
Re: Don't believe it
Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 8489 reads
1 / 84

So for all you lovely non Fs providers, i have a quick question for y'all....

Have y'all ever had that one fine ass seeeeexxxYYY, dadddy−ish client who comes to see you often, tips you pretty well, & y'all always have a nice time that leaves you weak in the knee? Like every time y'all are in a hot, intimate, and steamy session, you literally just wanna hope their bones? Lol, especially since it's been 6 going on 7 months since you've had any D (let alone an orgasm) & every time you see his sexy ass you just wanna say Fuck It & risk it all.... 😭😂

He's tall, dark, handsome, and pretty wealthy, but the thing is, HEs MARRIED..... 😩😭 i know he's down for it, i mean, he wanted to f−me & he ate the kitty (which i usually don't allow, but he's so fine & one thing led to another 🫣) and he It.. Would i charge him more than my regular sessions? 3.) He's MARRIED for fuck's sake & i am not & will not & would never be a homewrecker... & i would feel so guilty afterwards & beat myself up,.. so i just need to get it off my mind.. 😩🙄

Like, have y'all ever been in this situation & what have y'all done about it or did y'all just ignore your horny−ness & stick to regular business?

Guys− have y'all been w a nFs provider whether it was by accident or purposefully, & do y'all expect them to give u the kitty every time now? Did it change y'all's dynamic? Or how is it after?

*fixed it

-- Modified on 7/1/2023 4:16:14 PM

closedcaption 3 Reviews 128 reads
2 / 84

It is probably something you should post/ask on Reddit.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 119 reads
3 / 84

Sounds like might be interesting but do not have the time or patience to read what you wrote.
Must be the newest form of “Time Wasting”

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 105 reads
4 / 84

Lmfaooo idk how that even happened

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 102 reads
5 / 84

Lmfaoo Irdk how it turned into a weird Ass font, but try again lol I fixed it

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 115 reads
6 / 84

Hahah I fixed it, idk how it turned out so weird ?

icyblu 116 reads
7 / 84

Your client is most-likely doing FS with other providers. Married men don't venture out of their monogamous relationship into this world casually. There was a clear intent.

johnstern447 44 Reviews 109 reads
8 / 84

It will definitely change the dynamic... Though not necessarily for the worse.  If he has been seeing you that long he definitely has likes you back.  

Like someone else said, you wouldn't be a home wrecker.  I would bet money he is seeing other providers and going FS with them.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 106 reads
9 / 84

I'd recommend against getting too familiar with someone unobtainable -- this goes for both men and women. The cure for a fixation is active variety. Spin more plates -- don't focus on just one.

Nago8 4 Reviews 119 reads
10 / 84

He's gonna have a hard time explaining to his wife that he didnt have intercourse with you so you might as well fuck him.  

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 136 reads
11 / 84

Lot of questions above. I'll limit myself to the emotional component because the physical seems fairly self explanatory.

Yes, I've gotten intense feelings before. When the chemistry is that good there is something undeniable to it. My rule is that he has to initiate moving anything forward. Unfortunately for me, no one can ever tell(in business or personal) that I like them, while I think that I'm glaringly obvious. haha  

Just enjoy the good energy, chemistry, and journey for what it is. What's meant for you will come to you.

lockstock 201 Reviews 129 reads
12 / 84

Butterflies? Your knees quiver? Your tongue occasionally fall out of the corner of your mouth? Your panties a little wetter than usual?
(I'm just speculating based on what happens with me)

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 108 reads
13 / 84

Apparently he says I’m his 1st and only provider, but idk if I even believe that. Every time he wants to just f-me he always says, “well, I am married & you’re my first and only provider.. so you know that I’m clean & all yours.” Idk its just so confusing

lockstock 201 Reviews 109 reads
14 / 84

you sweet woman.  
Don't believe it unless you know it, and you can't know it from him.
Here's an idea. Ask him if he's ever written reviews and if he would write one about you.  
Depending on the reply, push him a little more.  
Does he have a review board handle?
Bear in mind that communication is 90% body language, not words.
(And then you need to see me again soon)

OldRanger 62 Reviews 105 reads
15 / 84

And of course this guy is leaving enough of a patronage to cover the extra service or services he is expecting to receive on each visit . LOL  
If you are falling as you sound like you are should be immediately ghost him the same as if you sense he sees this as more than transactional.

vorlon 119 Reviews 123 reads
16 / 84

There are way too many ways this can go badly for you.  FWIW I think you should stop seeing him.

