
It's going on all over the place
Ucneeded 10262 reads
1 / 83

Not as taboo as it used to be on discussion boards but still don’t want to use my ter handle.  I am amazed at how common bbfs has become. I’ve had or have been offered bbfs by the last 10 women I’ve seen. Prior to Covid it happened occasionally but since Covid it seems like a given.  Is this a coincidence, are others experiencing the same, can we have a civil and honest discussion about bbfs?

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 91 reads
2 / 83

I'm all for risk management... this is pushing it.  

We have a responsibility to keep our community safe.  

Imagine the disastrous commotion if something were to mysteriously get home to someones wife....

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 141 reads
3 / 83

Okay I'm going to go ahead and say it, and I may get a lot of shit for this from other providers but I think this is an important topic that needs to be discussed more on these boards.  

this is a service I offer.  HOWEVER, I do take additional precautions. If I did not take these additional precautions BBFS is not a service I would offer. So here's a breakdown of what I do daily, weekly, monthly....  

 I go into my regular clinic weekly for testing. I give a urine sample and throat swab every week and have my blood drawn once a month as well. In addition to my weekly routine testing and monthly blood draws I also take Truvada for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) daily. My doctor started me on this after my first appointment as a new patient since I am considered "high risk" due to my involvement within this industry.  If you're not familiar with what this daily medication is look it up. And of course I also have an IUD as well.  

It did take me a while to find a doctor that wasn't 'judgemental' about my occupation. I had to do a lot a research and go through many reviews but I eventually found one at North Memorial. I have always been up front and 100% completely honest my doctor about what i do for a living so I can best protect my health.  

The reason I go in so often for weekly testing is because if a woman does end up contracting something from a male partner, there is a high probability she will have no idea. Usually women will find out from their male counterpart that they have contracted something because the man will start having symptoms. The majority of men are symptomatic when/if they contract something, while the majority of women are asymptomatic I may not know for weeks, months, or even years, that they have something.  

I would not offer BBFS if I didn't take these precautions on a regular basis. I explain all this with my dates when I see them and I show them my most recent updated test results from that week.  

We are all adults and we all understand the risks that we are taking when engaging in high risk sexual behavior. Over the years my system has not been 100% fool proof. I'm almost a 40 year old woman with multiple sexual partners who is a provider in the sex industry.  It would be absurd to think I've never contracted Gonorrhea or Chlamydia over the years because I have  as I assume many other providers have at some point in their life along with anyone in general who is having sex with multiple people. In the past when this has happened and I have tested positive for something, I've taken the week off.  It takes one full week for the bacterias to die from the first day of treatment. Even if you just get a shot and don't take a daily medication, It still takes 7 days for that bacteria to die so you have to abstain from sexual activity.    

It's unfortunate that this subject is so 'taboo' on these boards. I think if it was discussed more openly other providers and clients might have a better understanding about precautions that be taken to reduce everyone's risk if BBFS is a service that is being actively sought out and fulfilled.  

So that's my very long winded two cents on the matter.

snafu929 18 Reviews 87 reads
4 / 83

There is a frequent poster on here that has taken to multiple TER boards searching begging for leads on bbfs girls  but also seeeking answers and locations for STD treatment for himself and abortion services for his “conquests”

Stiflers_mom 86 reads
5 / 83

I will use my alias for this one because I don't want any questions, names, etc. I don't know how common it is, but I'm positive it goes on, maybe more than we think.

I'm going back a few years, and a particular escort entered the business to drum up business, plus $... she was not using any. I heard she was busy... secondhand knowledge? I listened to this from multiple clients that it was true. Over the years, I've been asked not to wear one for BBFS, but no. The next thing after I said no, she said was, "don't tell anyone I asked."

I was on a date once, and she was talking about a threesome she was on, and the threesome turned her stomach. She said the other two had anal sex without a condom, and it switched to ass to her mouth...she left right away.

Stiflers_mom 79 reads
6 / 83

I'm not sure what COVID would have to do with it unless some think they didn't get it, so they are suitable for anything. Or getting the shot protects them from anything?

