
Grand Casino (Hinckley)
Minnesotaislove1 2404 reads

Making my way up to grand casino hinckley this weekend. Anyone out in that area? Not sure who is providing In that general location. But definitely interested in a session. If not, the casino can take my money lol.

Minnesotaislove122 reads

Elle, do you typically go up there and get your own room or just to meet clients? I would be interested to schedule a future session in the very near future.

IJMiggs26 reads

I fully love and support law enforcement all across our great nation but these Indian Reservation PD are a different animal and play very different when it comes to traffic tickets and everything else! I know multiple people who were aggressively dealt with and in one case arrested for speeding 95 in a 75 with his family in the car crying!  Very disturbing and very real!

-- Modified on 7/22/2024 1:31:32 AM

cleavers17 reads

It depends. The rez is a sovereign nation, and people still think it follows US law. I've had issues with some of them across the US. Sometimes, I feel they are super petty, but many cops are. If you call because your nuggets were not cooked right, they will find something to tag on you. This depends on location, but now a carotid hold is really illegal. The feds started back in the late 80's to pull it out of training. Some of those you mentioned still use it. We all know what has been happening across MN around reservations; I've seen some non-native American guys near them, and a few had "teardrop" tattoos.

-- Modified on 7/23/2024 12:40:33 PM

IJMiggs18 reads

Nobody should be arrested for passing a slow vehicle on the highway and getting tagged for 20 mph over with a clean driving record! There are unnecessary arrests that result in $5k bail and pure profit for the Indian reservations.  Too much gouging if you ask me.

cleavers22 reads

It's different, but this reminds me of something, and it probably will not work up there. Every fall, when we head out to deer camp in Colorado, we come down from 90, tru Pine Ridge (always interesting), and head through Lusk, WY. So, at about 2 or 3 a.m., we fly through town at about 75mph. We get stopped yearly; I swear that they knew when the season ran in CO and wanted to catch some coming through.

In the second year and beyond, we carried extra Franklins, of course, and a few cases of Calverts. It would work, which made the experience less stressful. I'm not saying that this works in every incident

Going 95 with one’s family in the car IS very disturbing.

...not pester the "white man" if that was the impression being made.  They do their jobs for the most part.  There are some bad apples in the barrel no different than any police force.  That said, I don't think being arrested for driving 95 mph is as outrageous as driving 95 mph with others in a car.  Especially in any area prone to wildlife doing what they normally do.  I've travelled through every reservation in the state and spent a hell of a lot of time on a couple of them, including Red Lake which is one of the few in the USA that are considered "closed".  Native LEO like hearing those strange words just like the rest of LE...Yes Sir, No Sir, thank you etc goes a long way in mitigating an issue you've caused for yourself.

Now, fuck around and you will find out but remember, you are not a citizen and they may not give two shits about the rights you may think you have.  

cleavers24 reads

One summer, I got too close to the reservation boundaries on Red Lake, and those guys let me know. Biindigen, the Nation Foods, has some great stuff.

Like anywhere, there are good and bad people.  I've spent a lot of time & money in Red Lake and Redby and have done business with them for years.  I've met some wonderful people up there.  However, the rule of FAFO is very applicable, just like it is in many white enclaves in outstate MN.  If you go out of your way to be a dick, you'll likely find yourself fucked.  Last, anyone going 25 mph over the limit is simply asking to be pulled over.  Unless things have changed, LEO is well within their right to tag you for careless or reckless, especially with kiddos in the car.

IJMiggs20 reads

It was a speeding violation of 95 in a 75 while they were safely passing a slow vehicle on the highway and getting tagged for 20 mph over with a perfectly clean driving record! Also for the record, it was a Tesla and those cars get to from 75 to 95 in not even 1.5 seconds.

-- Modified on 7/30/2024 12:06:51 AM

So still 20 MPH over the limit.   That will always draw a ticket or at least getting pulled over.  
Clean record or not.... it is still breaking the law.... I know that is ironic of me saying this on this type of review site.

Having a clean record doesn't change the fact of being 20 mph over the limit.

...anywhere in the state of Minnesota or Wisconsin I believe.  Pertinent detail that makes the infraction worse, the driver should have been cited for reckless or careless, especially having others in the car.  Now that we find out that it was a Tesla, I'm apt to believe there may have been some entitlement projected onto the officer that may have influenced his actions lol.  

Correct.... which makes it a MINIMUM 25 MPH over the limit.   Then if it was in a 60 or 55 zone it is even worse.

I agree 100% that the person might have entitlement issues....   Especially when he said, "clean record" and what not.  

IJMiggs27 reads

There was a local there killed in a hit and run which might explain the aggressive police presence on the reservation. I guess that is better than a starving prostitute having to chase a $20 bill super glued to a fishing line being dragged in a Walmart parking lot in Baxter.

-- Modified on 8/8/2024 11:04:54 PM

… near Grand Casino was this, with a 75 limit?

And I can see your point about how terrible it was that a guy driving a Tesla was ticketed for 20 over, since the car is so quick. I’m sure drivers of ‘vettes, BMW M series, Porsches etc. would make the same point to the officer giving them the ticket: quick cars should NOT get tickets!

Minnesotaislove118 reads

You were not kidding. I was going 84mph on a 70mph and got pulled over. Typically, when I drive this fast going up north passing cops they don't follow, even after driving to Wisconsin on open road passing a cop at 87mph he never followed. But this one did and believe it or not.. I got let go with a warning. Very nice cop and understood that I was planning on gambling with my money rather than paying a ticket lol. Unfortunately, I never got a response from any providers last weekend and ended up losing. I did win $1,250 but I played it back LOL. I would of much rather spent some of it on a lovely provider.

omg ....my first day back and the discussion board has not changed .......this thread question was totally hijacked by idiots . the question was answered in one post and then i wasted time and lost brain cells trying to follow where it ended

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