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 116 reads
17 / 84

Come see me soon!! And I don’t think he has one

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 123 reads
18 / 84
molson-ice 34 Reviews 122 reads
19 / 84

It’s up to you if you decide to take that leap with this client. You won’t become a home wrecker if you do and you only keep it professional. However, there is that chance they will expect it with every future visit. If that isn’t a problem for you then I say have fun and enjoy yourself. That’s why we are all in this hobby, right? I’m sure there are plenty of us in this hobby that would enjoy a fs encounter with you.

lockstock 201 Reviews 120 reads
20 / 84

The question was designed to see whether your belief is correct :-)

MrOmnivert 124 reads
21 / 84

With all due respect, I don’t believe the providers post. Could it be true, certainly. But, with that being said I think it’s more likely that she’s trying to drum up interest to seeing her by giving the impression that there’s a chance she could be attracted to you enough that she’d consider breaking her rules and allowing FS. Don’t be so naive.  

Previous posts of her have already proven to be rather “salesy” and I think this is just another attempt at trying to market herself as something or someone she is not (A FS provider).

MrOmnivert 110 reads
22 / 84

Don’t be so naive. The author of the post has already been called out for “salesly” posts in the recent past. In my humble opinion, this is no different.  

There is no “one” client. Rather it’s just a scheme to get others to buy into the idea that FS with this provider is a possibility when it definitively is not. Like, she says she’d feel like a home wrecker if she gave in and slept with him…lol okay, but you feel no guilt for doing any of the other non-FS activities??? Please…this is just insulting to think that people are this dumb to fall for this childish tactic.

CuriousBoy95 25 Reviews 109 reads
23 / 84

Exactly... who is she kidding? If the guy is spending time with her, he's already cheating on his wife. She is too naïve to think it's only cheating if they have sex. Clearly not right in the head... and just a few months back she had videos up in pornhub getting fucked bareback and she's acting like her pussy is the holy grail.

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 57 reads
24 / 84

Why thank you for your kind words of wisdom, doll. Much appreciated ❤️ perhaps, maybe one day if I stopped being so indecisive & quit OVER-ANALYZING everything, him & I could step back, go over boundaries, define the situation, & decide on whether it’s healthy for both parties :)  

-also, I tried asking staff to add me into the providers only, but they denied me request 🙄

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 127 reads
25 / 84

Believe whatever u want. I could care less, Lmfaooo. Don’t be salty just bc no one is willing and wanting to give YOU FS  out of genuine interest/connection…. I came here to get other PROVIDERS second hand opinions. Like I stated before, he claims I’m his first and only provider (& he’s found me from a different website) so I doubt he’s even on here so it’s not like I’m playing on any of my other clientele’s emotions. & I am STRICTLY non FS, and I would NEVER try to even advertise some shit like that cause I wouldn’t want to attract THE WRONG kind of clientele. But haters will hate. But at the end of the day, y’all could suck my left nut, cause I’m still getting paid & still getting the kind of advice/second opinions I was seeking for.  

