
Re: Cialis ...
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 6 reads

I think you misread the actual tone of the question (it wasn't hostile.)
As far as loss of testosterone with age, that is actually controversial.  There was a study out of Australia around 2011 that found that there was no correlation between age and testosterone levels, contrary to the common wisdom.  There was, however a correlation between health and testosterone levels.  Healthy older men had steady testosterone levels.
I'm now 71 and had my testosterone checked two years ago.  My level was above average -- for all age groups.  I'm just a skinny guy, not a jacked up muscle man.
As far as ED, they say low testosterone can be a factor, but most ED, they say, is caused by atherosclerosis, clogged blood vessels -- although there are other factors too.
At 71 I don't need meds to obtain an erection, but they sure help extend the time of the erection.  

How many old farts with ED are out there and how many have you have considered giving up the hobby because of your ED? And what are you doing about your ED?

I’m late 50’s and Cialis works well for me. I take 10mg the day before and another 10mg same day. If I take 20mg at once I get a headache. But the right gal with the right chemistry plays a lot into the equation. Also, the gym really helps me. If I slack it affects my libido.

What kind of a question is this? Like for real?

Not sure how old you are however, get ready because it's going to happen to you one day too. It's part of being a man.  

By the time a man turns 50 their testosterone has depleted by 50% from what it was when they were in their 20's.  Medication works wonders. And if the oral meds don't work, injectables will do the trick.  

They're is nothing odd about an older man having issues with performance.

I think you misread the actual tone of the question (it wasn't hostile.)
As far as loss of testosterone with age, that is actually controversial.  There was a study out of Australia around 2011 that found that there was no correlation between age and testosterone levels, contrary to the common wisdom.  There was, however a correlation between health and testosterone levels.  Healthy older men had steady testosterone levels.
I'm now 71 and had my testosterone checked two years ago.  My level was above average -- for all age groups.  I'm just a skinny guy, not a jacked up muscle man.
As far as ED, they say low testosterone can be a factor, but most ED, they say, is caused by atherosclerosis, clogged blood vessels -- although there are other factors too.
At 71 I don't need meds to obtain an erection, but they sure help extend the time of the erection.  

Peptides! This stuff is amazing and has 0 adverse effects.

Where do you get Peptide from ?

How do you take this?  It looks like it comes as an injection.

I was able to get a prescription under the generic name Sildenafil in 20mg tablets.  Depending on the pharmacy, it's less expensive that way and it's also easy to customize the dosage to what works best for me without few to no side effects.

I’ve tried all the different pills and pumps and rings and nothing works for me. I have not tried peptides. I didn’t know about them but now I’m going to learn about them. I actually gave up the hobby until about a year ago and I met up with Phoenix rising she has been a lifesaver for me because she understands and she has a technique where I can actually penetrate with a female condom.

Romanticguy7918 reads

Have you seen a Urologist? Ask about the penile self injection shot, it has been around awhile and it's safe and effective.

You may or may not get hard during a prostate massage, but you will cum.

Ask me how I know ;)

I think God put man's g-spot in his ass specifically so that man could enjoy orgasms throughout his entire life.

icyblu21 reads

Everyone is different, but quitting alcohol helped me with performance. I used to love drinking a couple beers after a long day, but I noticed my ability to stay hard diminishing with each passing year. Gradually regained my ability to stay hard longer after I quit alcohol. Good luck.

I am 70+ and still enjoy meeting beautiful women. Thankfully, I don't need meds to get me over the hump. More than twice a week and the little man doesn't work. However, a prostrate massage almost guarantees a happy ending. Happy hunting.

Has anyone ever tried Acoustic Wave Therapy?  


Digging into their web site, they show a picture of the Storz Medical MP100 which is a radial shockwave machine.  
Attached is a link to a published paper on the differences between a focused and radial shockwave machine.
They found both effective.  The salient difference being that the focused machine requires medical training, whereas the radial machine can be run by anyone.  That's because the focused machine can deliver a high power deep, whereas the radial has its highest power right at the surface.  

All we need to do is slap some lube down there and we're as young as we want to be.  

And yes, being fit really helps with everything in one's life. And eating less/no meat!*

* sorry, I'm a new vegan that's just realized how much cheese has been messing up my innards and I'm a little excited about it.  

~~~~~ Try the New, Plant-Based Lady Anna, coming to a store near you! ~~~~~~

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