
I have never understood....
jgoodman222 14 Reviews 860 reads

Why TER does not weight toward more recent reviews and/or require a weighting based upon number of reviews.   Why should a gal with 100's of good reviews be rated lower than a gal with 20?

they take the average of the rating numbers of looks and performance, add them together and divide by two.  that gives the overall rating number for each lady.  and then they are ranked in order based off that numb

Until a lady's last review is older than 90 days. Then "poof" she's taken off the list. Have no idea if she can get back on. From my viewpoint it's a goofy rule.

you are correct....I just realized that myself a few months ago.  I didn't know TER did that.    

But, when a new review is written, yes, the profile automatically appears back on the list.
yeah, it's a bit goofy....but they probably do that to promote the writing of reviews I guess, right?

There's other rules TER has too about the "list"....a provider isn't supposed to put where she stands in the ranking in any of her ads on TER.  Because non-VIP's can't see the actual rankings and who is where etc.    For example:  If you write "I am ranked #11 or #32 or whatever you are....they will remove it and maybe even remove your entire ad

If a provider retires but does not delist themself then they automatically get removed after 90 days rather than continuing to occupy a spot in the top 100.

Understand. On the other hand, now a provider who is still active, but simply does not have a current review (within 90 days) for whatever the reason, gets removed from the list. It doesn't necessarily mean she retired. So as a client, I may well miss out on seeing a lady who provides excellent service.  While the list obviously is not an "end all be all" for due diligence, it certainly can help, if not start, that process.

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 6:46:57 AM

also once you get 20 reviews you get on it. One of my favorites will be on it soon even though she could care less about it

How good was your girl?

10 - she opened the door you came in your pants
9 - she opened the door gave you a kiss you came in your pants
8 - opens door with a kiss strip down you came
7 - blah blah blah blah blows on your pecker you came
6 - blah blah blah blah blah hj you're done
5- ------------------------------hj cbj you're done
4------------------------------------bbbj you're
3- ------------------------------------cg you're done
2----------------------------------------mish you're done
1---------------------------------------------doggie you're done

11 -She shows up at your place of residence as your fantasy girl(meter maid/cable girl/whatever) says she really believes in customer service and wanted to make your day.  Turns your world upside down and fucks you sideways leaving you breathless and bewildered.  What your wife used to do!  Can we really attain what we want from the hobby?! LOL

Have a great weekend everyone!

do you always wear high heels in the shower or is that just a personal fetish? ;-)  I bet you have to keep a firm grip on something to keep from slipping huh!? :-P

Playcation....That is a new one, I have to do some digging, sounds like it might be fun!

ya know, I've never tried it with the water actually running....

but I sure will now...just see how it goes!  I've got the perfect walk-in shower here at my hotel in NYC....will just need a shower partner!  you know, to have something/someone to hang on to  ;)

-- Modified on 1/18/2015 8:55:01 PM

I ask about the heels in the shower and "some guy" in NYC gets the first crack! LOL Honestly, my feet are pretty sensitive to spike holes if you slip...let me know how it goes! :-)

They might get stuck in the drain!! Be careful!!

Posted by handytohave60, 1/19/2015 5:19:14 PM  
They might get stuck in the drain!! Be careful!

Why TER does not weight toward more recent reviews and/or require a weighting based upon number of reviews.   Why should a gal with 100's of good reviews be rated lower than a gal with 20?

And why should a gal with many, many reviews suddenly be removed from the list if her latest review is more than 90 days old?  Life changes.  Maybe a lady's circumstances, needs, or preferences mean a change in her business model. Lesser reviews, in my opinion, should not cause her to be suddenly delisted. The result could be a guy missing out on a still great lady depending upon the depth of his research beyond the Top 100 list. As I said earlier, to me it's a goofy rule.

Just because a profile is removed off the top 100 list for not having current reviews, the profile is still ON TER, (not actually delisted) and will show up when someone is doing an advanced search,etc

The provider has to ASK to have their profile completely delisted from TER

Understand. Being removed, though, from the Top 100 list just takes away another tool for initialing finding ladies. For those who travel, the Top 100 list provides a good, simple place to start the search. But then again I have been known to do things backwards sometime.  Thanks for taking the time to clarify. :)

She can just advertise instead of relying on a list to get jobs

Posted By: xxxray31
And why should a gal with many, many reviews suddenly be removed from the list if her latest review is more than 90 days old?  Life changes.  Maybe a lady's circumstances, needs, or preferences mean a change in her business model. Lesser reviews, in my opinion, should not cause her to be suddenly delisted. The result could be a guy missing out on a still great lady depending upon the depth of his research beyond the Top 100 list. As I said earlier, to me it's a goofy rule.