& DON’T EVER think for a second that I would ever need to clickbait anyone in order to get clients, baby. Not being cocky nor stuck up, but my looks & body- ALONE steady pulls in clients, incels, sugar daddies, & a loyal loving fan base online & irl. Don’t get shit twisted. ❤️ much love tho

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 95 reads
26 / 84

Baby the pussy is GOLDEN ✨ & worth more than yo life. ofc I was getting dicked raw  & PROUDLY POSTED that on PH- I mean after being w one man, making content, & spending 3+ years with the same dick you really thinking I’m fuckin w a rubber? Lmfaooo get real 🤣 JUST CAUSE U HAVE TO PAY FOR PUSSY - (only to end up having to use a rubber bc that woman’s pussy ain’t belong to you- Don’t mean everybody have to)  

But thanks for the views on PH ❤️ don’t forget to like, share, & comment so my videos gets more traffic 💅🏼

& everyone has their own personal boundaries & views on cheating. So who’s  actually the naive one to so quickly assume that every person has the same beliefs & views? Some ppl may think texting the opposite gender is cheating, some won’t. Some may not think that anything that isn’t penetration isn’t cheating, but some will. I don’t believe that it’s cheating since 1. We haven’t fucked 2. We haven’t spent any time outside of our PAID sessions together. 3. He’s paying for a N-FS body2body massage  service & 4. We’ve kept it professional up to here so in my eyes, IM GOOD. He’s good. He hasn’t cheated on his wife w me & I CAN STILL WAKE UP EVERY MORNING LOOK @ MYSELF, KNOWING DAMN WELL IM HAPPY W MYSELF & I AM STILL THAT BITCH ✨❤️  oh & that  I GOT THAT GOOD GOOD that mfs would their sell their souls for.

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 123 reads
27 / 84

See, there’s so much that could go wrong with the little situationship I’m dealing w. I have never wanted nor even thought about going fs w anyone before him. Just bc I know how I get AFTER the fact, & for me sex has to be more than just physical, there has to be a connection, a friendship, & attraction…. Otherwise I’d feel gross w myself:/  lol also the basic fact that I haven’t met any other clients that I’m actually sexually attracted to & that I ACTUALLY want to fuck 😂  Lol it’s always just been BUSINESS aka getting it done & over with & never thinking twice about the session.

But thanks babe ❤️ means a lot to get another provider’s perspective

lockstock 201 Reviews 122 reads
28 / 84
Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 101 reads
29 / 84

Awe. Well thank you, luv. Appreciate the love 💗  

But answering your questions, no, I don’t think I would be fine w ‘always doing fs’ after, I can’t just have casual business sex with no emotions/relationship/bond. Im a complicated & emotional person I know 😩 lol. AND YES we are in this hobby, but we all do have different interests, boundaries, and beliefs.   I know it sounds silly cause ppl are thinking that it’s already “cheating” that he’s booking time w me, but to me I feel like since I haven’t fucked him nor did anything other than HJ, (except the ONE time he got to taste the kitty🫣🤭) to me- it’s basically the equivalent of him watching porn behind his wife’s back. Lol. Like yes, I’m naked, yes he’s naked, yes we’re close & intimate, BUT I’m not kissing him, sucking him off, nor is there any kind of private’s penetrating one another. I’m just basically his 3-D real life porn 😅 haha.  

& I KNOW there’s plenty of men who’d love to smash, but never -even in their wildest dreams, would ever get to. To me, my coochi is EVERYTHING. I take pride in only being with 2 different partners in the last 3 1/2 years. & 1 guy a whole year before that. I like the fact that i can use my 🐈 as a weapon 😂 My momma always taught me, that it’s fine and dandy to FLAUNT it & to TEASE it, but the SECOND you give a man the coochi, you give them the power you had over them, then you won’t have anything to hold above them & they won’t be chasing after you anymore. Loooool. But a boy could dream, I suppose 💗

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 120 reads
30 / 84

Yk it sweet thang! 💅🏼 brains, beauty, a banging body, & a bitchin’ personality. 🤭lol jp, I’m just being cocky now, but in all seriousness, you know me. You know that I don’t need to clickbait & bs for clients.💁🏼‍♀️

OldRanger 62 Reviews 112 reads
31 / 84

Have him go tell his wife and see if she thinks it is cheating.
Then again Bill Clinton’’s BJ was not cheating either. LOL

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 48 reads
32 / 84

I think you've basically answered your own question with all your replies here.  Your personal morals prohibit going forward beyond your standard service.  You will continue to face temptation every time you see him.  Either you surrender to the temptation, or you face frustration.  Heartbreak is ensured in either case.  For him, despite what he may say, his position means you will only ever become a notch on his belt.  

