and feel it is time for me to speak up.  I've been a member of TER (under various incarnations) since November 2000, so don't let my high user id fool you, and a member of the 'hobbying community' since July 1974, so I feel I have some experience, but certainly don't know it all.  Hobbyists are divided into two camps, both in the Twin Cities  and Lust Angeles® regarding the pricing policies of traveling ladies.  

I too, would love to see many of the ladies who come to So. Cal. but choose not to spend more than my own arbitrarily set price point.  There is nothing wrong with hobbyists setting their own spending limits. (Especially when we can find top quality providers locally)  Also, there is nothing wrong when ladies set travel rates above the local 'going rate.'  They have costs to offset while traveling that local girls do not.

I do object to hobbyists who feel they can negotiate with travel and local girls on or in a public forum.  It not only shows a lack of class but also says something about one's general attitude (albeit subconscious) towards women in this industry and perhaps women in general.  TER-mail (NOTE I did not say PM) or regular email may have been the best way to handle this; showing some consideration towards the lady.

Want to haggle over price, hit the streets.  I'm sure Twin Cities has at least one local 'stroll' where you can find girls willing to negotiate the hour. (You may be surprised to find the same girls advertising on exotics and eros... TER-mail me if you want more info in this regard)

Now stop kicking sand and play nice.  This needs to be a community where we watch each others backs, not stab them.

We now return to the reality in progress

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-- Modified on 10/6/2005 2:21:23 PM

brazilian8313095 reads

I didn't post asking about my rates, I ask if guys would like me in Minneapolis. I am sorry but you guys won't have any providers visiting the city.

How you articulated your point is exactly what I was talking about. I think ANY provider would do well to lower their prices. Its what THEY are comfortable with and what they conceive their time to be worth. Every other hobbyist that gave their two cents was tactful. Had MDL thought before he shot, the feelings of the provider would have been spared. She may be thin skinned. That's her business. If you want a reduced price, than consider the quality of the visit reduced. Again, I AGREEEEEE that reduced prices will bring in more volume. Ever think that the provider would rather deal with a higher caliber client?

--Edited by Moderator

-- Modified on 5/28/2004 9:33:45 AM

-- Modified on 10/6/2005 2:19:57 PM

Miss_MN7309 reads

Is that there IS a market for this Brazilian Beauty and her rate here.  There are many men willing to pay that rate.  She chooses to surround herself with this caliber of a client, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Just because some of the regular posters can't budget that sort of rate, doesn't mean that speaks for everyone who reads this board, which is obvious by the posts of local men in support of her coming ... and who have NO problem with that rate.  

Those of you who are still trying to make your point in this thread ... point taken, now move on, please.  She will end up making the trip because there WILL be enough interest for her and she will meet some real nice gentlemen.

Have fun Brazilian, I am sure you'll enjoy our state!

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