Notoriginalalias 86 reads
7 / 83

Using an alias for obvious reasons. Thought I was bullet proof, but I had bbfs with 2 well known providers very recently and was just diagnosed with chlamydia. Off to get a weeks worth of pills, but it’s skewed my view point of thinking with the wrong head and never again in this hobby. I did email the agency that these providers are associated with to give them a heads up. Stay safe out there.

Atouk 75 reads
8 / 83

Total agreement here,  heck I’m pretty much uncomfortable with anything unprotected.  As for giving something to the Mrs.  I suspect I’m not alone when I say we’d have to still be having sex for that to be an issue.

crsm27 29 Reviews 83 reads
9 / 83

a few things to think about with the "covid"...

1.  Maybe they are seeing less clients?
2.  Money issues?
3.  More of a SB/SD type situations going on... or "monthly" arrangements?

I think that is why they brought up pre covid and post covid as possibly seeing this trend.  Not sure.

crsm27 29 Reviews 72 reads
10 / 83

Thank you for the honest response and good information on what is working for you and could work for others.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 84 reads
11 / 83

LOL Perhaps this individual is trolling??

Sweet.rain See my TER Reviews 98 reads
12 / 83

Does anyone else remember the two ladies who were listed in the paper on how they were infecting johns with aids on purpose ? I remmeber it back in 2011-12

I then got confirmation on who they were in the past recent years but they are no longer in buisness  

I wouldn't want to shame any provider for offering this because there are many folks out there who are having unprotected sex, not even dabbling Into this side of the hobby  

Who have high traffic not even as a working provider,  and it's becoming so normal that I wish it wasn't and if so that they are taking precautions to keep our community safe  

To be clear , This is not a typical item I have up on my menu but from time to time I tend to build relationships through longer periods that seldomly lead to this SB/SD type of relationship  

With careful consideration and precautions taken. I choose each of my partners carefully.  With agreements made that all parties are tested with hopes  and trust that boundaries can be respected.  

As for the others who do have this on their menu , and the ones involved  I respect anyone who actively protects themselves with upkeep and testing

knotsaway 36 Reviews 124 reads
13 / 83

… about those who go looking for trouble usually find it. I think it could apply to BBFS too.

In over ten years of seeing sex workers I’ve never been offered BBFS.  If I had, I would have declined.  There was one time when I thought for a moment a provider I’d known for years was slipping me in without a cover while riding me cowgirl style, but when I reacted she flashed a sly grin and showed me the cover she’d slipped on while her hands were behind her back. She could make covers magically appear with her mouth, too, so I should’ve known.

Anyway… for those who don’t like the lack of sensation with a cover, try a FC if you’ve never tried it. I think they’re great, and I wish more providers used them.  

bluenorthMN 85 reads
14 / 83

tried but never liked it, have to use lots of lub on the inside, if not it hurts, it's like fcking a plastic bag

Parmalee17 9 Reviews 98 reads
15 / 83

If there was a certified service that monitored not just the providers but the clients as well, I would do this in a heartbeat.    
I am not a rich man. But about once a year or so I spring for a premium provider. In my opinion, that’s a highly reviewed, out of my league attractive woman, and they usually cost $350 per session or more. The $500+ girls are out of my budget entirely. But that said, if I’m paying that much, I would certainly pay a reputable service (if one existed) that managed providers and clients to ensure safe encounters. To be honest it wouldn’t even be that hard for an app or even TER to launch a service like that. It would certainly help if prostitution specifically were legalized, as then it would be law to regulate such things.  

But without a sure fire confirmation or checklist, there’s no chance I’m risking it with the budget I am on and the amount of clients my providers see besides me.