MrOmnivert 131 reads
33 / 84

No need for attempted insults and personal attacks. Clearly, you weren’t raised with any manners (among other things). Also, of all people, you really shouldn’t be throwing stones…you live in a glass house.  

You made a post, I provided my opinion. Just because you didn’t like what I had to say, doesn’t mean you need to try to insult me. Let alone, you’re not really in any position to do so given you have no idea who I am.  But, I think we can get a sense for the type of person you are and what you really think of your potential clients.

You’re a self proclaimed stripper practicing the same lame stripper schemes of trying to prey upon others by creating a facade that there is a possibility of more when there is not. Just a child, with childish insults playing childish games involving made up stories and really, really bad grammar.  

There are plenty of much more deserving providers out there gents.

IJMiggs 129 reads
34 / 84

Several months ago I tried arranging a session with a local B-list porn star and she shared my emails on her Reddit and Twitter.  Emkay, I wasn’t going to book you based on your lack of services but now I would avoid you to protect my personal privacy!  Good day!

knotsaway 36 Reviews 118 reads
35 / 84

… who the client is based on the info Emkay posted. All we know is that “He's tall, dark, handsome, and pretty wealthy”, he’s married, and he claims she’s the only provider he’s seen.  How could he possibly be identified based on that info?

Your situation with the porn star is completely different—she shared your emails on public sites, which is despicable.

If you don’t like someone based on her services or her attitude, fine. But don’t make up shit about her.

lockstock 201 Reviews 112 reads
36 / 84

Silly Miggs. Good day!

IJMiggs 127 reads
37 / 84

Who knows if his wife or a hired private investigator(yes it happens with rich people like him) is monitoring his devices because she suspects something is going on with Emkay or other sex workers.  Maybe he has written a review of Emkay and this is the last piece of evidence for his wife to identify him.

kinkyman69 43 Reviews 109 reads
38 / 84

First off would you share your pornhub link..
Second, I just came in this conversation but a few things. I respect your point when you say Cheating looks different for every person but let me ask you a question, if you had a long-term relationship, and you found out your man was seeing someone who provided your services, would you be upset or would you be okay with?  
If it was just a therapeutic massage, that would be one thing. , but we're talking about something completely different that you offer.

As for your situationship, I would tread lightly on that period I get that you feel them and that hes your type and all that, but the guy is married. You have to remember that he sees you as a distraction to his normal life.  You can obviously f*** whoever you want but please don't get a pretty woman syndrome about this guy. I highly doubt that hes gonna put you above his wife and you all might have a cool connection. But ultimately he wants to f*** you.
And sweetheart, one last piece of advice because you're kind of young. Yes, you are hot and many dudes who want to see you and  f*** y**. I actually respect you for not being full service, but every woman in the world thinks their p**** is a holy Grail.. Guys who are experienced in life realize that p**** is p****, and that there's a lot more to a woman than how good her p**** is.  
P**** does hold power, but guys whi are older and wiser and can pull women don't let p**** control them. I say this because although it's great that you would think your p**** is great, don't have  that be the frist thing about you that's captivating to men.

knotsaway 36 Reviews 126 reads
39 / 84

If this guy wrote a review on Emkay, first, his wife would need his TER ID and password to see the details. If the guy is such an idiot to expose his TER ID and password to his wife (or anyone for that matter), he deserves whatever she can throw at him.

Second, how many guys does “tall, dark, and handsome, and pretty wealthy” describe?  How tall?  How dark? What race (could be white with a tan)?  What does handsome mean?  Everyone on this board knows that looks are subjective—just look at reviews.  And what constitutes “pretty wealthy”?  Anyone who can afford to see a quality provider these days is pretty wealthy, IMO.

