
ThreeCupsPlease 812 reads

My posted question was not "do you think of BBFS is a good practice?"

Clearly, the TER poll shows substantial interest in the availability of BBFS.  There is no need for your little group to post comments that are not responsive to my question and only reprint your prior posts.

This is not a forum for children.  We all know that BBFS involves a degree of risk, as does everything else associated with the "hobby."  How about letting a stranger into your home or hotel room?  There is no need to point out the obvious, over and over.

Someone pointed out that reviews MIGHT include false information about a provider related to BBFS.  Isn't that a risk with every review, related to any type of information?  If this forum could not publish information that MIGHT be incorrect or misleading, it would only be a series of blank pages.

Maybe you could all hitch up your skirts and recognize that BBFS is a topic of interest to many peope on TER.  If it is not of interest to you, or if, God forbid, you don't know anything that is pesponsive to a posted question, you can just move on to another topic.

ThreeCupsPlease2338 reads

Is BBFS going to be added as a listed service on TER reviews?  If so, when will that be started?

Posted By: ThreeCupsPlease
Is BBFS going to be added as a listed service on TER reviews?  If so, when will that be started?
It shouldn't be added.  It should go back to the old way and not discussed.  If people want to do it fine thats their business.. but they should not be using it on TER as a marketing tool.

I totally agree with patrico. It should have never been allowed to even been discussed, much less to be used as a marketing tool. That would be a provider I would stay away from.

It seems that everyone is against this being discussed, and no one has provided any good reason for it except they are against the act of BBFS itself. However, not discussing it does not make it go away.

Isn't it better to know, than to pretend it doesn't exist? Your last statement - "that would be a provider I would stay away from" - is exactly why it should be added. More information giving you more power to make better decisions.

I would also avoid any provider who offered it, which is why I would appreciate knowing who does.

I feel ter is using it to get more people to buy VIP by advertising it.  This invites the trolls I have seen on many other boards that start rumors and openly seek bareback services some coerce ladies seeking a service that might not normally be provided.  But to each their own...I think its a bad idea both to openly advertise and to partake in bbfs with providers. Last time I checked most STDS were incurable and still around.

But I question how reliable any information in a review or on the discussion boards would be about anyone who offers or seeks BBFS.  We've seen how petty and vindictive people try to take shots at people through BS accusations.  How easy will it be to do that through accusations of BBFS, probably done through an alias, which are now also available to do reviews under?  It's hard enough to separate fact from fiction as it is;  when it comes to BBFS it will be even harder.  Even false accusations stand a good chance of causing problems for a provider or hobbyist.

No, it should be discussed...Im not against that. And if a girl offers it and a guy wants it, that's their business. OPEN discussion is ALWAYS a healthy thing!! It keeps us all safe. Discuss away!

Posted By: vorlon
But I question how reliable any information in a review or on the discussion boards would be about anyone who offers or seeks BBFS.  We've seen how petty and vindictive people try to take shots at people through BS accusations.  How easy will it be to do that through accusations of BBFS, probably done through an alias, which are now also available to do reviews under?  It's hard enough to separate fact from fiction as it is;  when it comes to BBFS it will be even harder.  Even false accusations stand a good chance of causing problems for a provider or hobbyist.

There is the point I knew someone was going to bring up - manipulative people using it to defame providers. This is already common practice for jealous providers and shady johns and BBFS is only another weapon in their arsenal.

I also question how reliable information from reviews and discussion boards is  - about ANYTHING. IMO nothing in this 'fantasyland' should be taken at face value. TER is littered with those having alterior motives, petty beefs, as well as the misguided and delusional. One should always consider the source of any information before lending it credibility.

The alias reviews are the stupidest idea TER has come up with yet, and are themselves, more of the problem than the discussion of BBFS. Personally, I discount everything stated as fact by an alias in a review or on a board.

And if my name was "admin" and it were up to me, not only would alias reviews be terminated, no accusations of BBFS (or any other type of slander for that matter) would be allowed under an alias, ever. People are far less likely to lie when they have to be held accountable.

But ultimately, it is up to each individual to use their own best judgement in deciding what to believe and what not to. I don't see censorship as an effective method to maintaining a credible stream of information.      

Thinking back over all the reviews I have written, there were a couple where I would have liked the alias feature because they were bad reviews and one in particular caused a white knight uproar against me on the board.  The white knight posting might have happened anyway but when the reviewer is well known it seems to get really outrageous.  I have also had one provider get so upset she when on a vendetta crusade and blacklisted me on one of those provider boards with bullshit reasons.   I realize that the veracity of an alias review will be pretty low anyway but what some people don't realize is that you can PM the review alias (unlike a board alias) to get more information to help judge if its worth believing or not.  If I wrote an alias review and got pm's from guys with no white knight history, I would respond to them and divulge my normal identity.