Stiflers_mom 79 reads
16 / 83

As the OP mentioned, it's good/should be discussed here. Years ago, I was unsure if it was allowed to her or if nobody spoke about it. Only talking about issues with why this board is here unless it could be because somebody gives some health advice that somebody else says is wrong...like any other health issue. I always wonder why TER didn't have a health/sex info board here. On the over 60 board, guys are talking about ED and their experience with it. I do see an STDS and cover under Newbies. But not under the boards?

vorlon 119 Reviews 76 reads
17 / 83

But the feeling is so good when it is done right.  There used to be more providers offering them but now it is rare.  One provider told me she has to get them from Europe.

vorlon 119 Reviews 83 reads
18 / 83

I've noticed a lot of people talking about all kinds of things in terms of before and after COVID.  It's doesn't necessarily mean COVID had anything to do with whatever they are talking about; it provides a convenient frame of reference.

vorlon 119 Reviews 125 reads
19 / 83

But no one talked about it publicly.  For a long time, TER used to ban any mention of it in reviews and on the boards.  Even so, it does appear to me that it is more common now.  The number of ads and reviews that imply it or openly talk about it has steadily increased for a good while now.  Someone following the precautions like Elle Tee takes is undoubtedly a lot safer than someone taking the typical precautions but I wonder how common that is.  In the end, everyone makes their own decisions about what they are comfortable or willing to do.  Having more information will hopefully lead to better decision making.

cleavers 91 reads
20 / 83

Wow, Knots part of your post brings back something from some time ago. Many providers are very good with the condom illusion of slipping it on/ You don't see them opening it up or showing up...you might notice it after. I was seeing a local gal for years, and the first few times, I thought she wasn't using one. I asked her when did you put it on; one second, she was moving down and then a BJ and onward. All she said was I'm not going to tell; it was never in her hand that I saw, plus she never used her hands (I know how now)

I knew another member, and he reviewed her as BBBJ, and I called him about it. He swore up and down she didn't use one...he only saw her once. Not once I asked him, but multiple, because if she did BBBJ with him, why not me?

I hesitated to bring this up with an escort because I might lose something, LOL. I finally asked her,  and she said she always uses condoms; if she didn't, she would not use them with me. I trusted her because one time, I was taking a condom off, and some went over on her arm, and she got upset that sperm hit her body...what she said was, "hey, dude." The lesson is escorts are all illusions LOL

snafu929 18 Reviews 79 reads
21 / 83

That’s a very brave post and I applaud you for having the balls to write.  There’s not a doubt in my mind it would be anything but a wonderful experience.  You’ve taken specific steps to protect yourself and others but there’s a lot of guys/gals in this hobby that throw all caution to the wind and just roll with the consequences.  That creates the potential for a large amount of collateral damage.  Be well, you’ve made Brainerd a better place!

Manwithmanyhands 23 Reviews 101 reads
22 / 83

The first time she just slipped it in and mentioned she had an IUD so she was safe. Did BBFS the next time and got chlamydia. Told the wife my balls were swollen because my Rottweiler hit me in the nuts.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 102 reads
23 / 83

It definitely is more common which is why I would like a clinic in the Twin cities area to offer like a preventative care plan for sex workers. Something that included weekly labs, monthly blood draws, BC options, and Truvada for PrEP.  Something that we could like sign up for or something.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 85 reads
24 / 83

Thank you for emailing the agency though because in all honesty, whichever one you got it from probably had no idea that she had it. Most women are asymptomatic when it comes to STI's which is why weekly routine testing is so important if you offer that service.

lockstock 201 Reviews 86 reads
25 / 83

or seems to be. Don't know if it was just naivety on my part before or if things have changed but it doesn't surprise me anymore. In 2022 it was offered to me 9 times, maybe more, although I never asked for it. Here's an irony. My all time favorite (or actually 2022 favorite) and I started doing BBFS on the second or third visit and I saw her sometimes twice a week for several months after that. Until I didn't. Couldn't get passed the notion that if it was happening with then me it was happening with others and maybe it was happening with everybody. So haven't seen her since, and miss her hotness badly.

cleavers 90 reads
26 / 83

Hey LS,

I've learned that some escorts might only BBFS with specific clients, sometimes not every time. There was a local agency where the new girls had 12-15 dates daily. I'm not saying that she was doing the BBFS, just what you mentioned at the end of your post

GrandPoobah 72 reads
27 / 83

Things like this are why you want to be on PrEP.  It's more effective at preventing HIV than condoms, even when they are used perfectly.  (Of course, you have to take the pill every day, and at the same time, so it also must be used correctly.)  And of course, it doesn't help with anything other than HIV, so you know, you are playing at your own risk.

jeremyclarckson 107 reads
28 / 83

I’d say it’s pretty prevalent especially among regular clients.  I feel like it’s not a big deal to put them as they’re retired but Nina/Maya and Delilah both offered it to their solid regulars, a few others in the ME crowd as well for sure.  Some currently working.