You really think a post about an unnamed man who’s tall, dark, handsome, pretty wealthy, and married will hold up in court?  If there IS a review and the wife can link it to her husband (see “idiot” above), that’s all she may need.  No post about some tall, dark, handsome guy is needed.

But thank you for admitting that you were out of line when you accused Emkay of posting details about a client publicly. She did not. She posted a high-level description of one of her clients, a description that could apply to  tens of thousands of people just in the metro area.

lockstock 201 Reviews 141 reads
41 / 84

is that she is incredibly careful and private, far more than most. Certainly far more than you.

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 110 reads
42 / 84

I've seen your ads, and even your OF videos, (free of course, why would I ever pay for porn on the internet?)

This is simply a threAD to drum up business because you correctly know there's a lot of idiots out here who will read something like this and think "I could be the one!' or "I am more better special than the rest" and congratulations.

You are correct.

But don't for a minute think that those of us who are more experienced and have been around the block a time or two don't see directly through your threAD.

I have been a providers "first" FS customer, who was and is a good friend til this day, and she never advertised or tried to deceive any customers as blatantly as this particular thread does.

That being said I wish you good luck, and hope that you do well, but you will never be seeing me even when (note I said when, not if) you magically "become" FS.

Sweet.rain See my TER Reviews 117 reads
43 / 84

Ive dated 3 of my clients  

And all of them are still in my life  

Turns out , the one I had my eye on the most always thought I was unobtainable.. for 8  years . we grew to be amazing friends  

The dynamics changed when I fully accepted and they proved to be genuine friends.  You just know when u can spend days ❤️  together. Or come rescue you 6 hours away . Or when one checks in often to try and better your life by making things easier  

My love language has always been acts of kindness .

Personally, the reason I'm closed off to most is because most ppl are just horny . im envious of providers who are able to disconnect. Im so proud and supportive of the fs girls . But ive never succeeded in FS with out catching feelings because the ones i chose to do those sorts of dates with are more than just worthy, theyre amazing ppl who actually want to be real friends with out the possessiveness  

Im dating another one now and Rain may be off the market soon ~ 🌧

Sweet.rain See my TER Reviews 112 reads
44 / 84

So now that reading over the details ,  what I would do  

I've never done F a married client just single ones. If you feel hesitant about this then you have your answer sweetie .  

It's clear .  
But sometimes when pll have chemistry they do and it's your decision and his .  

What I tell my my friends and to think about their mental and ask themselves whether or not they would be ok afterwards ?and  Would the client?  
If so then yes. If not then no.  

How ever if you are looking for further answers on pricing this is a question That should be posted on the provider's only forums but I feel most providers would feel uncomfortable posting that info openly  

For these types of encounters I usually end up offering a date. They pay for x amount of hours must do one activity before leading me to their hotel or their place of incall (THIS IS A COMPLETE REQUIREMENT AT MY INCALL for me)  
I never do it at my massage incall only because I'd like to keep my mental state of surrendering to someone separate from a space I must be in control.  


Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 125 reads
45 / 84

What the actual f@ck ? What is actually wrong w u? Lol what did I say that gave ANYTHING of his identity away? I didn’t mention his name, email, nor any thing CLOSE to that ? I didn’t even mention his AGE nor race. You are clearly OVER reacting and over analyzing this post. I’m glad you are avoiding me cause I wouldn’t want a cuck like u to come see me anyways

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 105 reads
46 / 84

Nah, I wasn’t throwing insults, I’m stating facts. If you had experienced what I said then you wouldn’t think it’s so OUTLANDISH for a non fs provider to want to do extra curricular things w u. Bc I know some lovely ppl who has/are seeing non fs providers, but has gone /are going all the way w them. some ppl got it & others—- well they don’t 🤷‍♀️ don’t gotta be pressed cause u don’t.  