Someone can be a pretty good provider for a long time and pile up a lot of reviews but still not be as good as good as a relative newcomer who is simply great right from the beginning.

I don't think any such thing.

The number 2 rated provider right now is Olivia Belle out of LA with 23 reviews.  Nikki Avalon, a legend in Las Vegas does not even make the top 100 with 448 reviews.

I made the point that is a lot easier for a provider to get a 100 great reviews than 20.  It is a tough thing for a singer to perform a hit song 100's of times over and make it seem fresh and enthusiastic.  I cannot image a provider making intimate sessions seem fresh and enthusiastic is any easier.   There is something to be said for performance over a longer period of time.  Do you want Derek Jeter on your team or Joe Charboneau?  At 20 reviews, I'd be worried she was talking up her own performances so reviewers give extra credit for being a newbie.

In any event you missed the part of my comment about giving more weight to more recent reviews.  In golf, the average of your 10 lowest scores of the last 20 determine your handicap.  I think that this sort of structure would be useful so the list reflects the most recent performances

This is a terrible structure in gold and would also be here too!  I want ALL scores to count not only the best 10 of the last 20!

If they want to use 10 make it the last 10, if 20 make it the last 20, you can't take the 50% best scores and consider it an average!

Posted By: Uptonogood11
I don't think any such thing.  
 In golf, the average of your 10 lowest scores of the last 20 determine your handicap.  I think that this sort of structure would be useful so the list reflects the most recent performances.  

hobbyist that inflate ratings on any system?

Averages, the more of a sample you have the better the average!  Since you used the golf comparison I'll stick with it.  Numbers are never perfect because CHOICE always affects the averages.

If a golfer chooses to play courses that are always in their wheel house their average will be better than if the play nothing but tough courses.

This hobby is the same.  You have ladies that choose to ONLY see guys that review ladies with exceedingly high scores.  Then you have hobbyist for some crazy reason that will see a lady that has 9 rippoff alerts!

Then there is the chance of YMMV or in golf you have the weather and the day the grounds keepers mow the grass.

I do agree with you that averages get deluded over time in one manner or another and that a calculation based on the last X amount of time might be a better average of what a person may get today!  Of course that system may not be worth a crap either.  Lets say TER only posts the averages of the last 6 months worth of reviews.  If a lady has been around and only gets 1 review every 6 months and another lady is new and gets 20 reviews, the numbers will be askew as well.

Basically there is no perfect system when it involves human nature, time, memory and fantasy.

I will say this about the hobby and golf though...my best round of golf was with a lady I met right here on TER we played her course in St. Paul and she surprised me with a hole in one and a par 5 on the back 9!  I give extra credit to a lady that can plan out and prepare for a surprise like that!  No score card here on TER about that round!  You can't find ladies that provide surprises like that by reading the reviews or looking at averages, some times you just have to TOFTT!

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 9:17:30 AM

But surely more recent reviews a more indicative than ones from 3 years ago.  Perhaps, to be rated a gal has to have a minimum of 25 reviews and averages the lowest scores 25 scores among the last 50.  

Just throwing out ideas.

I wish the reviews I have from the first 6 months or so when I started were no longer there....as I didn't know WHAT the hell I was doing sometimes.   :)
Plus, and this is a biggie,  I  gained like 25 lbs during that time...eating out too much, thinking "no biggie, I'll just fuck it off" .......hahaha, no that did not work that way......so I lost the weight and started weight training... and my overall appearance improved dramatically as a result.  Plus I started to do really unexpected fun and unusual things with clients....that I was a bit too shy for when I first started.  

Oh well, it is what it is.  :)


-- Modified on 1/19/2015 3:06:19 PM


yeah, I didn't' think I would fool anybody with that.   SHY may not be the right word. maybe it was more of what I thought I could get away with doing, etc.

When I decided that I wanted the only thought on someones mind when they walked out of my place to be WOW, well, you know the rest of that story.


just "unsure" ......

once I got really confident....then everything changed :)

DickCurious812 reads

It may be an anomaly, but the #1 for All Cities has 142 reviews. She must be doing something right. Though with a rate of $400/hr, I doubt that I'll find out what it is.

I think it makes more sense simply to read through the more recent reviews to get a better idea of how she has performed lately.  That should be part of anyone's research.  The top 100 list is intended to be a simple concept but I think it has led to too many people focusing simply on the score and the ranking and not enough on the details.

Pimpernel835 reads

Of the top 10, they are

Female and Transsexual
Black and white
Late 20s to late 40s
220 for a provider who does not offer FS, 350-500 for an hour with those that do. (one has a 90 min min for 700)
20 to 238 reviews
Average scores 8.7-9.8

1  The blind can paint by numbers because the difference between apples and oranges don't matter.  
2.  chacun à son goû

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