Only dabbled now and then and luckily came out unscathed

jeremyclarckson 110 reads
29 / 83

Also in the k girl market it’s insanely prevalent.  Most girls just go for it out of default.  Makes you wonder what’s going on in their head

GreekTraveller 82 reads
30 / 83

This topic seems to be going well as in a healthy conversation with out judgment, arguments or disrespect. So here is a question. Where can one go to be tested for any STD/STI’s, anonymously in our area? Is that even possible? I imagine someone would rather not see their family doctor or have anything show up in “My Chart” leading to questions from their primary doctor or spouse.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 81 reads
31 / 83

I agree and am impressed. :) Healthy discussion of varying perspectives and opinions.  

I can't confirm that Planned Parenthood is anonymous, but they do ask if it's ok to identify themselves when calling. They only call if there is an issue with your results.

Maybe some charts merge into each other. Technology is getting more and more advanced.  

There are at home STD tests you can order on amazon.

vorlon 119 Reviews 91 reads
32 / 83

I've heard good things about it from multiple providers.

cleavers 85 reads
33 / 83

Jeannie, it was never like this before, but your right on technology and probably insurance companies and the feds. Our medical records will be put into one system; somebody might know better than me. But my new doctor yesterday asked me about a test in the past. He said yes, I got most of it right before me.  But what I've seen on my records, that some of my doctors have shown me, is like WTF! Most doctors hide the screen, but I'm almost deaf, so I get them to turn the screen so that I can see it all. They have the meds I took around 30 years ago; I looked at the date and didn't remember taking them. So if you took meds, let's say for a specific reason, like treatment for an STD, it might show up somehow. It looked like a company that specializes in tracking medical info on you.

My GP is a friend and helps me out with any testing. Ev

Tgball 168 Reviews 76 reads
34 / 83

I recommend the Red Door clinic.  I went there about ten years ago and used an alias so not sure if that’s still possible.  Does anyone know if they require picture ID?  if they don’t, bring cash for the donation.

Kingdami 58 Reviews 190 reads
35 / 83

Everything you said is indeed true but one of these girls is not retired. I cannot say who though.

jenniekennedymn See my TER Reviews 76 reads
36 / 83

I suppose the illusion of privacy is all we have anymore. haha

GrandPoobah 84 reads
37 / 83

Just what I was about to say.

Kingdami 58 Reviews 85 reads
38 / 83

Were these providers MNE girls?

Posted By: Notoriginalalias
Re: Be safe out there  
Using an alias for obvious reasons. Thought I was bullet proof, but I had bbfs with 2 well known providers very recently and was just diagnosed with chlamydia. Off to get a weeks worth of pills, but it’s skewed my view point of thinking with the wrong head and never again in this hobby. I did email the agency that these providers are associated with to give them a heads up. Stay safe out there.

Buckyfan 157 reads
39 / 83

I never have gone in to an encounter looking for bbfs but it has happened 3 times, twice in my last two outings. The first time, it was a provider from a well respected agency I used a few times before with no hint of such service from the others I saw from there. She initiated it when after giving me a BBBJ, she just moved up and mounted me cowgirl without a cover. My mind was racing but I couldn’t stop and ended up CIP.  
The second one was a very young provider, about 19 y/o and with only about 5 reviews, none hinting of bbfs. We fucked some with a cover, then she went back to BBBJ. When I asked to fuck again she asked if it was ok without a rubber. Being the man of limited self control I am, I said yes and ended up having the most memorable encounter ever. When we started, she just asked that I don’t CIP which I obliged.  
The third time was with a well established, very highly rated (top 10 on TER in her market) MILF provider. After DATY when she was on her back, I moved up and started rubbing my bare dick on her wet pussy, gliding back and forth and teasing her. She was into it so I went a step further and flicked her clit with the tip. She started pushing up harder against it and it “just went in”.  She kept thrusting and moaning so I kept going and we did a long, multi position session uncovered. I requested CIM at the end so I’m not sure what her thoughts were about me CIP.  
While I consider myself fairly good looking, I’m certainly not a young, chiseled stud that whose looks may make women lose their self control, so I’m not really sure what possessed those 3 to provide me BBFS.  
So, while after those visits I had worries over the next month every time I had a little itch down there, I have doubts I will be able to say no in similar situations in the future if they present themselves.  