As I stated b4, I could care less how u feel or view shit. I didn’t ask if you believed nor cared. I mean, obviously you care, care so much & enough to even comment on this thread & keep replying to my comments. Since you have no p*ssy, don’t sell none, nor get some w/o paying for it, your POV & opinions are irrelevant to me. You must be really in your feelings since you can’t relate..  Maybe get ya looks up, get yo game up, & bread up then maybe you wouldn’t be such a hating incel. God bless n good luck, bby

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 107 reads
47 / 84

THANK YOU!! Trippin as a mf. Just bc he got ducked over, I’m the Ass hole bc I generally described a client. Nothing that in-depth? Lmaoo ppl are fuckin nuts!

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 107 reads
48 / 84

IF YOU READ, you would’ve read that he doesn’t have an account, & LMFAOOOO a P.I can tell it’s 110% that guy that they’re looking into bc I said he’s tall, dark, handsome, married, & pretty wealthy? Lmfao. I’m sure more than half hobbyist are MARRIED, tall, dark, & handsome. Jeez Louise not everything in this world is like a true crime show

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 100 reads
49 / 84

Exactly WHERE did I advertise or even tried to deceive anybody about anything? I mean, this post was intended for OTHER PROVIDERS, & ppl who ACTUALLY has been thru this bc I was needing advice & opinions, but since I seriously doubt that anybody has ever gave u coochi for the free, and you obviously have no idea abt this topic, u can go cry abt it on your incel Reddit thread, cause nobody rly gaf about ur opinion.  

Funny for u to even say shit outta turn bc you don’t know shit. Bc if you even seen me or my reviews I am STRICTLY non-Fs. N I wouldn’t want ppl who want fs to even hml cause that would just waste my time. So how do u sound rn goofy.. also I’m not surprised… I mean, you’re broke, so of course broke bums will only scan thru my of looking for freebies for a quick nut, like bruv, you’re a broke piss poor joke. I’m glad you wouldn’t come see me, you don’t have the money to, & I know for a fact you couldn’t afford to tip… & you’re obviously pressed bc I don’t want you so ur butthurt. Bet ur still wanking to my freebies tho, in my inbox talking to yourself 😂

but why would anyone who isn’t FS would clickbait that they are? Lmfaoo that’s literally asking for a whole different kind of clientele than what ur really wanting. & That shit could get dangerous for said provider. Idk since you’re slow and all and probably don’t understand that, imma just let you live blissfully ignorant.

karllokia 9 Reviews 113 reads
50 / 84

I'm sorry if I offended you. You have a good attitude. Best way to get good clients, not just horny ones. And broke ones.

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 107 reads
51 / 84

Well, this should be fun and educational.

I never said you had advertised as FS.  This threAD IS deceiving because you are implying that you are "open" to that "possibilty" with that "special" customer. (see my original post for reasoning for ADVERTISING that way)

I am actually doing all right financially with a six figure a year salary.

I found your OF videos simply by searching your name and OF and I never paid for OF, or saw it on pornhub.  You see as a skilled monger I was doing my research.

I will ignore most of your incoherent (and poorly typed I might add) personal attacks except to say this.

I do quite well in my personal and hobby life, so I won't be "Bet ur still wanking to my freebies tho, in my inbox talking to yourself".

If I may offer you some advice?  Feel free to ignore it, that is your choice to make.

Amongst most hobbyists on this site that know what they are doing you have done harm to your brand in how you responded to myself, and others, in this thread.  Sometimes it really is better to say nothing at all.

Don't do the whatever equivalent of drunk texting.

Again, I hope you do well, in whatever niche you chose to occupy.

karllokia 9 Reviews 91 reads
52 / 84

Well said. You are very articulate. I hope we all learn.