Check out Hilary's post about rumors and lies.... thats why it should have never been alowed to be discussed. Its a very good way for someone to ruin a provider's reputation. Isn't it better to not discuss it openly as before? I know I've never been offered it. Nor have I ever asked for it either. That should be between the provider and the client. Not openly discussed here.

adsumsparkle1027 reads

Gopher....the lie about me had nothing to do with it being discussed on the BOARDS. This was being done in PRIVATE sessions. Why they feel the need to talk about me in their private sessions is beyond me. I don't think that's what the gents were paying for.....

PMing_guy919 reads

but found it to be fitting and funny.   Not about the BBFS.... just watch the darn thing

Maybe it should be discussed here. At least a provider can defend herself on the board now, just as Hilary did. Open discussion is usually a very good thing, So I guess I agree with L.I.P., the more information we can recieve, all the better for everyone. So I guess discuss away!!!

ThreeCupsPlease813 reads

My posted question was not "do you think of BBFS is a good practice?"

Clearly, the TER poll shows substantial interest in the availability of BBFS.  There is no need for your little group to post comments that are not responsive to my question and only reprint your prior posts.

This is not a forum for children.  We all know that BBFS involves a degree of risk, as does everything else associated with the "hobby."  How about letting a stranger into your home or hotel room?  There is no need to point out the obvious, over and over.

Someone pointed out that reviews MIGHT include false information about a provider related to BBFS.  Isn't that a risk with every review, related to any type of information?  If this forum could not publish information that MIGHT be incorrect or misleading, it would only be a series of blank pages.

Maybe you could all hitch up your skirts and recognize that BBFS is a topic of interest to many peope on TER.  If it is not of interest to you, or if, God forbid, you don't know anything that is pesponsive to a posted question, you can just move on to another topic.

Maybe there is a need for the "little group" to post comments that are not responsive to your question!  Maybe the majority of THIS board doesn't want to hear your nonsense questions because "we" as a "little group" feel a certain way about this issue.
This forum is not for children.  NO!  However, some of the people that participate tend to act like children at times!  All of the bickering, nonsense, attacking one another and generally starting threads that are known to piss people off-None of that is necessary but some people don't have lives and seem to find fun in it!  Childish to say the least!
Letting a stranger into your home/hotel room is not that dangerous if the proper research is done.  That is why reviews are written and references are checked.  There are precautions that are taken to make the situation as safe as possible.
If you want to talk about BBFS so badly, maybe you could go to the general board where they love to talk about it.  If you didn't want a response, then maybe you shouldn't have posted!  You had to have known when you posted this, the type of responses you would receive.  
In conclusion:   Maybe you should stop trying to tell our "little group" how to respond to a post and PM a mod to ask your question that none of us have the answer to.
I am usually not a jerk but my goodness....  Who are you to tell us how we should post and what is an appropriate response to your thread?  

Posted By: ThreeCupsPlease
My posted question was not "do you think of BBFS is a good practice?"

Clearly, the TER poll shows substantial interest in the availability of BBFS.  There is no need for your little group to post comments that are not responsive to my question and only reprint your prior posts.

This is not a forum for children.  We all know that BBFS involves a degree of risk, as does everything else associated with the "hobby."  How about letting a stranger into your home or hotel room?  There is no need to point out the obvious, over and over.

Someone pointed out that reviews MIGHT include false information about a provider related to BBFS.  Isn't that a risk with every review, related to any type of information?  If this forum could not publish information that MIGHT be incorrect or misleading, it would only be a series of blank pages.

Maybe you could all hitch up your skirts and recognize that BBFS is a topic of interest to many peope on TER.  If it is not of interest to you, or if, God forbid, you don't know anything that is pesponsive to a posted question, you can just move on to another topic.

ThreeCupsPlease1368 reads

I appreciate you making a rare exception to your "usually not a jerk" rule in this instance.  When you admit being a jerk, it is far more persuasive than me saying it.  Also, it helps others to understand that, in your world, the interests of your little "posse" will always take precedence over the majority of members who have expressed interest in BBFS.