IJMiggs 141 reads
40 / 83

If you are married, you should absolutely be abstaining if you are having uncovered anal sex.  Just be smart about who you do it with.  If your penis burns after enjoying an inexpensive high volume provider for BBFS, you should know better.  Some guys I know will pay girls to go to a STD clinic to be tested first or even use rapid STD tests to be safe.  If you have the means for this, it makes total sense to do it.

Notoriginalalias 81 reads
41 / 83


Notoriginalalias 101 reads
42 / 83

They don’t require a picture ID, allow cash payments without insurance info and I used an Alia’s just recently.

Kingdami 58 Reviews 87 reads
43 / 83

I think I know which ones but I’d like to confirm with you through PM if that’s fine with you?

jeremyclarckson 86 reads
44 / 83

Ah ok.  Haven’t seen them post in ages so figured they were gone

IJMiggs 96 reads
45 / 83

Just curious, do you show proof of these tests to clients?

Notoriginalalias 73 reads
46 / 83

This is an alias and I’m not going to post with my real moniker, but trust your gut.

Notoriginalalias 89 reads
47 / 83

The agency response was more annoyed than thankful, but at least I tried doing my due diligence.

snafu929 18 Reviews 116 reads
48 / 83

Troll is being nice, this guy is a predator.  He likes them young, uneducated and vulnerable.

snafu929 18 Reviews 89 reads
50 / 83

Did it cross your mind that Elle (or any sex worker) may have more to contribute to society than what they do for a living?  Interesting way to celebrate International Women's Day dumbass!  I would suppose your now going to morph into your character that knows all behind the scenes and you are fully aware of  exactly what she does and where she does it?  Call it a hunch, but I'm guessing she may know a few clients who do not live/play only within the 694/494 ring.

Pretty weird that you'd take issue with me or anyone saying she's a benefit to the area.  Something else in here that's grinding your nuts and reduced you to taking lousy potshots?  I get it, truth can hurt but the best way to avoid future pain and repercussions from your self-inflicted demise would be to stay in your hole.  

snafu929 18 Reviews 74 reads
51 / 83

That shows where their priority is=revenue.  I'm sure this will get blasted (if even allowed to be posted) but consider the mentality of a pimp faced with losing his stable (or part of) for 7-10 days until he/she can get them back into action vs ignoring it just to keep the revenue coming in.  Will they have greater concern for the industry or humanity in general or will the schedulers be told to ignore the iceberg and keep the johns coming?

I'd like to think that all SW are reputable operators that have a greater concern for public health as well as a comfortable nest egg to that would allow them to bench themselves until things cleared up.  I'd also like to think that Santa is actually real and the Vikes will win the SB this year...

IJMiggs 94 reads
52 / 83

I guess I will stay in my hole and wait until about the 20th of the month when her EBT card is depleted and drag a $50 bill thru the Walmart parking lot hoping to lure her.

cleavers 85 reads
53 / 83

I thought of this when this thread started but remembered I needed to put it up. You should remember the Safety Sam video if you're old like me. It's funny but look at the character... it's from the movie The Groove Tube

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 84 reads
54 / 83

Yes I do show proof. I always offer to show my results from that week and often times I am told "no that's okay, I trust you" and I respond with "really? Well you shouldn't cuz we just met and it's your health, I could be just a really good liar" and then I usually pull my most recent results out from that week anyways to show them.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 104 reads
55 / 83

$50 wouldn't even get you a handshake from me

Posted By: IJMiggs
Re: What does Elle have to do with making Brainerd a better place?  She operates a good 2+ hours awa
I guess I will stay in my hole and wait until about the 20th of the month when her EBT card is depleted and drag a $50 bill thru the Walmart parking lot hoping to lure her.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 171 reads
56 / 83
IJMiggs 90 reads
57 / 83

“Watch out for the black girl "stranded" on the side of the road with that "fuck my ass" look...she'll be a trap.”