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 195 reads
53 / 84

Omfg, I really am BOO BOO THE FUCKING FOOL… 🤬 so thanks to the lovely Rain, I have found out that I almost fell for a P.O.S lying sack of shit rapist… 😪 I am sick & disgusted…. Well thank BABY JESUS I didn’t let him f*ck 😭  

Ugh he’s so gross!! The way I really fell for his lies & let him almost break my non-fs rules… He really is fucking beautiful & hot, but he’s a fucking shit bag bc he knows he’s hot & he THINKS he can get away with being a fucking rapist 🤮 I am SOOOO HAPPY he didn’t get the coochi…

If any of you ladies are wondering or curious of WHO this lying sack of shit is for your own safety, DM me or Rain…  

Apparently he’s pretty well known & I’m happy that I told Rain abt him & got REALLY important info…  

This is also WHY I want n need more provider friends… so any lovely ladies want someone to talk to abt anything pls HMU 💗

CuriousBoy95 25 Reviews 101 reads
54 / 84

So you thought he was telling you the truth this whole time?? would this be considered cheating in your world?? You have to remember this is a business and don't get too attached to the clients. I also suggest you keep your view of men in this hobby to yourself and don't go blabbing around saying they are losers and have to pay for the P and whatever colorful language you have been using here. I've been in this hobby for a few years now and have seen girls like you come and go, post shit about clients and end up turning into a train wreck. Then they get upset when clients stop booking them and start doing dumb shit. Just stay offline and build a nice clientele you can rely on. If you keep posting stuff like this, you'll lose the ones you have.

CuriousBoy95 25 Reviews 122 reads
55 / 84

Why do I have a feeling we are gonna see a similar post like this from Emkay in the near future? That was one crazy lady and she tried to resurrect her career few years later and made a apology post, but was never able to let that post go away. Most crazy thread I read back in the day. I hope other providers learn from it.

karllokia 9 Reviews 109 reads
56 / 84

You gotta understand, there's a lot of mental issues with a lot of these providers. I don't think I even got to say this, it's so obvious. Just let them rant (I think it makes them feel better). If you're stupid enough to keep seeing these providers with mental issues, and they post stuff about you, then that's on you. Dude, mental illness is real (& I don't think I even gotta say this)

snafu929 18 Reviews 103 reads
57 / 84

just makes me wonder even more why guy line up to not only throw their money at them, but give them all the PII that that exposes themselves to a lifetime of liability.

Not sure at what point in a providers' career they reach the golden pinnacle of becoming "reputable" but this is a great example of a meltdown in progress.  But hey, she can just take new pics, pull a new name out of the hat and rebrand in a day or two...and so many of you guys will line up once again to start sending enough info she could take out a loan on your behalf.  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 110 reads
60 / 84

Breaking news -- chicks throwing themselves at hot guys.
As long as 80% of women are chasing the top 5% of guys, of course they are going to get pumped and dumped.

BigBoyPants 5 Reviews 98 reads
62 / 84

A recent study has shown that 25% of women are being treated for mental disorders.

I find that statistic alarming.

The other 75% are not being treated…

knotsaway 36 Reviews 107 reads
63 / 84

… is that mental disorders in men are less likely to be treated because men tend to not talk about their mental issues nor seek treatment for them, compared to women.

karllokia 9 Reviews 89 reads
64 / 84

Regardless of gender... now a days, i think most everybody is f'ed up. Mental illness is real. It's sad to see in real time, how society (especially America) is spiraling down the toilet.

MrOmnivert 123 reads
65 / 84

I don’t think you understand what the word “fact” actually means because nothing you’ve said thus far can be considered factual. Also add to the list the word “irony” as you comment that I care so much to reply to your posts, yet your dumb ass replies to every single person who disagrees with you in this thread and you care so little??? Looks like she has neither brains nor beauty, but go ahead and try to stick your nose up her butt a little further lockstock…it’s quite brown already.  