"My little posse"?  Are you serious?  I don't have a posse, I am a one woman operation.  
The majority of the Members have expressed interest in BBFS, where? Regardless of who wishes and doesn't wish to speak about the topic and their opinions there of here is my problem with this:  You post a thread and don't like the responses so you indirectly attack the people responding and tell us that we shouldn't respond to your thread.  We all have the right to our own opinions and are free to express them, even if we don't like each other's opinions.  AT least I am a woman about my opinions and don't always hide behind an alias.  
Yes, I personally have a strong opinion on BBFS and don't even partake these practices in my personal life.  That is my opinion!  I will express them freely thanks to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

ThreeCupsPlease1340 reads

I guess I owe you an apology.  Frankly, it never occurred to me that "missleah09" is your real name and not an alias.  So, is "missleah09" your first name, or last name, an acronym like "BBFS," or sort of a single word name like Cher, or Prince or Liberace?

Also, sorry about trampling on your First Amendment rights.  I'm all about free speech.  I had lumped you in with the members of your little posse that think that BBFS should not be mentioned or discussed on this forum.

Posted By: ThreeCupsPlease
I guess I owe you an apology.  Frankly, it never occurred to me that "missleah09" is your real name and not an alias.  So, is "missleah09" your first name, or last name, an acronym like "BBFS," or sort of a single word name like Cher, or Prince or Liberace?

Also, sorry about trampling on your First Amendment rights.  I'm all about free speech.  I had lumped you in with the members of your little posse that think that BBFS should not be mentioned or discussed on this forum.

TheLapDoctor1675 reads

Posted By: adsumsparkle
No, it should be discussed...Im not against that. And if a girl offers it and a guy wants it, that's their business. OPEN discussion is ALWAYS a healthy thing!! It keeps us all safe. Discuss away!


Why are some people so petrified of this topic that they run for the hills and shut their ears when it's discussed?? People can discuss it all day. If it's not a service you provide or one that you seek out, what difference does it make to you?? Just because you disapprove of it (or so you say in public), doesn't mean anyone else should not be allowed to talk about it.

Is it controversial? Of course. Is it for everyone? Maybe not. But to pretend it doesn't occur HUNDREDS of times every day and refuse to allow discussion about it, to me is counterproductive and useless.

A mature and reasonable adult ought to be able to handle rational discussions of any nature.

Presumably it isn't your actual name or anything that would disclose your true identity to the readers of this board.

Threecups revealed his "real" TER handle accidentally a while back. I for one am not sure why he even posts using an alias, since he chooses not to write reviews - but that's his business, not mine.  As long as TER lets us use aliases, people are going to use aliases.

I know.  Most people probably don't know or remember that.   But he has pointed out more than once that one's handle isn't their real name which to my mind raises the obvious question of why he doesn't use it then.  Yes, as TER allows people to use aliases, he like everyone else can use them.  But I think it is still a legitimate question to ask why he does.

Casualprep1425 reads

An interesting point that I'd commented on a while back and is worth repeating;

While by no means 'scientific', the TER poll does appear to illustrate a significant interest in BBFS(surprisding, but there it is). This is in sharp contrast to those repeatedly vocalising their staunch opposition to it on this forum(whom apparantly do NOT represent the majority of hobbyists...I'll lean towards the opinion of 13000+ over 4 or 5 here).

More information is(IMO), never a bad thing. What people do/don't do while hobbying is up to the two(or three..heh heh)involved.

I personally am sick to death of the 'moral majority' constantly trying to tell others what is right/wrong based on THEIR beliefs...GET OVER IT.

As far as being used to 'damage' a providers or hobbyists 'reputation'...I'm not buying it. As 3-cups pointed out, that's always a risk with anything and not limited to 'BBFS'.

Must be hard for you dealing with the reality that so many threads on discussion boards do not just focus on what the initial post said.  BBFS is a controverisal topic and you are going to get a wide range of responses whether you like it or not.  In any event, the only people who might give you an accurate answer to your question is the people who run TER itself so sending them a PM would be the more logical thing to do.

Probably not until the next update of the TER software.  Count me among those who does not want to see that addition.

going to the projects where I grew up in a BMW, driving really slow, windows down, rolex on, and 100k sitting openly in the front seat.  AKA-A death wish!  I wish people would use their minds and think a little.  Hopefully, people will never offer/request BBFS and just leave the issue alone!  If it somehow becomes a norm you will catch me working 12's at the hospital, keeping my vaJayJay safe and repairing dirty vaJayJay's and penises.

If a provider advertizes BBFS, I will certainly put her on the no-call list. Whew!

it's always been open for discussion. As for reviews, to your actual question, Vorlon points out just above that it's a question better put to TER.

Threads evolve.

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