IJMiggs 93 reads
58 / 83

I wouldn’t expect that from you.  I was quoting Snafu with that comment.  He advised using that $50 bill parking lot tip to others in a previous post.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 98 reads
59 / 83

if someone is on the pill?

Me no wanna be baby daddy.

cleavers 93 reads
60 / 83

I know of no way of knowing that, unlike in the old days when a friend had that situation happen. Back then, the borders weren't so tight; he worked for an international corporation and got transferred to a few different Caribbean islands.

IJMiggs 95 reads
61 / 83

You are a genuine true professional and Minnesota is very thankful to have a kindred spirit such as yourself!  I would love to meet you!

gopher3920 78 Reviews 118 reads
62 / 83

So if I’m reading correctly, Elle, you clearly prefer BBFS and suggest it with your clients.   My question is why?  Just feels better or is there some other reason?

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 99 reads
63 / 83

It's because I'm usually with men who are in their early 40's and up. It's frequently difficult for men and this age to be able to fully keep an erection, ESPECIALLY if they don't have Viagra or Cialis. If someone starts losing it then if gets in their head and that's all their thinking about and then they can't enjoy themselves. It just helps with the overall experience, and I want it to be a positive one.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 86 reads
64 / 83

That's really unfortunate that they responded that way

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 101 reads
65 / 83

You'll just have to trust that they are. Or ask to see proof through their MyChart or something

poor-little-rich-girl 85 reads
66 / 83

Admire you. All the best. :)

TwinCitiesGuy 19 Reviews 93 reads
67 / 83

Your more beautiful now than you were back in 2002 when I first met you ...


TwinCitiesGuy 19 Reviews 80 reads
68 / 83
Goldendays 85 reads
69 / 83

Who’s the 19yr old? Thanks!

GroinGravy 91 reads
70 / 83

How long can HIV stay undetected after infection?

Antibody tests can usually detect HIV 23 to 90 days after exposure. Most rapid tests and self-tests are antibody tests. A rapid antigen/antibody test done with blood from a finger stick can usually detect HIV 18 to 90 days after exposure.


I think some one is asleep at the wheel...


ElleTee See my TER Reviews 110 reads
71 / 83

Which is why I take Truvada for PrEP. In all honesty I think all providers should make it a priority to take this medication daily, and I also think it should be made more easily available and affordable for the public. There goes my liberal progressive self again! This last part of the post is a discussion for another time 😜

GroinGravy 87 reads
72 / 83

After exposure to the hepatitis C virus, it can take 8–11 weeks for an HCV antibody test to be positive. For most people who are infected, the anti-HCV blood test will become positive by 6 months after exposure.

IJMiggs 73 reads
73 / 83
GroinGravy 70 reads
74 / 83

Not me...just pointing out...a good friend of mine on the board, got it a couple of years ago from a provider.

I know Hep A and B can be cured while Hep C remains in you for life.  



ElleTee See my TER Reviews 81 reads
76 / 83

yes you can get it from sex. You can get it from microscopic tears in the vaginal walls caused during intercourse, saliva, or seamen. My doctor said that these methods of transmission are not very common but could happen.  

Hep C is one of my monthly blood draw tests.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 87 reads
78 / 83

yes you are correct, and you're more likely to contract it that way than through sexual intercourse

IJMiggs 82 reads
79 / 83
johnstern447 44 Reviews 85 reads
80 / 83

This topic is very interesting, but it's funny that people are still posting reviews about bbfs.  Someone posted a couple days ago about doing bbfs with a provider and even creampieing her... His words not mine. I honestly can't believe it made it through a review and that it's still up.

TwinCitiesGuy 19 Reviews 91 reads
82 / 83
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