Here’s a few examples of some facts:
• you have a fupa
• the skin around your vag is yellow, discolored and off putting. Maybe you should spread some of that makeup around and try to cover it up. Lord knows you put enough on your face
• you’re not all that, you just think you are. Men may give you money for “things” but trust few and far between would entertain you as a significant other.

karllokia 9 Reviews 121 reads
66 / 84

Hey man, let's chill out. Remember all, this supposed to be a fun hobby. Attacks are getting more and more nasty. You want to think about some of these people's mental stability. What happens if someone took it the wrong way and decides to end it all. How would you feel then?

Manwithmanyhands 23 Reviews 110 reads
67 / 84

The Asian Baby Gangster anesthetic should of died like ten years ago. And look at y'all desperately trying to bring it back.

lockstock 201 Reviews 121 reads
68 / 84

"Asian Baby Gangster anesthetic " -- Ha! it didn't put me to sleep.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 95 reads
69 / 84

I hadn't heard that term before, but upon looking it up, yeah, it's aesthetic, not anesthetic.

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 92 reads
70 / 84

I don’t care about losing any clients I’ve never had or seem to look at me in a different light, I have a good clientele already and they know how I am offline, so I don’t care what trolls have to say, I mean don’t dish it if you can’t take it 🥱 but i as I am , I tend to like to build a relationship and rapport w my clients so it’s messed up when I try to wear my heart on my sleeves, only to get lied to. I have built quite a few good relationships w some regulars and I would hate to view all of them as fake or liars. I truly thought that some people in this hobby weren’t all shit, but I guess you just validated that most guys are…

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 74 reads
71 / 84

Lmfaooo I don’t apologize to trolls. Y’all can go choke on it. Lmfaoooo “gangster?” Says who lmfaoooo goofy. I’m just trolling y’all back. 🥴🥴🥴🥴

Lovelyxemkay See my TER Reviews 72 reads
72 / 84

Honestly, I say go to therapy. I do, and that’s simply why I just laugh at these comments. Go to therapy, self care and self love actually helps a lot. People talk shit all day, so I just laugh and go along w them bc it’s entertaining. Mental health is declining in America, most teenagers 12-19 are depressed, and some are even turning to self harm and drugs, it’s really sad & I feel like it should be more talked about…. But I am happy bc I feel like we’re finally just starting to open up about mental health (so some people still feel ashamed or embarrassed to get help or talk about it) but I feel like it should become the norm

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 78 reads
73 / 84

Why indeed are modern youth mentally screwed up. Liberalism has marched thru the institutions, especially education. Kids are taught white guilt, "be less white", they are colonizers, they should question their gender, keep secrets from their parents, and peer shamed for having any unapproved political opinions. Of course they're fucked up.

kadiddlehop420 1 Reviews 85 reads
74 / 84

Lester hit the nail square on the head.
I could add to that list but it would do no good.
Who would care. Especially the 2 numb nut mayors of zoos.

It ain't getting any better is the sad part.

icyblu 82 reads
75 / 84

Don't forget social media and instant gratification.  

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 98 reads
76 / 84
jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 81 reads
77 / 84

The facts are clear. He's married. He has not, and very likely will not, divorced. He should be paying FS rate for FS, while being safe. Don't fall for the okie doke.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 42 reads
78 / 84

So you think that sharing anonymous DMs is more “despicable” than the things he was saying to me in them? Ok then…

knotsaway 36 Reviews 26 reads
79 / 84

… to deal with emails like that than sharing them publicly… if that’s in fact what you did.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 37 reads
81 / 84

Because I was locked out of my first username, so I created a new one, then I got back into my first one.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 33 reads
82 / 84

Such as? I’d love to hear your ideas.

knotsaway 36 Reviews 29 reads
83 / 84

A few that come to mind:

- Block the perpetrator
- Reply to the perpetrator via email re why what he said was despicable, then block him
- Warn other providers via the Providers board (if you’re on it of course)
- Call out the behavior here, using his TER handle

Another one is to put him on your DNS list, but I figure that’s a foregone conclusion.  

Some of the steps above could be combined.

JordanMaxx See my TER Reviews 25 reads
84 / 84

I did call out his behavior here using his TER handle tho?

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